Monday, June 20, 2011

Sarah Palin would

I know that not one of the Limbaugh Leaners or Obama Mansexuals would know what the following conversations are about, but I would be a double eagle that Sarah Palin would figure it out before they ever would.

The reason I post this for those pompous bastards is to expose them for the ignoranmouses they are as there are 1000 conversations in America daily which these Palin haters and saboteurs would have Americans calling them dumb asses for not knowing what the hell they were talking about.

Conversation 1:

Good looking.

Thank you.

They running 7?

Long 7. It's been hot so they look short.

Shoot them?

Banged them 7 way and the rest.

Knife or band?


I remember when they used to go 4.

Yes and green four at that, but that mix they got now goes better.

Baldie helps.

Baldie is the start, but put a good frenchman on them and they put it on fast.

Convesation 2:

You got enough steel there to string to the border.

Need allot of steel when pinching.

Running Victor?

Not a whole lot. Switched to mostly Sterlings if they don't walk off.

Get allot of that?

Some, but most of if they try those crosses break their backs before the chains.

Four coiling?

I just never got into them as the old boys never had them and I still just like the long springs and the offsets, even if I keep laying Sterlings.

Putting in flats?

Mostly flats, some posts, few blinds and been trying step downs.

How they treating you?

Some surprises in those step downs for those educated ones.

Get allot of the PHD's?

Not allot any more. Never see peg legs much. Most of it is just some educator messing things up and then calling in me to sort things out.

Conversation 3:

That was you I saw. Thought I recognized your purse.

Kind of hard to miss on that flat wasn't it?

It was rolling pretty good.

Always does.

You been down here long?

About a week. We were up on Norton starting out but ran into allot of sable.

How is Copper treating you.

Better, but got so many 20 footers here it almost makes you nostalgic for the catchers making a heavy haul you could dart around.

Harder with the gills isn't it?

Work out farther than the gills with a purse, but those big bastards out of Russia are using vaccums and not even drifting it any more.

You got twins?

Have to have to twins with the rollers in case something happens.

As I stated, a thousand conversations about peins, rips, single trees and butter fat and you intelligent folks wouldn't have a clue, but Sarah Palin would figure it out.

Oh and Krauthammer and Maddow, I bet you needed to look at the picture didn't you.
