Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Repossessed Obama*

Did you enjoy being a lab rat in the Obama experiment?

I know, I know..........you are asking which experiment as there have been so many.

It was the one where the media kept putting out conditioning stories that Muchelle Obama was beautiful.
Oh yes, it was suggestive reasoning in I can tell you that Muchelle was not in on it, and that is the real fun joke the European masters had in this one, because they have dressed her non stop in hideous attire and swerved her hair from being one of three wives for some Muslim in Kenya to Diana Ross 1960 with the Supremes.

It was like dressing her in plus fours in modern Piccadilly Circus. (Plus fours for all of you children under 100 years of age is an English term for short pants.)

Anyone with a wit of a brain, a Limbaugh half brain would have been humiliated in this lab rat experiment, but the Obama's in being touted as brilliant and beautiful actually believed the story..........just like Jarrett Obama & Obama have not figured out yet that forged birth abstract was another hillarious joke the European cartel sold Obama into.
The elite of Europe are laughing in their chuckle sort of way, in those large leather chairs, by cracking fake fires, sipping cognac when Napoleon was Napoleon, and this is their few moments of entertainment watching the Obama's be the butt of the joke and not realize it.

Your part dear children was in Tavistock Institutes gaging of the public reaction in America, as it was a tactical point in how far the conditioning has taken hold, and how far the cartel can push Americans before they will revolt.
Yes the blogs like this one have been logged in the first Paul Revere summons that Muchelle Obama is ugly. You will note though that no one in the bencher crowd uttered one word, and it was left to Americans to point this out.

Obama was another point in you soon noted Sean Hannity was off and just calling Obama "inept and stupid" when that was not the case at all. Yes Obama is not that bright, but he follows orders well and has succeeded at every thing he has been sent to do magnificiently.

The rats are gaged in how far they will follow the benchers into the abyss..........like Elton Blonde, Lesbian Levin and Abstract Hannity........all of you children are being noted in how you perform and your ability to be influenced off your Christian Conservative Patriot marks.

Just thought you would like to know the ludicrous experiment Tavistock conducted on all of you.........like telling the people the world is flat..........Michelle is beautiful and Obama is brilliant........and millions quacked like a duck it was right.

Amazing what not eh?

agtG 283Y