Friday, June 24, 2011


As this blog exclusively covered the mass murder of the Polish Government in April of 2010 by the Russian Bolsheviks in a staged air crash which was is just another coincidence that the Russian nuclear scientists working on the Iranian nuclear reactor all happened to be exterminated in an exact same crash.

One of the most high-profile Tupolev air disasters in recent times occurred in April 2010 when Polish President Lech Kaczynski’s official Tupolev Tu-154 plane crashed near Smolensk airport in western Russia, killing 96 people including Kaczynski, his wife and a large number of senior officials.

None of this is by accident, and as Barack Hussein Obama, handed over the eastern Europeans to Putin "for concessions", Obama is now by his benefactors busy blowing up planet Earth.

There are no coincidences in Obama incinerating the Middle East to turn it into a new Roman Empire run by communist satraps.

Obama sat on his hands, forbid the FBI from investigating the murder of the Polish Government as he acceded to coup after coup in the Ukraine and Poland to return them to the Iron Curtain.

Now in like manner, the same rather insane murder by plot and coup by intrigue is taking place quietly and fiery across the planet.
Castro is out in Cuba. Ahmadinejad by some miracle is now being attacked by his own communist Mullahs.....the entire Club Meddling of Obama in the Mideast to make it all communist hacks ruling for the central Europeans, and then this most interesting story of an exact same plane which murdered the Poles, is flying fog the exact same way, is crashed thee exact same way in a place short of the runway with thee exact same murderous results.

For the record, the European Air Show was starting and Vladamir Putin was scheduled to attend.

The bringing down of this airliner was a message to Putin in a slap across the face that he had been retaliated upon, that the nuclear arming of Iran has it's penalties in now it is not Persian scientists biting the lead, but Russian scientists biting the asphalt.

Only this blog stated the reality that the Polish jet had it's beacon warped so those pilots thought they were somewhere safe. Thee exact same scenario took place, and as the weather with the Poles did not match in the least a pattern for fog, once again the coincidence of fog was developed here as a message to Vladamir Putin that the world has changed, even if he is taking control of Russia again.

Personally, it is insanity by the Obama folks to attack Libya and create this terror monster in Khadaffi again, yet they have done it, and now are leaving him alive.

Vladamir Putin is someone who murders by Polonium 210 and by crashing airliners to take out the pro Western Polish Government.........all with the full support of Obama.
He is not a KGB oligarch to be slapped across the face and threatened "that he is Sarah Palin and Gabrielle Giffords was an example of what was coming".

In analysis, this blog completely believes that the central European cartel is creating rather lethal murderers who will react as they have proven in the past, to retaliate with murder.When this takes place with Khadaffi, a natural invasion will take place by the Europeans as NATO has been obliterated by Barack Obama as was his intention and his benefactors intention all along.

This then presents the end game scenario which the European cartel has designed. They will make fodder of the Slavs in the east where the Russian military in invasion will be damaged.
Retreating the central Europeans in their own invasion will expect the typical American response in being lured in as in World War I and II to do the dirty work.
With a Chicom invasion of Alaska, this will neutralize American forces in this scenario and the ones left in power, will be the central Europeans again.

It is logical that Putin is going to assert himself in the Middle East in taking some property there to retaliate on this plane message to him.

The fog of war meets the fog of who engineered these scientists to all be on that plane, as this was as much an inside Russian operation as being conducted outside Russia.
Do not forget the same interests purchased in Egypt, Syria, Libya, Tunisia and Yemen with American bail out trillions, purchase the same operations inside Russia. This is not a black and white issue with the cartel initiating these things.

It is a most interesting Age of Obama. Nations offered up. Medvedev on Japanese Islands. China launching ICBM's off California, Polish Government's wiped out and just another coincidence of a plane, a fog, a crash site.
Tis the age of Obama miracles........and without satire, this blog warned when Putin used Polonium 210 it was the start of nuclear World War IV. If you have not noticed, the major players are the one's now doing the is not proxy Islam any longer.

agtG 260

To Putin with luv


In her being the tempest boils
In her bosom the lust for spoils
She writhes in pleasure
She writhes in pain
Sin the measure
Iniquity's disdain
There she boils
There she bubbles
Lecherous luxuria
Deadly desire
Comely concupiscence
Fans the fire
Fiery breath of fervent flame
Sultry breathe of sensuous same
There the tempest of retaliation
There the spoil of Armageddon
Writhe the passions
Deep within
Writhe the pleasures
Deadly sin
In her bosom the lust there boils
In her being the tempest spoils

from my favorite poet