Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Lesbian Levin's Impeachment Protocol

My how time changes things in Mark Levin can find in the Constitution Amendment 14, that if B. Hussein Obama spends above the spending limit on his own, that Obama should be impeached.

I was puzzled about this as not that long ago, Mark Lesbian, was slapping down harshly every Birther in there was not enough time to impeach Obama, so we could not resort to that.

This must be some Bizarro Seinfeld comedy world we got here, that time past, meaning longer ago than now did not have enough time to impeach Obama, but now that we are closer to being rid of the Obama in elections, all of a sudden Mark Lesbian in trying to sound intelligent, says that Obama violating Congressional authority is now impeachable.............if he does it.

Lesbian Levin also stated that America does not put up with dictators............

That is most interesting that in Mark Lesbian's America, does condone usurpers.

I find this all puzzling in Lesbian Levin can find impeachment, with more than enough time, for Obama debt spending, and detests dictators, but there is not enough time to impeach Obama for violating the Constitution on the key element that he has to be an American to be in the White Lesbian Levin must promote usurpers as that does not bother him.

This is the same Lesbian Levin with Miki Malkin who came up with the talking points they were handed that the Birther issue Joseph Farah and Jerome Corsi were rightly pushing was not the czar issue. Yes those "ISSUES" were what mattered, especially those Obama czars.
We all know don't we how those czars were all part of the 2010 elections don't we? Why that was what all those rallies were about were the issue of was the Czarthers you recall right?
It was the Czar Party right?
It was Obama show us your Czars.......

Why even Donald Trump was hammering Obama on his czars and that is why Obama released his forged czar certificate and had to murder Osama bin Laden, to cover up all that czar stuff.

I like Mark Levin, but that like is worn Hannity thin. Mark Levin has lied to the American people. He has deliberately misconstrued and manipulated the American people. Mark Levin has now set forth an indictable hypothesis that the reason he was trying to submarine Donald Trump was over this birth certificate issue.

I have warned readers over Mockingbird, and Mark Levin makes no sense on the Birther issue no more than Charles Krauthammer does on Sarah Palin..........except it is talking point orders where Levin has conned the Tea Party with an 80% Conservative rant, but when it comes to arresting Obama immediately.........he goes into a delay action.
When it comes to standing up for families, motherhood, wives and husbands, YAWEH and His Messiah, there is Lesbian Levin ordering the world to have no lesbian jokes and he is cuddling with Jesus basher, Sir Elton at Limbaugh's wedding celebration.

Put this in this perspective, you got a Catholic priest who is just super 80% of the time. The other twenty is raping the altar boys and stealing from the collection plate.

Not someone you really can trust now is it?

This is beyond the quirks and bias of a Laura Ingraham failing the sodomite issue due to a sibling being odd. This is Mark Levin deliberately instigating a delaying action for over a year against the Tea Party in the Obama impeachment...............brushing off the Birther proven charges, but yet Levin can host that nattering bone pile for Obama in Ann Coulter, but will not have on Jerome Corsi.

I have been warning all of you now for several years in building to this point. Do not trust these people as they are just like Peggy Noonan in stabbing you in the back and being an Obama voter. These people ALL get their funding from Mockingbird and are at that high paid job, because of selling their souls.
This permeates to the hinterlands and is why I deliberately chose to expose that Fargo, North Dakota station which Scott Hennen was using to literally wipe out these stooges like Stephanie Sandlin and Byron Dorgin..........and in return Hennen is removed after battling cancer, his family savaged by the management, and mysognyinist Ed Schultz is brought in as the voice of Conservative radio in that region.

That is silencing the Tea Party and Mark Levin has no problem having Ed Schultz as his lead in.

There is nothing Conservative in only upholding parts of the Constitution and accepting a usurper in Obama and promoting sexual perversion which is wiping America out.

Mark Levin should have written instead of Liberty and Tyranny, License and Treachery as that is what as of late he has been about and has been promoting.

Sarah Palin as a moderate, the new smear form the Daily Caller to try and get all of you to doubt her.........silence from Levin.

I'm telling you right now baby sister, that there is not enough money in the pipeline to pay all these folks all the millions being shelled out. It is coming from your pockets in that black op called Mockingbird, and when you got a duck that runs like a duck, walks like a duck and sounds like a ain't Obama only baby is all of these Lesbian Levin types subtly taking God's Word and flushing it........along with the US Constitution.

Oh don't impeach Obama a year ago, as there was not enough time............

Now there is huh Mark Levin?

Keep Obama around long enough and he will have his Thousand Year Reich, and all the real Americans will be in the nuclear bake oven with no need for zyclon inhalers.
