Thursday, June 30, 2011

Jerome Corsi Knows Of Sugarland


I do not know the extent of the knowledge of Jerome Corsi and Joseph Farah as they have been playing this close to the vest since their first revelations, but when Mr. Corsi mentioned Bill Lederer's bar in Hawaii, I knew he had been pulling on the tapestry of Stanley Ann Dunham's revenge and if chooses he will make this fray to the DC Pinks, the Peking Girls and the Kremlin Reds, as he has been keeping very dangerous company when the Kennedy clan decided to fillet off Joseph Farah from Lawrence Sinclair............and Jerome Corsi is about to find out that his Swift Boat of that political officer is more tied into Lederer's bar than he ever surmised.

The fact is that if Jerome Corsi has made it this far, he knows enough of Sugarland, and if he has been talking about this to Joseph Farah, then everyone knows who are watching this from Benjamin Netanyahu to the Chicoms..........and there are some of the old ghosts chuckling over this in knowing if Corsi pulls it is going to be J. Edgar's, Dick Nixons and Joe McCarthy's revenge.

It is therefore time to take a step in this in Lederer's bar which was frequented by another Lederer, named William Lederer, a naval political officer, who with Eugene Burdick, a Berkley boy, wrote The Ugly American.

I actually was almost stunned and then smiled when Mr. Corsi mentioned Lederer's bar, as if you know what was taking place there, you knew what this was all about in Hawaii Five O was Hawaii Fifth Column in the annexing of a pineapple plantation run by the industrialists and transforming it into Sugarland to infiltrate America.
This blog has exclusively covered this and will only in synopsis state that Frank Marshall Davis went to Hawaii to be part of the sedition of Hawaii to make it an open registration state for importing the fifth column from Eurasia.

What is important to understand in this, is Hawaii was a trade and it all comes from William Lederer in The Ugly American, which followed Graham Greene's The Quiet American which was the focus of an American intelligence officer in Indochina, namely, Maj. Gen. Edward Lansdale.

Greene was G-2, MI6 or Reilly's Spies to quote PBS, in he was British Secret Service and novelist. The same Rothschild officers who overthrew the Christian Czars for rapine of the Slavs, the same leftists who overthrew the Shah of Iran with Zbigniew Brzezinski, the same comrade Mao and Ho ilk who transformed Asia under Truman, and the same cartel which traded Vietnam for Hawaii, and got both in the deal.

It might shock you a bit that Lederer was the father of Vietnamese communism which slaughtered tens of thousands of American innocents.

How can this be?

Lederer in 1940 was hunkered in a bunker with a Jesuit globalist named Padre Pierre Cogny.........yeah sound French now doesn't it......same French who thought up Baathism which is Islamocommunism thought up Vietnamese communism for the Indochinese.
Lederer noted a Nguyen was with the Padre, and the Padre asked for a copy of the Declaration of Independence which Lederer provided.
This charlie was none other than Ho Chi Mihn.........yes baby sister the head commie in Indochina and he used the Declaration's first words to throw out the French Republic and install the communists who slaughtered Americans and innocent South Vietnamese.

Hey though, we got Angela Melinin in Playboy, so it all evened out eh?

Now that you are seeing a bit more clearly in this, you can understand the hatred these comrades had for Gen. Lansdale.
Greene, the little comrade, was meeting with the Frogs in Nam at a bar, and when Landsdale finished his meeting, Greene being the prick he was, slurred Lansdale to the Frogs who promptly booed him.
Nice eh? Trying to save France's ass and the lives of an entire continent and Greene is doing psyops on the Yank.

It was Gen. Lansdale who guided former Emperor Ngo Dinh Diem to the Presidency while Lederer's bungling put Ho in charge of the North.
Of course, Kennedy murdered Diem and Kissinger for the globalists handed over the South to be buthered after this same eight legged fowl named Mockingbird had destroyed Richard Nixon.

Birds of a feather flock together whether it is Mockingbird, or whether it is communists and that is what Lederers bar was. The place of unspoken transactions from Uncle Frank as Obama admitted to the red light whore bar where the communists all watered and plotted.

It is no accident that the Berkley bound fellow travelers from Kansas who ended up in Washington and then Hawaii, to be pictured on a dock with Obama sr. and Stan Dunham all grinning like baboons from the Kremlin.

I will explain Sugarland in the next days in Stanley Ann Dunham's honey pot, as what you just read needs to soak into your thought process, so you will be ready for things which will bring down the Obama regime and further up as I warned Uncle David in 2008 if they installed Obama as this all comes back to source.

This is no longer a matter of Stanley Ann Dunham's revenge. The operational status which connects all of this weave together has been hinted at by Jerome Corsi. If he pulls this, Richard Nixon is going to be exonerated, J. Edgar Hoover is going to be cleared and Joseph McCarthy will be the national hero of America.

It might be too big for Americans to digest and they will just pass it by. It means though revolution and that is why Obama is sending out his black mob to scare the establishment in Mockingbird with talons.

There will be end game decisions enacted soon. The protocols and operation must be protected and when they are still smearing Gen. George Custer to cover up the genesis of these crimes........this is planet sized compared to what George Custer stepped into.

agtG 335YY 1 prevalent

Maj. Gen. Edward Lansdale

William Lederer

Eugene Burdick

Graham Greene

Jerome Corsi