Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Sweat off Boehner's Balls

I have deliberately not addressed the debt ceiling for several reasons, in first, I don't jump into the skirmish when it makes no difference, as it is a waste of time.
Second, this just does not appeal to the sexy in me.
Third, I was not going to tip off the world that one should be watching Minnesota, as that is the Boehnerite's bastion lab experiment in the same way Wisconsin and Ohio was Obama's lab rat experiment to keep unions sucking the life out of America.

Yes when Minnesota went GOP in a huge way..........and that kook Mark Dayton somehow stole the election from the GOP guy by a few votes, the stage was set for a shutdown as Dayton has been mini me Obama in vacationing for months, not attending Republican and Democrat meetings, and demanding taxes on the rich.

Dayton also decided to call the GOP back for a "cig tax again" as that is what bailed the state out last time.........and the GOP told him to stuff his meeting and stuff his taxes.

The press has been spewing this in Twin Cities communist bias, but except for a few whiners outside Minnesota state parks which shut down...........nobody gives a damn and that state is just running fine shut down, as everything always does.

I have never understood for a moment why the government thinks it has the right to shut down parks, as the people own them, paid for them, and it is the government's problem if they can't fine people at the gate for something the people already possess.

I don't like parks in the first place as they are humid, dusty, full of obnoxious people who stink and have things turned wide open and they just feel like a human zoo. That has nothing to do with government shutdowns, but I digress so seldom here I must sometimes as people miss it.

So watch Minnesota in if she buckles, Boehner will most likely buckle. The way it looks though now is the GOP which is Tea Party in Minnesota is riding this out even with union threats to legislators. So there is hope, and as I frankly know my state sucks and the feds suck at running things, I can see no difference in what government does as the poor are still poor, the rich are still rich, things are too expensive, the roads are broken up for union contracts and .............. America is a 2nd world state plunging into 3rd world Obama abyss.

So Obama and Pelosi can suck the sweat off of Boehner's nut suck as this is summer entertainment in America. This boredom will continue..............but the secret in this is baby sister, the Republicans do not love the government...............Obama and Dayton do. The NeoProgs will be the ones who will do anything in the end to save even bits and pieces of it.

That is the Boehnerite kill shot in this. The Obama entitlements die and so does his support. People will get used to not having things after a little fussing about, and as this things roll, Boehner if he holds ground will roll Obama and Pelosi off the map..............as if Boehner has a BRAIN, he should alreayd be informing unions that things are going to change, and their existence is going to be wed to the GOP not Obama.

So unions had better start figuring out to make a deal and treat the Boehnerites nicely in public.

Boehner: Is that shaken or stirred madam leader and madman in the Oval Office?

Pelosi: Ohh that is salty.

Obama: I like a little lime with my ball sweat there John.
