Alright baby sister, you remember how this all started out in the Twatzikas, you know the Janet Napolitano and Ann Coulter Obamites, who then became a growing chorus of the Obama TWATS of Tucson as B. Hussein rolled into Arizona to build his 2012 campaign on the scrambled brains of Gabrielle Giffords by parading around all these Indian chics in shaman prayers and Obama TWAT signs.
Well the nasty crusty undies of this has been outed in Rush Limbaugh continuously is in catharsis now of screaming at hisself all weekend, as he revealed, for his mistake and his constant confession that the Republican women he meets all hate Sarah Palin viscerly.
Now who might these skirts be as I constantly meet Repbublican, Democrat and Independent Ladies who would die at the Alamo with Sarah Palin, they have such Patriotic Passion for the Governor..........odd isn't it that I meet happy American Ladies and Limbaugh only meets hateful shrews.
This seems to be a recent phenomena by Rusty Limbaugh as he speaks about it always......but now never speaks about his wife after this blog exposed his pattern of berating her on air and saying he was treated like a piece of furniture............
Baby sister, I can see how your mind is working there............you don't think do you that the daddy's girl of sugar dad Limbaugh is the Republican skirt who hates Sarah Palin now do you?
It wouldn't be baby sister that..............well the blondeberry who just loved Jesus basher Elton John so much that she had sug dad Limbaugh shill out a million dollars so Sean Hannity could have his own gulf gusher over Sir Elton.....that it is her nattering nellies, her Obama voting TWATS, her Ann Coulter Birther Basher TWATZIKAS who are now the entourage which sug goes home to and hears non stop, "I don't know how you can promote Sarah Palin when Katherine hates her and you know she has the key to your viagra suitcase!"
These are the Limbaugh TWATs, The Women Against Truth, and they are being enabled by Limbaugh and those limp dicks he golfs with when they should be told the simple facts of life in, "You are a dumb bitch blondeberry who like Hillary Clinton wouldn't have amounted to a drip stain if not for Bill. I paid like all these c*nt boys you lead around by your pussies for your validated experiences in life, so you can sit around mouthing off about a real American Lady who actually didn't sit on her good looks and built with her husband a legacy you shrews couldn't if you lived a thousand years and had Maggie Thatcher as your Mum".
Geez louise to listen to that pussy whipped Limbaugh just recite how these worthless, low self esteem Obama voters hiding in the GOP and their man's bank accounts bitch at him and little Rush just grins like he has his finger up his arse, just so he doesn't get cut off from this week's kitty, is.............well it just makes you appreciate Arnold Schwartzenegger being the cock of the walk he is in banging the help and knocking up the old lady at the same time..........at least there is some testosterone and not menopause in that scenario.
What is it, when John Edwards has more male courage than Anthony porn boy Wiener and Rush puffy lips Limbaugh? Limbaugh jacks off on air to Sarah Palin in promoting her, but the minute the mic is off so his benefactors can not hear him, he is off nodding with the skirts about Sarah Palin.
Put it this way, when Rush Limbaugh sticks his wet finger to the wind, it ain't been in his mouth and it stink finger fishy smelling.
There is a hell of a problem with these Limbaugh TWATs. They sat on their asses for a generation as Ronald Reagan created all of their futures, and when they got to the top, these skanks wanted only to be the only pretty one there..............as daddy bought the office and they are so unaccomplished they can't compete with Sarah Palin, so they got to hold off on the pussy to blackmail their husbands to not support Sarah Palin too.
I have news for you Limbaugh Castrati led by the plagiarist. You get your balls back this instant and tell those shrews which blanking end is up, as these bitches are going to be off banging the skin toned help once they figure out they rolled you, and in a few years you are going to be paying for some help srewing what was your wife.
Either tell these skirts they are voting for Palin as they f*cked this up royal in voting for Obama in 2012 or get yourself a good divorce lawyer and send these shrews on a one way trip to a Mexican whorehouse as they are going to bleed you dry...........and mister I can tell you there are a whole bevy of American Ladies out there, who are secure, who are thinking just like you and who are Sarah Palin supporters who will make you feel like a man, give you real babies who will accomplish something and who will have your back like Nancy Reagan every step of the way.
I have had it with these Obama whores pumping viagra into their Republican husbands and then painting the fruit of Augustus Caesar with poison all so they can...................Theresa Heinz make it all into John Kerry Marxist fortune.
Sarah Palin is going to win this by God's Grace. There is a permanent memory here, and all of these puffy lipped prostitutes of the cartels are going to be remembered, and for their not supporting the Democratic operatives putting it all on the line to coupvalution Obama along with the entire Tea Party revolution...........they are going to find what Justice is about in their Obamatron ways.
Baby sister I'm growing restless in this just polishing the spurs and oiling the leather. My horse is pawing at the sod, dawn is coming and I'm ready for boots and saddles to kick ass from the top to the bottom.
I remind you of that line from Henry V as I quote that often about Sarah Palin..........
"You hide the crown in your hearts and he will rake for it there".
Prosecutors are going to be busy in cleaning this mess up, because as the Democrat operatives know............they are dealing with cut throat enemies in the regime and they are going to have to be dealt with and buried judicially.
So you Limbaugh TWAT's who think sugar dad is going to be your cover from your little hatefest now? Darlin' you are going to find out what tramping around with 3rd worlder Obama is all about, because Justice is coming and it is wearing a Palin badge.
You pushed this you bitch, now it comes to shove and you ain't ever fought a Western gal before as this ain't going to be no cat fight........this is for keeps.
Oh and by the way sugar and spice, check your skirt as I know what is under there in all that stench you think is so alluring in menstrual stink, yeast infection froth and constant drain.......you think you are daddy's princess, but I'm gonna lift that skirt and expose your mephitis of your mother earth.
You better make nice now, as boots and saddles are coming.
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