Thursday, June 16, 2011

A matter of record

I wonder if Jerome Corsi in all his investigative work into the exposing of the criminal stalkers in their part in forging numerous fake birth certificates for B. Hussein Obama realized a salient point which is what I warned David Rockefeller of in all this Obama trash will track right back into their cartel, exposing them all.

The culprits, who are by psychological profile weak males who attached themselves to Obama for "manhood" validation as they feel powerless in life as exposed by their boisterous foul language which exposes great fear, in Kurt Coleman as the dominating sub to Bill Bryan's submissive Dom, have related a most criminal account in which now Barack Hussein Obama is libel.

The postings Jerome Corsi has catalogued from these two Obama operatives are interesting in they are pictured in stalking Lawrence Sinclair as these two supporters receive sexual gratification in being James Bond 007 in spying on people, creating forgeries and as Mr. Corsi posted evidence in a taunt directed at Orly Taitz, that they were sitting in court winking at the presiding Judge.
This is a most serious criminal act as the Judge if he was meeting, discussing, and receiving information out of court and carrying on this way in court would be impeached and face conspiracy charges.

Where Mr. Obama's crimes come into the vanishing point in this is one knows if they have a birth certificate or not, and where it is, no matter if you are British "expired" as Obama admits.

Into this, Obama's attorneys represented Mr. Obama in these court cases and would know as Mr. Obama what a real birth certificate would be for him. It is not a matter alone of a political operative creating forgeries for your court case, but it is a matter that Mr. Obama did not as an officer of the court and a Constitutional oath taker, did not come forward and explain he knew very well this Kenyan forgery was a criminal document, but Mr. Obama and his attorney chose to instead use this document to discredit Attorney Orly Taitz.

See that is the Watergate conspiracy of it was not Richard Nixon knowing G. Gordon Liddy broke into the hotel which was a coup set up by the Marxist cartels, but it was Nixon knowing about it and covering it up.
Barack Obama knew this was a forgery as he knows what is and is not real, and yet, he chose to cover up the forgery and use it as a judicial weapon, with an apparent judge who was winking in conspiracy with the forgers, all to benefit Mr. Obama and to destroy these attorneys bringing these cases to court.

It was posted here that these folks doing this would lead this all back to Barack Hussein Obama and baby sister, this is now cemented in place to Obama and his attorneys in being part of a criminal conspiracy.

These folks have painted Obama into their crimes while he was covering up his own crimes, and it is this recorded trail now leading directly back to Mr. Obama which indicts him as a criminal.

This was low self esteem, black, male political folly which has sunk Barack Obama, a low self esteem, male political folly.

That smug face Obama had when he released this latest forged birth abstract is absolute proof in his wink and nod that all would not be satisfied, that Mr. Obama knew these original forgeries were part of a conspiracy hatched by him, and he knew with that smiley face drawn on the birth abstract, that this was one more plank in this conspiracy maze to buy him political time.

At the start of this, I said these crooks should come clean, as the time would come that Mr. Obama would toss them overboard to save hisself. When the criminal conspiracy dawns on those driving this, Mr. Obama will be the thug done in by his own thugs..........the thugs though better watch out, as they can see how Obama deals with people he uses and kicks off the bus in Col. Khadaffi.

The sidekicks are going to kick Obama's political bucket.

Mr. Obama is now a co conspirator in this, as he let it slide, let it be used and let it all be covered up.

This is Obama's Watergate.

agtG 252Y

PS: Attorney Mark Levin, the always expert, are you still practicing legal analysis or are you just practicing Orin's Hatch?
Miki Malkin's czars like your issues are the loser tactic. This is the meat. Kosher it up boy and stick in the fork as this Obama is done.