Please people, let us understand Anthony Wiener's medical condition complicated by his wife being pregnant. Mr. Wiener can not be held accountable for being a sexual deviant, sexual predator and being like Hugh Hefner on a Rush Limbaugh 29 Viagra pill load of horniness.
Do not blame Democrat Wiener, but like the left, blame others in starting with his wife being prego and not putting out and Mr. Wiener being too sexy for his body.
Al Gore can attack masseuses. Bill Clinton can rape women. Barbara Walters can grow spread eagle for Jewish Defense Ministers in exchange for an interview. We just can not hold Mr. Wiener responsible or hold him to any standards.
We need to stop this right now and call upon Barack Obama to pardon Mr. Wiener for anything he did and any pedophilia he might swing into. Let us all urge Mr. Obama to appoint Mr. Wiener as Czar of the Miss Teen USA dorm room bed checker with peep holes. That way like the ABC anchor's wife who said on Huffington Post that peepers just need to be handed out Playboy and Penthouse to enable them, that Lee Woodruff has solved all of this, and Anthony Wiener can indulge in all the things Catholic Priests are in prison for.
*a note to the DailyKos, Bill Maher and Rachel Maddow ilk, that is satire, so do not get lathered up over it, even if NeoProgs are writing the policy up for the next Obama speech in "Don't Ask. Don't Tell on Anthony's Wiener".
FOR THE RECORD, this blog published a series of Barack Obama lewd photos, of his having his hand in his pants and his appearing to pose with his manhood in deliberate public displays of exhibitionism DIRECTLY linked to his releasing that manboobs photo of his sexiness in Hawaii.
Barack Obama directed a "porn policy" in which he starred with the Open Shirt interview with Charlie Gibson directed at gays and the infamous "When in Rome looking at an underage girls behind".
I know the footage when rolled points to a different interpretation, but what was on Obama's mind WAS what that photo revealed in lusting after a young underage girl.
There has been the odd behavior of Obama dating his eldest daughter after that same Roman holiday where she was sexed up by the Obama's in the company of a very mature black male.
This nation is looking at Anthony Wiener. Even more scrutiny must be directed at the pervert Barack Obama and that begins with the demand for looking at all of Mr. Obama's emails, tweets and photo exchanges, along with White House logs in who directed the smearing of Lawrence Sinclair, who conducted the smearing of John Edwards to hide Mr. Obama's bi sexual ventures?
This includes all communications concerning White House staff, Mr. Obama's blackberry and especially Reggie Love.
Anthony Wiener is the tip of Democrat perversion. Barack Obama is the immense iceberg waiting below the surface.
Mr. Obama's close associates engaged in child rape and the rape of Jewish girls. His father was a serial child molester in the wives he obtained were under the age of consent.
The same scrutiny focused on Anthony Wiener belongs focused on Barack Hussein Obama.
Sing it Obama voter Don Henley
Out on the road today
Saw a dead head sticker on a Cadillac
A little voice inside my head said
"Don't look back"
"You can never look back"
I thought I knew what love was
What did I know?
Those days are gone forever
I should just let them go
After the............girls of summer are gone