Serious about the Truth, as Jerome Corsi has drawn blood from the scrotum of Obama in his outing who has been sabotaging Orly Taitz and other Americans searching for the Truth about Obama's British past, present and future.
In Africa, ticks attach themselves to cape buffalo nut sacks and engorge themselves. As African Britisher Obama is of that genus of originations, it is fitting that these ticks he has crawling on his balls sucking blood from the body politic and spreading the disease of political rapine, that as Mr. Corsi picks them off in a masterful operation...........that a new front should be demanded to be opened by that GOP fraud, Gov. Rick Perry of Texas.
Perry keeps floating about to join the GOP primary race by that Karl puffy lips Rove class of political saboteurs. Perry talks a good line like Ron Paul, until you start listening to him, and then the socialist comes out.
So this blog challenges loud mouth Rick Perry to assist Jerome Corsi, World Net Daily, Birthers and all Americans in the fraud birth abstract which Mr. Obama released to the public.
It is fact that forensic experts have all outed this document as a forgery, and a bad one at that. Mr. Obama releasing this as legitimate if a felony as he knowingly distributed a forgery.
The FBI has had a criminal complaint filed on this, but it appears that Director Robert Mueller is pulling a J. Edgar in leveraging Obama to keep that job as Director if he keeps all the agents from arresting Obama and his regime.
This is where Rick Perry comes in........if he really wants to come into America and be an American, and not just blowing mesquite smoke up our asses.
Perry is in a state which is a Republic, called Texas. Texas has a worldwide known law enforcement group called the Texas Rangers.
Mr. Obama has perpetrated a fraud on America in 2008 in being undocumented, and now in 2011 with this forged document. What Gov. Rick Perry should do if he is a real American for the Reagan Right is direct the Texas Rangers to obtain all of Jerome Corsi's data along with the forensic data, and then..........wait for it children, SEND THIS EVIDENCE OF OBAMA CRIMES TO THE FBI AND MAKE FORMAL REQUEST FROM TEXAS FOR IT'S ANALYSIS for a criminal investigation by the Rangers.
That is what the FBI does for state police, and by Gov. Perry and the Rangers formily making this request, which the FBI labs must comply with, forces the FBI to analyze this data........and do it thoroughly, because if the FBI messes this up, it ruins their standing and if it is deliberate, it makes them part of the criminal conspiracy of the Obama regime.
It really does not matter if it is the Reaganite Governor or Puerto Rico or someone like John Kasich in Ohio. It simply must be done and as Gov. Perry keeps floating about as a Conservative of the Tea Party movement, here is his opportunity to prove he is not mouth on the outside and cuddling up with Obama border busters on the inside.
Any police force, whether it is county, city or state, can take the Obama abstract and submit it to the FBI for testing. It would just have more headline grab if Rick Perry had the Texas Rangers do this..........or if the Rangers would take this under their own initiative, and inform Mr. Obama that he is under criminal investigation and if he sets foot in Texas again, he will be apprehended by the Republic.
Well Governor, you going to skin that hog or just stand there and stroke it?