Friday, June 24, 2011

Hong Kong Idaho

This is for that Obama hottie, Mark Lezbo Levin, the Obama Suck Head, who keeps making excuses for the Obama's in .........."Oh they never meant that when they said he is from Kenya", and the guy who loves tyranny so much he ignores Obama destroying Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, and let us not forget that Levin just pines away when benchers make lesbian we don't have to do that he says.

How many lesbians does it take to screw in a light bulb?

The whole damn pack as they keep sticking their tongues in the socket and electrocute themselves.

Why did the lesbian cross the road?

Who the hell knows why lesbians cross the road as they don't know why in the hell they cross sex.

Not that funny, but true.........and as long as Mr. Tyranny attacking the American rural poor doesn't like it..........we just keep on reminding him that the poor don't like his Obama excuse for a mouth either.

Now that the entertainment portion is done...........the Elton John segment of the Limbaugh wedding, we may now explain some things about the Obama 2011 terror attack using the Missouri River on GOP Plains States..........all for Mark Lesbian or Lesbian Levin if you prefer the former or the latter.

Levin being stuck on stupid in hating environmentalists decided the American Thinker had it right in the Army Corp of Engineers was flooding the people out on the Missouri River due to birds nesting below Garrison in North Dakota.

Just so Levin gets this through his Scarlet Letter head in his Obama adultery of excuses for cheating...........I send the Great One back to the Limbaugh Archives where old Rusty Limbaugh stated that Gorbachev told the world that communists were not going away, but the movement was embedding itself in THE GREEN MOVEMENT.

For those in Limbaugh circles like Lesbian Levin, that means the leftist environmental movement which was funded by the KGB for various attacks during the Reagan years, became the political conduit after the Soviet Union fell for communists.

So when Levin is ranting about environmentalists and the Missouri River deliberate SABOTAGE which was equal to the Gulf Gusher sabotage of 2010.........that Levin took 6 weeks from this blog to get that drilled into his skull full of Obama...........that the international Marxists for Obama are the ones who formulated this terror attack, and the willing nymphs PAID IN GRANTS and HIRED LEFTISTS FOR THE CORP, took those talking points just like GLOBAL WARMING and ran with them for this deliberate terror assault on America, just like the Gulf Gusher was a DESIGNED TERROR ATTACK.


Ok baby sister I know you get this, but Lesbian Levin has his tongue in the light socket so we have to take this slowly to explain.

When the European cartels with the Eurasian communists suckered bin Laden to attack America, what did they use?

Their own planes?

No mam, they used the resources in the west against Americans.

OK now all of these food poisoning attacks, are they using Muslim food or are they poisoning on location cereal grains, pepper and dog food?

Yeah you get the beet sprout here idea, in they use ON LOCATION GOODS TO ATTACK.

What did Obama use but American oil to shut down the American oil drilling.

Ok now baby sister, you are rolling on this, so don't wait for Lesbo Levin to catch up.

You read here of how those monsoon snow falls and rain falls were in someone is cloud seeding now were they not all last year in preparing for this terror attack USING AMERICAN WEATHER AGAINST AMERICANS to cripple those Reagan Blue States who punished Obama in the 2010 elections............

Fits a pattern now doesn't ?

Sure you betcha baby sister..........the always experts have been warning of EMT attacks and cyber attacks, but the real attacks murdering Americans have been right before our eyes in this preparation for invasion, in using poison food...........and yes American river systems against Americans, just as the al Qaeda protocols have always directed.

But baby sister you don't know the full of here goes...........

I know Lesbian Levin is back on that American Thinker page mouse playing, but sis we just do not have time for him to right click instead of always left clicking and making excuses for Obama.

My eyes on the ground are informing me of things happening in the Missouri which are unheard of. That river is a tsunami now in a river channel. That immense sand bar structure of that river which has existed forever is gone. It is like a hydrant was opened and all that sand is flushing into the reservoirs.
The Missouri historically was a giant ice dam river. That is how it flowed in the ice would dam, water would back up, flooding would take place and it would then melt and gush down river again.
This was a slow and perfect system design by God in it created habitat. What is being done now is an entire destruction of the river so the lakes will silt up AND THERE WILL NOT BE THE MARGIN FOR FLOOD CONTROL ANY LONGER.

