Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Social Insecurity Numbers

Now that the Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Hussein Obama Social Security Numbers have had a time to rest in this story from Orly Taitz, it is time to start explaining things now that you will pay attention.

Let us start children with .....................a question.

The question is what is the common demnominators in the Stan Ann and B. Hussein fraudulent Social Security Numbers?

You know the answers to this, as they are plainly out in front of you...........but I will start you off with another question to help.

How old in the ballpark range were B. Hussein and Stan Ann in their Social Security applications?

They were not adults now were they.

Do children just shuffle off on their own and get SSN identities on their own? Of course not.

Remember the denomiators must be common to understand this.

As both applications are fraudulent, that would rule out their employers as they are seperated by the Pacific Ocean in Stan Ann was in Washington and Obama in Hawaii.

............and there were decades seperating the applications of these two underage children.

Underage children is your next hint.

So Stanley Ann Dunham engineered her bogus application and later Obama in Connecticut's application..................oooppss the common denominator just blows by Stan Ann, as she was not in Hawaii, but Indonesia doing the lesbian maid in Obama's teenage years.

Now that your mind is on track, you are filtering through the common links, and some might feel very smug now in figuring out as an always expert what you were led to here.

There were only two peole who had access in common area to these underage children and that would Gramps and Gram Dunham.
I will make this easy in the wrestling communist of young boys on beds in furniture stores never was bright enough to rub sticks together for fire..............Frank Marshall Davis used to make sport of Stanley, so you know Gramps Dunham was dumb as a post if he Frank Davis was mind beating him...........as all he had was black guilt racist blame game and that can be popped down by anyone with a brain.

So speaking of brains...........

That must be that little vixen who got a great man job at a Kansas plane plant in WW II, the same Madelyn Dunham who was working in a bank with no experience in Washington........and the same financier rising fast to the top on shadow loans in Hawaii..........quite impressive all her top jobs, but when Madelyn Dunham is the common denominator on fraud Social Security things............just what was she up to really?

We know that Hawaii was an original clearing house set up by international communists to overthrow America, and is why Frank Marshall Davis went there in a union palace coup, and his sex partner Madelyn was there in Hawaii too.

In backengineering this, Stan Ann's fraud application originated in Washington state. That means that Madelyn was involved in this on the mainland.
It is no secret that banks launder illicit funds, and when one has contacts between the human slave trade in a Hawaiian port to a Washington jumping off point, then one starts to connect a line which is as active in Mexicans being dumped into America by these same globalists as Obama was.

What was an original slopply mistake on Stan Ann, was a deliberate ruse for Barack Hussein Obama, the foreign born illegal, who could not produce a valid Birth Certificate, so Madelyn Dunham simply put Barry Soebarkah Soetoro into her human traffic pipeline from Hawaii to the mainland.

As a criminal slave trader, you just can not register every person being smuggled into America from Spokane. The syndicate behind this from the major foundations staging this to the benefactors of B. Hussein Obama, know this would set of major red flags at Social Security if thousands of applications for kids were all coming from Hawaii for Washington registration.
So it gets spread around to places like Connecticut.....with apparently a continuous series like today in "look the other way in little boys named Barack getting SSN numbers we mail to Hawaii, but are double dipped like Mexican mass numeration today"...........all for the purpose of funding the bankrupt socialist state.
There is no difference in this in Daley town letting Mexicans vote in mass, as to Bushville importing slaves to fund Social Security while working as slave labor. No one blows the whistle as the illegals are being whored for each side........and the cartel is amused as the protocol is destroying America just the way they intend by their own traitors hands.

Now you know what Madelyn Dunham's roll was and why it was being run out of banks. You know it was her connections in the 5th column which got Stan Ann her job in banking in order to enslave and loot all those poor folks in the third world who did not come to the west to be modern slaves.

You probably are quite pleased now you waited around until the dust settled and eveyone else was jousting about trying to figure this out in vain, as it proves the Inspiration is vital in this.

I don't feel much like singing a song or reciting poetry at this point, so will just say..........

nuff said.

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