Thursday, June 2, 2011

Well this is what near death is like...........again

I try always to pray for Angels to watch over my home when I'm gone as I have pets and only want fires to be where they should be......and to not have car trouble, traffic stops or a car wreck.......and I'm quite glad Angels were with me today as I almost bought it again.

I do not know what is wrong with drivers these days, as they are horrid. Every time I drive, there is something I'm cussing about in some ass not signaling so I sit there waiting to pull out, some ass putzing along at ten miles and hour as they are the only person on God's green earth, or those cell phones which I would like to pull the person over and grab it from them and stomp it into pieces, as I take people almost murdering me quite personal.

So I was cruising along with my Mom doing errands this morning and was thinking of the next stop on a multi lane highway, when I heard this horn blowing which made me wonder, "What the hell is that horn blowing for"........not quite getting it as I was not seeing the entire picture as it was to my side.........I next viewed this car accelarating out of a store parking lot across the highway I was on..............directly in front of yours truly.
I thank God and His heavenly Angels as I had this happen once before in some college girl head bouncer to music sh*t head who almost got my Mom and I killed several years ago as she did not stop for a stop sign.
So I was moved to swerve and thinking the horn was a good idea, I blew it, and as things go into slow motion, I was on the shoulder, with a pick up on my rear...........and I watched this old gal in the passenger side not having a clue in the world she almost died right there in being broadsided.

Surviving that, I followed the car as I was going to the supermarket, and was cringing as that pickup went around me and pulled next to this car which was in a merging lane, and I just knew a wreck was going to take place........but instead the Buick pulled off at the market.

I said to Mom I had to say something as this was an old guy and his wife, and while I was not going to chew them out, I was going to try to make him aware he just about got 4 to 6 people killed.
I really didn't want the confrontation as some smart ass would have really ruined my I knocked on his window and said, "Sir you pulled out of that parking lot in front of me and I almost hit you after another car you pulled out in front of almost hit you".

I waited..........and the thought process clicked and the old guy said, "I'm sorry".

I just turned and walked away from the old gentleman as I did what I could for him and others.

I really felt sorry for him..........and when I hear of others wanting to take licenses from old people, I never like it and I fight it every step of the way, because you can not shelve old people. This man should not have been driving and God help him and his wife that they don't get someone else killed, but I still would not take his license from him.

I see this though in stores and streets all the time these people on medications and are aged who have not a clue what in the world what world they are in. They need to be looked after some and perhaps to be told to take the side streets where traffic is slower as they have no idea what in the hell they are doing.
In that, I would gladly take that college brats license forever as a kid should know better and leave the geezers have their own lane of traffic rather than put them at the mercy of public transport which takes hours to haul these old folks around.

When I related that story to our produce gal she was shocked.....but said she took her Mom's keys from her and put her in the nursing home as she had Parkisons.
She added, her Mom was still discussing driving, but she said, "Mom we sold the car so there is no car to drive".

If it were just old people which I had to look out those people I usually mutter to my Mom the phrase, "That one died three months ago and doesn't know it yet" as there are some real zombie drivers out there..............I could deal with them. The problem is, it is these dufus 5o something guys daydreaming in their big Ford trucks.........these women on the cell phones yacking away while pulling out of their drives.......and then the people who would run you over if you were standing in front of them with flashing lights on. There are just too many drivers out there thinking they are in some video game and they are the only human on the road.

I do not want more regulations....perhaps the key would be taking down curve signs in roads to sort of Darwin these candidates out of existence before they murder someone else..........I don't know, but I feel really bad for that old guy who about got us killed. He deserves better than to be an old guy driving his zombie wife around while he is half comatose himself, but it is life.

Then again my grocery gal said an old gal was in the parking lot, ran into some car, parked, did her shopping and drove off..........and she had no idea she hit the car.

Then again I was kept waiting in line by a horny old bastard flirting with the check out gal over planting his tomatoes as my Mom stood there with her cane in her I just ran my cart up next to him to push him out of the way and started unloading, so he had to go crawl back into his condom.

Then again, there was this ukelele bum........the singing bum.........I was stuck behind as he picked up fruit and goodies...........with a little guitar on his back.........some kind of monstrous Muchelle Obama ammo belt stuffed with he had a food stamp card and was in better physical shape than me or most people so he could be working.........rummaging for cash he had to buy food with, but was still stealing from taxpayers for a free ride in life...........

How about this Mark Levin and Paul Ryan...........

I move we mandate that all people on welfare for over a year, have to give up an organ every year for these geezers like the guy who almost ran me over..........every year it can be a kidney, a piece of liver, skin for burn victims, bone marrow........I don't know what parts all you can harvest, but just mandate this to get ukelele man to get off his ass to work and these old people can get some organs they need.............

Of course, I don't want their organs, but I will bet you money Rush Limbaugh the plagiarist owes this blog that if you do this........half these deadbeats on welfare would be off welfare tomorrow and finding out how enjoyable it is to work.........or reside in Mexico the land of their nativity.

It might not kill two birds with one stone, but it would stop the blood loss of old people needing some looking after who are menaces on the road and definitely stop the massive debt from all these dead beats feeding off of old people.

Guess that is two birds with one stone.