What you do not know baby sis, is this. I have been listening to the chatter from the inside. I will not say how I know, but let us just say that as this blog was exclusive in Warren Buffett with Obama shut down the Can American pipelines for cheap oil delivery, so Buffett in his railroad would make a killing in transporting this is the deal.

Hyperion invested in a Gorilla Project on the Missouri River system for 1 billion dollars before Bush left office. This was for the Canadian oil sands project and pipelines which Obama shut down.
Gorilla was a massive oil refinery in South Dakota which I warned of a flood like this taking place would pollute America forever.

Gee by God's Grace who was right again baby sister as Mark Levin was stuck on lezbo?

The reason Gorilla was shut down, is Obama and the Oklahoma based oil barons went into economic concert. They started blasting lines into the Williston Basin oil shale or rock. While that sweet crude is not pumping like Gull Island's flows in eighteen to twenty one thousand pounds, it is interesting in those wells in the Williston Basin are flowing three to four thousand pounds.
I repeat that oil is pumping on it's own according to the on ground people.

Oil sands from Canada which was to make those oil barons rich, but it cost a fortune to produce, have been out marketed by Obama and Buffett.
In knowing that, I repeat that if Gorilla was online outside of Sioux Falls, South Dakota that we would not be just watching the nuclear plant outside Obama for polluting America, but I put this fact to you.

My eyes have been cataloguing the Warren Buffett rail cars going to Louisiana taking that Williston crude for refinement.
I had a three rail car trains sitting in one location as of this week, and another was sitting to arrive in North Dakota.
Stay with me on this sis.......

Sydney, Montana has a refinery............but my eyes were counting in each of these trains at least 50 tanker cars........and the traffic on Buffett is so heavy now that they are bringing back into service the old graffiti cars of the Burlington Northern and cars from the Milwaukee Road are showing up too.
I asked about size of those tankers and was told the estimate was fifty thousand gallons per car. That is over two and a half million gallons of crude oil on those tracks in one shipment and what was observed was then a million gallons in transport.

Do you get how much oil is being pumped up there now?

Now factor into this sis, what if as I had warned, that Gorilla flooded and those million gallons had made it into the Missouri River with a million gallons of refined poisons from sludge to jet fuel.
You tell me what that would do to aquifers from Yankton, South Dakota to New Orleans?

No water eh for millions of people.

I have not touched on the half of this what is being discussed in the planning stages for future "Natural Disaster" terror attacks on America to cripple these Reagan States to oblivion.

The only reason this did not happen this year, and it was focused instead on those damn ethanol farmers and ranchers Mark Lesbo hates so much is Obama Buffett decided to f*ck the Canadians over in oil sands, and the Oklahoma oil concerns signed on to drill baby drill in Montana and North Dakota, with the little Indian Reservations being exploited as this blog exclusively covered...........but not South Dakota.

South Dakota is being run as a fiefdom which is puzzling as these entities will not touch that state awash in oil. There are always things going on in this in who divides the land for their own and this flows into the next part of this as this blog warned from the start EXCLUSIVELY.

Geez Louise Mark Lezbo, quit playing with yourself and get your ass up here, as this nation is going to be invaded and you are still going to be stuck up Obama's ass yet.

You do recall I hope, that I said the Indian Reservations were in play, just like Obama and China are stealing the Libyan and Sudanese oil right?

Okie doke, here goes on this part.........

You know that the Chicoms are in this Obama North American Union sedition, in after 50 square miles of Idaho south of Boise as their Hong Kong slave labor city in America right?

50 square miles is 5 miles by 10 miles. Out west a township is 36 sections, meaning 6 by 6 miles. We are talking that Obama and Chicoms are after a township and a half of Idaho as Chinese sovereign territory on American soil which they will run as their fiefdom.
That is like 1/20th of most counties.........that is a hell of a big chunk of land like the Green Zone in Iraq, all Chicom secured.

