Tuesday, June 28, 2011


my name is simon schuester
i eat allot of peas
but i never eat allot of them
as they always make me sneeze

As a continued series of exclusives found only on this blog, by Inspiration, I'm about to take us on a fanciful tale of Gotham dragons put out to magik internet pastures and how it all was the little sperm which could, which bore the Birther issue.

This is important children as I have eluded to the finger pointing that the forged document of Dan Rather's career ending saga is the same trademark of the folks who as of late produced the Barack Obama career ending birth abstract.

As this is all fantasy, let's have a rhyme.

I ran like a duck but he walks like a man
He would rather fly and be like Peter Pan
Oh if I had Tinkerbelle to wave my magic dust
Then I could ring so clear with every windy gust

I know a secret it would seem in fantasyland and it was a most interesting, "I know where the skeletons are buried so leave my boy alone", as George H. W. Bush threatened Bill Clinton into silence in 2000.
Lot's of interesting secrets there in Clintonia, but do you recall that most famous Clinton of all in Dan Rather getting set up in that wimpy George meets crazy Dan tongue fest in which Bush kicked Rather's ass?

All sort of odd in when Abu Gharib broke, Dan Rather was actually delaying that story for weeks at the request of Gen. Meyers, and only went forward with it after another media outlet was going to scoop rather.

In that though, it seems Dan was sort of auctioned off as an asset, as the cartels just do not let go their big guns they have so much invested in, but someone contracted the price of a soul for Dan's ass, and that is why it all ran so like a very well run CIA operation.........as it was "noticed" the forged document was the wrong font set..........and yes the champion of this was the founder of Ratherbias in former Washington Times writer, Matthew Sheffield who parlayed that into Newsbusters..........pretty good pay off from Bill Buckley's crowd in helping to bag Dan Rather.

Let us review:

Dan got a memo which was forged from trusted sources which Dan killed his career over, but never once went public in outing these crooks AS THEY WERE DEMOCRATS SO WELL CONNECTED TO THE CARTEL.
Ah yes let us review in Dan said he KNEW THE MEMO STORY WAS LEGIT even if the memo was a forgery.

How would Dan know the story was absolutely legit, except he had an eyewitness source who knew George W. was a coward?

Recall how this all surfaced out of Texas............

Let us have a rhyme.

My name is Lucy Goosey
I laid a golden egg
If you do not want my saucy breasts
How about my tender leg

You don't receive the Valerie Plame million dollar pay off unless you are a coup plotter connected stooge. SHHHHHHHHH

I feel another rhyme.

My name is Barack Obama
A native of my mama
I might have been born or hatched
But I print a good birth abstract

That feels better, so this memogate thing is Buckley big brother rhino awarded, comes out of Texas and the target was Dan Rahter. Hmmm.

So old man Bush decides to make a deal as the price is right in this final jeopardy. The two sided patrician coin feeding on one of their own. The story was created out of Texas politics and the source was absolutely trusted by Dan Rather as it was a Bush insider doing the feeding, and the most trusted Democrat operatives were providing the evidence of the memo.

Dan goes to the mat for them in having heard from the horses mouth this was the story, but Dan being all reporter confidential can't blow his source as Rather would rather his career die than have that source fantasy be destroyed.

It was quite expensive as you see that the Bush tribe can feed on Dan Rather types, but when George W. is ass hauled for liberating Iraq by the Rothschilds, he like a good little boy just takes it..........like he took what Mexico was dishing out due to that same "I'm a bigger dick than you are a bush".

Oh yes the Birther saga, is where we want to jump to.........but first rhyme.

My name is Johnny Jumping Jack
This is sidekick Sally Sit Up
We exercise every day
But we still sip our tea from cups

So an operation was run on Dan Rather, and Barack Obama trusted the same league of operatives to forge so well that only kooks would not believe it.
Odd how in this fantasy that Karl Rove was puffy lip whispering to Rush Limbaugh in talking points non stop, SO THEE ENTIRE MEDIA would isolate Joseph Farah in this push, that Obama was setting the GOP up on the Birther issue.

Only this blog has made mention that Barack Obama tore apart the White House in remodeling it after moving in..........but it was not for goofy rugs, but for bugs.

Another rhyme......

I fly like a beetle
I sting like a bee
Oh my do you hear that
Who is listening to me?

So the insider White House source was talking points from puffy lips..........and yet this is not turning out quite what puffy lips for Jeb 2016 was all about.........strange how Karl Rove got his story wrong as the Obama birth recording does not match what was released, and what was spoken of was a not filled out form.

The birth abstract was created by the opposite side of the coin Clintons, just as the Bush folks fed the story and the Clinton folks produced the Bush forgery for Dan Rather.

Rather and Obama made careers of things handed to them, and trusted that they could do anything they damn ill pleased and get away with it..........that was until some one paid the auction price of a soul for their final solution.

One more rhyme and then it is time to wrap this up........

My name is Tweedle Dee
But I'm not so Tweedle Dumb
Hey Jackie did your brew the tea leaves
As I'm going to read me some

The same type of operations bringing about the same results in tying a can to two leading liberal artists of leftism which they can not shake and never will shake, points to there is no such thing as coincidence.
These operations blew the cover from the left and the right from these two which signifies this came directly from both patrician sources.

Bill Clinton was protected by the left, but Richard Nixon was not protected by his paid for whores on the right. Same plotting, but different results as the cartels offered price on Nixon and no one sold the soul for Clinton.

Clinton sold himself and Hillary down the river over stealing that Asian uranium, to which the cartels raked the hell out of the Clintons to punish them.
The Clintons though now appear to be on the move again in the Obama coup being outed in various ways starting with the Birther issue going felon for Obama.

Now what changed in this?

Was it Gabrielle Giffords getting her brains scrambled and the Rovians running for cover as they knew this was a message from the regime that Sarah Palin was the real target?

No Lucy, not that goose.......but you are getting close to the nest.

One more rhyme..........

Four and twenty conspiracies
Baked in a pie
Who is the felon in all
Why it is Obama saying "I"

One thing not fantasy, you know this blog exclusively stated that it was the Obama regime targeting George W. Bush for 2012 prosecution, as you recall it was the Obama folks leading the charge to arrest W in Switzerland like they were supposedly after Kissinger.
Note the humiliation of little George, and most interestingly after this the Clinton's started moving again in tandem with Bill Daley being instealled in the White House, Rahm Emanuel in Chicago and Neil Abercrombie in Hawaii...........all loyal to the Hamrod code.

Obama was ordered to keep the Clinton folks inside his White House ,by the cartel which put the Clintons on a leash.

Now we have not a parting of the waves, but the Obamaquake of the Clintons meeting the Obamaslide of the Bush's to formulate a tsunami which is going to wash over Obama's reactor causing a meltdown.

This is coming from both patrician sides. Jerome Corsi might never get his Obama in the Birther issue, because the people rigging this now do not want to be caught in a Congressional and FBI investigation which they never had to face with Dan Rather..........so the Obama abstract is the diversion for when they bitch slap Obama with the real felony, he will be not looking for it.

Bill Daley is keeping Obama's head spinning in these little distractions like dead Medal of Honor winners being alive...........this is coming though from both camps in the Birther abstract and now you know the players in their reasoning why.

Obama thought he could hang little George at the World Court to get hisself elected in 2012.

Silly boy, trix are for kids and this is an adults big game.

The price was paid in this AFTER Obama bribed everyone from Pelosi to Issa to bury this.

i've got this sexy old ford truck
want to take it for a whirl?
but i always crash the thing
cause i'm always watching the girl

agtG 280