It is so repulsive, barbarian, elitist in the excrement which constantly comes from those who hate Sarah Palin.
In her bus tour, she was asked about Paul Revere's Ride and answered in a patriotic manner.
“He who warned the British that they weren’t going to be taking away our arms by ringing those bells and making sure as he’s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free.“
Of course the little snots of the Obama crowd jumped all over this in one special snot on Daily Caller called Amanda Carey coming up with the cheap shot at Gov. Palin again in it was lanterns in the Old North Church.
Snot Carey though along with all liberals and closet Obama queens failed to do a Google search in this little gem which popped up, exposing them all as having their heads up their asses.
"And Then What Happened Paul Revere"
Paul Revere played an important role in the American Revolution. · Paul Revere rang the bell in the North Church on many occasions. · Paul Revere was once ...www2.gcs.k12.in.us/sureynolds/SG/Paul%20Revere.htm
Oh my what is that for people who can read?????????
Paul Revere did ring the bell at the Old North Church often. So Gov. Palin was correct in what she had been informed of.
Imagine that.
Once again though it exposes thee absolute gutter trash which infests America now in these cheap shot artists hiding in the right like Amanda Carey posting this sh*t and exposing they have sh*t for brains and satan in their souls.
I have a suggestion for Ms. Carey who revealed what complete Obama teleprompter idiot she is in if she can't do a fact check in a search engine, that perhaps she might stop working for Karl puff lips Rove in these festering attacks exposing her idiotry.
For all the Obamites, I have a suggestion for you Gov. Palin haters. Stop hating yourselves in your failures, find Jesus to forgive you, so you can accept yourself, and start acting like civil humans to Sarah Palin and her family.
I found the simple life ain't so simple
When I jumped out on that road
I got no love, no love you call real
I ain't got nobody waiting at home.
Running with the devil.........