This blog does not believe for a moment that this slave city will be built for Mexican slave labor. I do not come to the sum total that this will be Americans enslaved. Americans will FIRST BE BROUGHT IN AS A SHOW FOR PROPAGANDA, but what will take place is this will be invasion point USA for the PLA, People's Liberation Army in the Obama Marxists.

What will take place is this Mao City will be the capital of China West. From this central slave city, will be imported directly on more Buffett rail and direct flights from China, the majority of those male babies which the Chinese produced when they were slaughtering baby girls and opting for boys only.
Yes I know sis, the women in this country are fixated on the boys survived and the girls did not, but sis, you know I said here exclusively that the Peking girls either have to march those men out or those horny men will hang the elite...........which is bringing the Great Eurasian War?

Well sis, they read this blog as all the elite do, and they have been revamping their plans again in Obama wants those Mexicans voting to help him steal the election in 2012, but the future is a different asset, as I told you those Mexicans are all expendable..........just like the gays are all going to be final solutionized by the elites once the gays are the stepping stone to legal pedophilia.

Now stay with this sis, as the punchline in coming as Mao City is going to be home to that several million man army inside America. The cover for this will be the "protection" of Chinese assets which they have co invested or stolen from the American Indians sitting on a bonanza of resources to exploit for the cartels.

Sis why in hell ship things out of America, when you can set up your communist cities here on slave labor, protected by more slave troops, and with those resident slaves all voting for Obama don't have to have Catholic Mexicans, you got your Chicom voting block as resident aliens in America.

They get this pulled off, Putin is not going to have to send the Chicoms to invade Alaska to steal that oil when he makes his move on Europe's New Iron Curtain..........the NeoProgs will have already stationed Chicom bases here protecting their assets with a several million man army looking for women to rape.

Lesbian Levin might have had his legs crossed on this one, but the same protocols were unleashed on east Germany in which Russian communists raped all those women in 1945 onward creating a bastard class of Russianized Germans who were designed to forever change German bloodlines to make them "Russian" in being obediently stupid slave classes.
So all of you Obama voters better prepare, as it is not going to be Peggy Noonan and Ann Coulter riding their latex Barack doll, but the American females will all be producing little Chinese babies from national rape.

Oh I know the Truman and Stalin boys all called it 'survival' rape in those German women spread their legs for food as they were being starved, but ................wait a minute, Obama has been reducing American food stores to starvation levels, and now all this interesting massive weather flooding which looks to be engineered has the North Dakota Ag Secretary already talking about food rationing...........

You think this is far fetched there Lesbian Levin? I'm sure Obama didn't mean to do this, just like she didn't mean to say he was Kenyan, just like he didn't mean to turn the US military into Murder Inc., just like he didn't mean to murder bin Laden.........just like he didn't mean to murder Khadaffi's family............just like he didn't mean to sabotage the Gulf and shut down US oil production..........just like he didn't mean to loot trillions from the US economy for the cartels of Eurasia.................oh yes, I'm sure what is happening on the Great Plains being hidden under "environmentalism" in no way was deliberate...............
All those massive storms just happened naturally and the Garrison Dam just naturally closed it's outlets on it's own.

I have been informed that for the information being produced here that my life is not in the most secure of states. I have mentioned in this some of the things which have been assaulted upon this blog in trying to silence it, all Obama criminal acts, and as one person noted to me recently again, "Every time we talk about this on the phone, I start feeling like sh*t afterwards".

The facts though will be posted here until God decides not. You now though are getting the first complete picture of the invasion of these United States on a stealth scale as Obama is creating a tsunami field for the Chicoms and the cartels to plant their feet upon Americans graves.

Exclusively found only here.

We now return you to the Mark Lesbian no joke hour as we make excuses for our Obama in he really did not mean to say that or really mean to carry out these post 9 11 terror attacks in his secular Islamic jihad on Americans, aided by the Bolsheviks and Chicoms, at the behest of the central European cartel.

agtG 254

PS: One more thing to quote Gen. Patton for Mark Lezbo Levin...

What did you do Lesbian Levin during the invasion? Shovel shit in Louisiana?

Ah no General...........I made excuses for Obama and I promise I did not tell jokes about lesbians.