America is about responsible freedom and not irresponsible license.
The founding principles bestowed by God upon the children of America were life as built upon moral forms, liberty as constructed upon treating those as you would will to be treated and the pursuit of happiness in loving your responsible neighbor.
One does not love a child by indulging them. One loves a child by disciplining them. Discipline is not beating a child to death, but disciple is making them a disciple of their own responsibility, sometimes by spanking and sometimes by firm words, but always about the governance of oneself to not harm themselves, others, nor society, for the one virtue which always must be protected is the society of America, for without it, anarchy, rebellion, disunion, conquerment and death follow.
These are the five horses of the pull of national destruction.
If one governs oneself in not stealing life, liberty and the pursuit of dreams from yourself and from others, one has peace within oneself, which spreads to the family, which embraces the community and which engulfs the nation.
This process creates security and strength, for no nation was ever attacked from any foe for being secure and strong within itself.
Thee enchantments of the world offer an allure which entices the body and mind with a deception which brings ruin. Sex without marriage produces poverty and impoverished children, listless adults who have derived from pleasure all it's measure and it measures to them nothing more.
Money is the same gain which greedily devours the person as attractive looks do, in they trust in coin which comforts little and robs the soul of the relationship with someone you do trust.
Power is a nocturne aphrodisiac. It flails away in the night dream, but when morning arises, only mourning is left for it corrupts absolutely in deceiving a human into thinking they are a god who has rights to decide, instead of deciding to follow God's Law.
It is not a measure of good versus evil in this life. It is not a balance of evil versus good. There is only good in this life, and that which violates the good is evil.
Goodness is simple to explain. Good is that responsibility which governs oneself and has caring for those who around you who are dedicated to the moral good.
If one has to ask if something is moral, then one has already crossed the line into the immoral.
I do not conceive America was born as a nation of responsible liberty, but is an inheritor of goodness from God's moral Promise. She is the Promised Land. A people plucked from numerous distant shores and planted here by the waters in a garden to claim which she has always had a claim to by Divine Word.
She is a virgin daughter who has played the whore. She has retreated from a prophetic past and future to a present which is sin. Sin is simple rebellion, and rebellion is simplicity in not fearing God.
To fear God is not to be in terror of God, but to fear God is to hate evil with every essence of your being, for evil is the destruction of the American, from it's first handcuffs of apprehension to the demonic prison of which there is no escape from that self indulgent fortress.
I do not speak of that which is not recorded the world over in God's Wisdom in the secrets of a harmonious life where one grows through the suffering of life in learning from mistakes, instead of mistaking the suffering as life.
There is no tomorrow though for a people who have squandered already today. Life is precious as the Law is life for they are wed in responsible liberty to this generation united to a past generation and in fidelity a future generation in God's Grace.
There really is a magic formula, a secret treasure at the end of the rainbow, a lottery which wins every time, every day, in every life. It is blessing for blessing is the empowerment of a person by uniting with a God given understanding that the mob does not rule in democracy, but the Republic governs itself in a nation of Laws to punish those who break those laws severely and swiftly by their honest peers and of Grace to award to those who behave the unearned gift of being joined to the American family under God's care.
We are not a people. We are the people of these United States. We are a Biblical order planted, recreated and sustained by God's own hand. Our Angels are among us for His glory and for our service to His will. There is no doubt in this, for God is of the people, by the people and for the people as this self governance is by, of and for the people in perpetual order.
I cast not the bread of these words upon many waters, but cast them upon the waters of these people, so each kernel of them will know that within them is the staff of life. Within these waters which drown some and the mud which mires others. there sprouts the wheat of hope for the harvest of destiny to bring upon this people it's fruits returned to our sowing after many days.
Know, understand and realize you are the bread of the American people. The yeast which you have been raised is that of responsibility in a warmed oven for which you to rise to greatness for God ordaining you to more than the rest of this world, for when you are baked, your fiber of the bread of responsible liberty will feed the hungry of this world for the Way to God which He has kneaded in the American Dream as far back as Jacob's Ladder, in this stairway to heaven, which is thee American People as children of that astute God, Who made this people responsible to themselves in liberty, life and happiness.
So help us God. Amen