Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Insipid Moron

There comes a time in human events when it is the straw that breaks a camels back, and Mark Levin after dabbling in lesbian, thwarting the investigation of Barack Hussein Obama's fraud documentation, his attacks on American rural poor, that he has now advocated, the SELLLING OF AMERICAN LANDS IN TRUST to deal with the national debt.

Mark Lesbian Levin has just reached the status of Insipid Moron, the insignificant imbecile of thought.

American lands held in trust by the Federal Government are the last safety valve for the American Citizenry. They are the American Commons, and as Mark Levin has no idea of the genesis of Israelite Americans, the common is as old as our 13 tribes in we have always had lands "not the kings", but always had lands OF THE PEOPLE.
The common can be grazed by anyone, and this includes the interstate highway borders. The common can be slept upon and experienced by anyone wanting to touch the outdoors. The common is the American virtue of even people WHO DO NOT OWN LAND, OWN LAND IN THE MILLIONS OF ACRES THAT THEY CAN ALWAYS RETREAT TO AS THEIR OWN.

The lands under the husbandry of the forest service, bureau of land management and parks, is all for the American People. Yet Mark Levin now wants to sell it all off in thee most stupid, shortsighted and simpleton thing in the world.

Who in this globalist hell do you think would end up with all that land? Would it be the small families? Hell no!
It would be speculators like George Soros eventually, after some globalist ass like Obama would figure out some way to fine everyone who was not a Chinese national or Mexican national thousands of dollars before they could own the land.
There would be environmental impact studies funded by each American, wells to be dug, power of course of a green homes.......and in the end the land would be for an average America costing around half a million dollars an acre.

So who would get it in bankruptcy, but the same super bankers who got all the homes in America after the Obama bust.

Levin gives new meaning to city kid stupid. Those American lands which he doesn't give a damn about as he is phobic of the Teddy Roosevelt wilds, are thee last thing American in America.

The Public Lands are the firewall of liberty of land of, by and for the People. That is why the Government stopped homesteading as America was going to run out of open spaces, and farsighted men like Theodore Roosevelt did not want the Grand Canyon, Yosemite or Yellowstone in someone like George Soros or Ted Turner's hands who would exploit it for only the Obama voters and shut Americans out of their own nation.

What comes next Mark Levin? Selling f*cking rights to American women's pussies to Chinese hordes to rape for the national debt as they aborted all their little girl babies?

What about the Asian delicacy of all those pet dogs you like so well being sent to China to be eaten in spicy Cantonese stir fry?

Just where does this selling of the American virtue end Mark Levin? Body parts?

Does the brilliant Mark Levin who advocates getting rid of 1/3rd of the American Lands considering anything like this........

What about a state like piss pot South Dakota. Poor as dirt with no population, but all Indian lands and BLM.

What happens in Mark Levin's sale of lands when 10 million squatters get into that state and start starving, robbing, raping and murdering the that is what happens in land rushes.

What about Hawaii which is literal islands of public lands..........what happens when China buys one island for a military base?

What about New Mexico when the area next to White Sands is bought by the Chicoms?

What about Nevada in Area 51 in the lands next to it the Russians buy it?

What about Arizona in all their lands when Mexico just buys that blessed state and annexes those as part of the Mexican nation?

Ah, gee, uh, I, ah.........well we will need some laws protecting from that............yeah brilliant Mark Levin, just like we got laws protecting the White House from that foreigner Barack Hussein Obama and you don't give a piss about that law being upheld!

How in this globalist hell are we American going to make it as all of these Mockingbird paid moving lips are not up to the task. They can't find an answer with both hands if it was shoved up their sodomite asses.

Sell off the American lands? Why don't you just invite the damned People's Liberation Army into Alaska now to occupy it Mr. Levin, as that is what your shit for brains policy would create just like your bright boy John Kyl of Arizona talking about selling off "assets".

How about you treacherous imbecils just shut the f*ck up and get the hell out of they way. You are that worthless damn 1st Army sitting on it's ass in 1944 as Patton slugged the hell out of the Germans.

.....oh and Mark Levin as you are at this moment ranting about corporate jets in what they have to do with anything?
They have to do with you and Limbaugh's big ass mouth hating on the American Farmers and by God's Grace, thee God, moved B. Hussein to nail Rush Limbaugh on his private subsidized jet along with all the other shills who have stolen from this blog, screwed with it and ignored it.

Mark Levin, you are literally anti American now, an Obamite born. Odd how Obama is only auctioning off Indian lands.............but you have gone beyond Obama in now advocating the sale of American lands............and not bright enough to know that every American enemy is going to buy that heritage as only the crooks and crooks of the world order now have the cash.

Some advice Levin...........just talk about those dead dogs as your kids, as you aren't at least wiping out America's heritage with that...........just elevating animals to the image status of God's Creation in His children.

Yeah that is super dumb ass too!
