Monday, July 25, 2011

of vital necessity

In an effort to keep those children who will head the advice well fed, instead of eating dung and drinking their own urine as liberal college professors are prone to in swamps..................I do not quite get how one surrounded by water, would choose to drink their own urine, instead of filtering it through moss and grass, as even if one got liver flukes, one would survive and obtain medical attention to kill the parasites.........unless of course this liberal feared Obamacare would deny him and he would perish on the hospital steps..............

I digress.

What I will point out though is that if you care to eat, I have been testing how to grow your own vegetables from seed now for several years to saving seeds to transplanting them.

One thing I have found which is vital in this is one must have a fertilizer for the young sprouted seeds. I have used manure tea from horses, which one makes by soaking horse dung in water. It works alright, but it simply does not do the best.
Denying my self sufficient mode, I succumbed to purchasing a natural product made from a "cold press" of fish nutrients to make a natural fertilizer. It is very low grade in almost no phosphorous, potassium and nitrogen.......which one does not want nitrogen as that causes little plants to grow too much or will burn them.
Note* That is why you should not use poultry manure as it is so high in nitrogen it will burn plants. Horse is not very good in being nutrient free, but one can have very good results with cow and goat manure. Goat is what I mulch my garden with and have had very good results with potatoes.
Decomposed hog manure raised some of the best gardens I ever had........I digree.

Back to the subject.

The fish fertilizer is billed as non stinky. Well it is, unless you are like me and mix it up and leave it in a jar as I do not throw things away. Then it turns into something one can smell, which smells like fish crap or something rotten.

I purchased a quart bottle I believe, and it will make something like 30 gallons. It was around 12 dollars which is allot, but when I tested it, I found I could mix one quarter ounce to a quart of water, and then putting in a "soup spoon" size portion to my seedlings, that is all it required to produce good growth and a very good root system which was almost root bound in 5 weeks.
So for one bottle one could have enough fertilizer for your transplants past Jesus coming back as I always say. I though plan to purchase a few more bottles as it is a vital necessity, and I have a firm faith that spouses will throw it out, childen will pour it out, dogs will bite holes in it and for some reason it will fall off the shelf and crack the plastic bottle and it will all leak out.

This is a very good product and I gave the baby plants another dose before transplanting them outside. I had around 36 plants I was taking care of and only used a pint of the water mix, so it does go a long way.
The tomatoes, of a variety God and I are developing and might just show up in a seed catalogue near you in the next few years if there is interest from the established seed people for this improved paste tomatoe, did well. The other plants I tested were Garden Huckelberry which is a black berry with lots of seed in it, which you can grow in your garden, and providing you neutralize them with soda, put back in sugar, lemon juice and salt, you will end up with a blueberry flavored sauce which I have been using in coffee cakes.

I think that is about it.........I will digress a few as I'm doing a download from eMule which a very good file transfer system and it is dragging a bit with 19 seconds to I probably have surveillance from the regime shadowing me........ I get popular with stories on Sarah Palin deals and Bill Daley running a coup on Obama.

Well that 19 seconds is down to 9 seconds and it only took thirty seconds......but voila it is complete.

Just like the white wing dove............
