Monday, June 20, 2011

Louis Farrakhan's Let Down

"We voted for our brother Barack, a beautiful human being with a sweet heart, and now he's an assassin. They turned him into them." Louis Farrakhan

As black folks are always right about black folks, I was wondering who "they" was that turned sweet heart Obama into an assassin?

Perhaps Louis Farrakhan could assist by answering some questions in when Mr. Obama was transformed from sweet heart to black heart?

Ok we know Obama murdered Osama, so that is 2011..........definite change.

Ok we know that Obama was out wholesale murdering Muslims with Predators....the only thing he did more than golfing in 2010.........definite change.

Ok we know in 2009, thee very first thing Obama did was unleash murderous rampage on Muslims his first days in office...........definite change..........

Still pondering when this change from sweet heart took place as it must have been before Obama trampled on Dr. King's holiday.

Ok I know Donald Young, the gay sex partner of Obama was murdered in 2008 around this is Obama elect not doing a thing to find the murderer, who might have been silencing Mr. Young over Obama dead black guys don't count, so Obama was changed before this by "they".

Ok I know Obama in the election had those New Black Panther folks beating up voters..........ok definite change.

Ok I know Obama had his lipstick on a pig and his roughing up Hillary Clinton definite change there in the summer of 2008.

Ok I know that Obama, the sweet heart, was in that debate with Hillary talking about nuking Pakistani muslims..........threatened assassination in mass murder........definite change there before he even got the nomination.

I'm wonder there Mr. Farrakhan when "they" got to Obama as you will recall he parked white folks out in front of your mansion knowing your people would go out and try to run them off........and black Mooselums would get the blame, but Obama would use that intimidation or his political career.........

So this is difficult in the Obama change by "they" to become an Louis, the change was before you even voted for Mr. Obama the primary and the general election.

You might recall the first policy measure Obama undertook was the aborting of millions of African babies on the Continent as his policy which black religious leaders were furious about.........I don't know if it was you Louis, but some Christians were warning what a blood on his hands Obama America had on it's hands.

Mr. Obama, Mr. Farrakahn has not changed now for 25 years as he was blaming Ronald Reagan for winning the Cold War and was advocating disarming America and giving the communists the superior weapons age back in Columbia University.......which Obama accomplished in his first tenure.

It honestly looks by the evidence that Mr. Obama has been an international assassin for most of this existence, Mr. Farrakahn. He just now has the white folks doing the murdering for him and the black folks roughing up the communities.

I really would like to know who "they" is though, as "they" have been at this a very long time in creating their Chicago made man, Barack Hussein Obama II, as the mass murderer he is on spree around the world.

Do you think Mr. Farrakahn that maybe like golf that Muslims and US Soldiers are like mulligans in they don't count when Obama is off murdering all of them?

Maybe there is a Mulligan Muslim clause in the Koran to give this license to Mr. Obama as he certainly prays on the golf green constantly attending while preying on the world.

As the Wild Bunch said, "Who the hell is they!"
