Friday, June 24, 2011

The Marauder Has Come

There has come a time and it will manifest to the end time, that as the definition of American goodness is President Washington and the definition of American prosperity is President Reagan, that the antithesis of this will be not the anti American Barack Hussein Obama, but the non American Barack Hussein Obama, usurper, fraud and conspirator of the international communist order.

Barack Hussein Obama has replaced thee worst American President in history with the title of thee most dastardly occupant of the Oval Office.

There will be no more leftist smearing of President Herbert Hoover for the Great Depression which was staged against America, but the deliberately enhanced Super Depression which Obama dictates strangled a recovering American economy with.

There will be no more smearing of President Richard Nixon in his stating he was not a crook in that staged coup by the globalist against an American President, but there will be echoed in the abyss of all that is criminal that the felonious Barack Hussein Obama is a crook.

America is not at a crossroads for Obama has ended the road for America at a place called oblivion. America is at a demarcation, a place of the bright side of the moon Palin and the dark side of the moon Obama.

All of this deliberate piracy, rapine and thievery by this sabateur Barack Hussein Obama against God's America and the Western peoples is literally the greatest robbery by any one despot in combined world history.
Nebuchadnezzar, Xerxes, Alexander, Caesar, Genghis Khan, Adolf Hitler, all combined with their most wormy forgotten nation rapists from Warren Buffett to George Soros do not compare to the multi trillion dollar looting across this globe of Barack Hussein Obama.

Eastern Europe enslaved, Africa turned into Empire, Chicom hording of resources and the wiping of the production class from South America, all in return for narco communist rule are this multi trillion dollar mafia which is the tentacles of the Obama regime in making thee worst thugocracy preying like a cancerfied cholera wiping life from this planet, in Obama stealing from those who earned and worked and bestowing upon his crony class.

This is the coming Obama legacy, and for the stupid, the advice is run away and if you are like Lot, at least be dragged away from Sodom so the sulphiric stench does not forever brand you with an odor of deliberate destruction which is Barack Hussein Obama.




That is the reality of definition of this thing which is Barack Hussein Obama. A predator in title and a vulture in practice, to a reality of a maggot which infests the living flesh and whose excrement of being creates a putrified flesh of the living world, for this Obama organism to continue to feed in gluttony on the suffering host.

You gave us Jimmy Carter the worst President in United States history. Nay I say, the gates of hell have born to us Barack Hussein Obama, the most dastardly despot in thee entire world history.

Obama the by word of all that is not good, precious and life giving.

The marauder has come.
