I was observing conservative talker, Ed Schultz, in his new home of the Conservative The Flag broadcasting on the internet, in which this "liberal" was for Americans creating their own jobs, celebrating auto jobs coming back to America from Mexico and yes.............Ed Schultz on a Bruce Kelly Show, or it seemed more like a soaper scene of Karl Rove puffy lips love for Ed, in which Ed Schultz was professing his support FOR RUSH LIMBAUGH on the morning of June 9th, 2011.
The support was odd, as what the feed in was, was Kelly was playing a clip in which he stated he believed it was a Limbaugh set up call on June 8th, in which a guy started saying there was no difference between Limbaugh going to the Dominican Republic for a sex club with Viagra in his suitcase and what Anthony Wiener had been up to.
Limbaugh immediately retaliated and called it all liberal blogosphere lies.
I know it was early for me in getting this live feed, but I thought the memory banks here held the World Net Daily stories of Limbaugh being caught by customs with more drugs in other people's names.
I know this, as I had lit into Limbaugh for being a sinner in this was no joke in he was not married, was carrying Viagra which is for sex, and that was no example for any Conservative to be setting for Americans, especially children.
So I rechecked as Limbaugh was calling this a lie.
Limbaugh jokes about Viagra stop on World Net Daily
Limbaugh detained for illegal Viagra on WND
Limbaugh detained for illegal Viagra in Forbes online
Limbaugh detained for Dominican Stag Party on the Smoking Gun
Now if the Smoking Gun is lying, Mr. Limbaugh could sue them.........gut he is not suing them nor World Net Daily, Associated Press, Forbes or the numerous other news groups who reported this story for what it was.
Rush Limbaugh is a liar as much as he is a plagiarist.
For the record for this Bruce Kelly on the Ed Schultz love train of The Flag, Limbaugh like all the major programs do not need set up callers, as callers are set up. The same things you can purchase online have been detailed here in what programs do to callers, exactly as when you phone in on your credit card and the handler knows it is you before you say a word.
See, when you call a program, your number caller ID's no matter if it is land, cell or computer. From that, the screener can tap into all public information from your voting status, to your private information which includes your credit card bills and anything else a private investigator would dig up.
The producers of the Limbaugh program have a set list just like all programs do which knows out of 300 million Americans, they will get a dozen calls on any subject like Limbaugh and Wiener. From these, the screeners will keep several on "hold" while further checks are carried out, and through a process of elimination in being articulate, being a whiner, being stupid, being unable to speak, all puts these callers into categories, who then are pushed out on stage for someone like Limbaugh to make his point and the dolt is put on mute thinking they are making their points as they are hung up on after being utilized.
I have always warned you children there is so much more going on in Limbaugh's program than you can imagine. Other programs do not have the resources and some like Hannity's just slums around, so you get that "common" feel, but this is all engineered, and when Rush Limbaugh out of a dozen callers elected the guy who came on repeating what has been reported online, Rush Limbaugh was ready for it, and his point was to lie.
Limbaugh went to the DR with his FOXHOLES from 24 in three guys. It was called a stag party. Limbaugh admitted the Viagra was put into a doctor's name for "privacy" purposes, but once again you had 4 men on that subsidized jet, and Limbaugh had 29 Viagra pills and was detained for this.
It was absolute deception by Rush Limbaugh in what he pulled. Whether this blog in filtering through the internet is making Limbaugh do fire control work as Warren Buffett being outed as a nation rapist, there is a strange pattern taking place on Limbaugh's EIB.
Limbaugh thought it was a big joke as he tried to deflect from what was going on in June of 2006 as by this quote along with an earlier smear of Bob Dole:
"The people at Customs were as nice as they could be. They just didn't believe me when I told them that I got those pills at the Clinton Library gift shop, and they told me at the Clinton Library gift shop that it was just blue M&Ms. ... I know a lot of people who don't even need Viagra. [They] just look at themselves in the mirror and the problem's taken [care of] – many of them in Washington, many of them Republicans, too."
Why do it? Why bring up the past in setting up a call? It is because the recent posts on Limbaugh in all his fraud are taking effect.
Rush Limbaugh keeps digging hisself deeper and deeper. It does not help having Obama certifier Ann Coulter invited into your bed.
The fraud continues.........no I mean the saga continues............no I meant the fraud.
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