I can tell you by the push which Rush Limbaugh gave to Ann Coulter in having her on his program yesterday to sell that ill informed book The Devil in Ms. Coulter, that her book is in big trouble in selling.
You will recall that Coulter savaged the Tea Party who are the Birthers, and now she is trying like Peggy Noonan in being an outed Obama hack to sucker Conservatives into buying a book of drivel again.
The thing which almost knocked me out of my chair was Coulter told Limbaugh, and Limbaugh did not challenge this, but played the part of David Letterman with Al Franken, that Ann Coulter in the first few minutes stated that Conservatives do not use slogans as they are not bright enough.
Yes it is paraphrased, but Coulter said she just could not get what "Hug a child and not a nuke" meant.
Apparently her "CONservative" in these Bi Cons which she leads America into the certified Obama abyss, can not figure out a liberal is saying that one needs to invest love in children and not like Dr. Strangelove love nuclear bombs.
Conservatives believe in both strong defense with nuclear arms and in strong families in raising secure children, but apparently this is beyond the grasp of the barren womb Coulter and pumping dust out of his penis Limbaugh as he was shilling for this patrician book.
I have already taken apart enough of the Ann Coulter book to expose it as moronic. I will though reveal here that the basis for Ann Coulter's book was the plagiarism of a French idiot by the name of Gustav LeBron.
LeBron by name sounds like one of those progenitors of the jack booted German French who went Vichy for Hitler..........and this is idiot who has Ann Coutler in her search for what a "mob" stating thee most uninformed things.......and things she actually believes as I eluded to in a previous post in Ann Coulter literally believes Conservatives are stupid..............just like Democrats believe Conservatives are stupid.
All of this is the problem with these Charles Krauthammer types in they find some damn dusty old mite crap smelling book that makes on sneeze, and it is covered with mite sh*t because common sense people threw the idiot thing to the rat pile a century ago, but they fish this dung out, and all of a sudden find Valhallah in it all makes sense now to them.........and the rest of the world looks at them and is thinking, "What in the hell is this sh*t they are talking about?"
A Krauthammer won't read the Bible to secure Wisdom........no he needs some foolish human whose rambling no one could understand. That is Ann Coulter as a Bi Con. She literally rambles on in interviews and no one knows what the hell she is talking about, throws out things which make no sense and then flies off to her next vocal arsonist location to start another fire as all of this Molotov Mob does.
Ann Coulter's book is wrong. Her sources are wrong. She is wrong........but this is from the female who stated she certified Obama was a legal American............and now we see Obama's birth abstract is another one of his criminal forgeries.
Ann Coulter should have just plagiarized this blog like Limbaugh does, and in that she would know what a mob is, what a mob's mentality is and what is the explanation of what a liberal is in their psychopathy.........others have and have become always experts and made money off of it.
They at least made sense...........Ann Coulter only makes new words to describe her as she is demobic.
Enough of her please.
PS: As a suggestion, instead of wasting money on this tree killing book by Ann Coulter, either buy Jerome Corsi's book or find the donation box for a real American Hero in Lt. Col. Terry Lakin as that money is in the right direction.