I could not be more proud of Corey Feldman for daring to even speak out about the child rape which the elites engage in across this world while on ABC television.
Mr. Feldman was part of the "Corey's" of Hollywood in Cory Haim who died last year after a tortured existence in this world. In that though, Corey Feldman related he was molested by a Hollywood mogul and Corey Haim was raped by another mogul.
Mr. Feldman went on to note that as his eyes were opened as a child, he started to notice he was surrounded by pedophiles because that is what the business is.
Fourteen years old and being raped, having your world shattered, and redefined in a way which without moral certainty is a hell of a way to start your adult life.
Let us be clear on something here ok. This rape does not happen in some pervert pouncing on a kid, male or female. No, it is subtle words of isolating them from parents and peers, about being more adult, about being special, about how no one understands them...........until the kid is standing there in the darkness like Barry Soetoro feeling like they are all alone in this world.
Then comes the adult things of alcohol and drugs to loosen the situation up, to the point where touching, becomes arousal perhaps in introducing porn as what child is not excited by the opposite sex, and at the moment of arousal and inebriation..........why sodomy is introduced and all that pleasure and rape mingle to humiliation.......and that isolated child has no idea what they can trust or think of themselves.
It is easy after that, as the raped soul dives into the activities which dull that feeling and make one forget in booze, sex, drugs and one more thrill of fame and fortune.
I will be specific, when Corey Haim died, he did not die, he was murdered by a pedophile who started the process decades earlier.
Of course, Corey Feldman can not name names, because such things would bring lawsuits and destroy him and his family. It does not matter in this if Feldman's family sees this in a different way in being there for him, after literally taking the millions he earned.........raped souls are not expected to be walking on the water in always being perfect.........what is not to be diverted from is this child rape.
Only here has it been exposed that Hillary Clinton and Janet Reno early in the Clinton years were busy with emancipating children as adults. That has to do with making children legally responsible for themselves, so they can not be molested, but sexually used legally.
The entire nation heard John Kerry's daughter in 2004 announce before cheering Democrats that "it was a child's choice" not the typical woman's choice. That choice is being a legal adult sexually, and it is at the core of legalizing pedophilia.
If you notice, no one has bothered covering this nor digging like a dog after a bone into who Corey Feldman was outing. It is not that difficult as there was a finite number of liberal elites in Hollywood who were surrounding Mr. Feldman and Mr. Haim at the age of 14. Moguls are studio heads and producers.........not too difficult to see who the credits rolled with
Corey Haim was born on the Christmas advent of December 23rd, in the year of our Lord 1971 in Canada.
According to Wikipedia, Corey Haim turned 14 years old in Chicago on the set of Lucas. A 20th Century FOX studio movie production.
To focus on Haim's talent there is this quote:
Film critic Roger Ebert gave him a glowing review: "He creates one of the most three-dimensional, complicated, interesting characters of any age in any recent movie. If he can continue to act this well, he will never become a half-forgotten child star, but will continue to grow into an important actor. He is that good.
Following Lucas, Haim moved to Hollywood to star in a television series in 1987 and reach his breakout role in The Lost Boys, with Corey Feldman who would remain his lifelong friend.
Joel Schumacher reflected:
“ | Oh, he was just dazzling. He was so good-looking and so funny and so charming. There was no way in the world that that fantastic thirteen year-old kid's life could have turned out the way that it did. There was not one clue, to me, that it was ever going to happen to him and it's really tragic. It's just horrible. That's all I can tell you, just that it's so horrible. |
Schumacher, the Hollywood legendary director of the Brat Pack and Batman movies, had this stated about him after gushing over Corey Haim in the above 2010 quote.
Schumacher has been openly gay through most of his career. In Liz Smith's memoir, Natural Blonde, she states that "He called himself 'A Sexual Outlaw'".
Batman Forever, and to an even greater degree its 1997 sequel Batman & Robin, generated controversy for what conservative fans considered to be homo-erotic innuendos.What was it Frank Marshall Davis called himself? Sex Rebel.
There is a reason this blog has been on a crusade in attempting to protect Sarah Palin from the mass political rape by the elite, in outing the wife of ABC anchor Bob Woodward for publishing on Huffington Post that sexual peepers should be enabled with porn magazines and why Noel Sheppard in praising Camille Paglia in "women like Sarah Palin like verbal rape or they wouldn't be in the arena", are all part of this deviant crew which is rewarded and huddles around the Karl Rove manipulators as this entire media, political and corporate entourage knows very well who is raping children inside these United States and going out country for their child rape vacations.
Do you not get the point that David Letterman joking about a baseball team of black New York Yankees raping and impregnating Sarah Palin's little girls is not by accident, it is the accepted misbehavior of the Letterman cocktail crowd.
Letterman abusing interns and workers under his employment is just the accepted practice in no one is going to out what they know, no more than the male reporters who were engaged in sex with Barack Obama are ever going to speak about "his boy Friday" in Reggie Love.
They are all in on this, they all know who is raping which child, they all including Rush Limbaugh are keeping silent on these crimes which is destroying lives.
Why in the world do you think Anthony Wiener thought he could get away with posting his own porn? Because he had carte blanche from the Democratic party and the cartel media. This is not isolated occurrences. This is the rape house of all of these perverts making a power play in f*cking people up.
"This Frenchman. He's a professional interrogator for Charlie. One of the best. I think he's a little funny too. You know, sadistic sex, likes little boys. They say the bastard gets his rocks off fuckin' up people."
Marine Sniper, Charles W. Hendersen, 1986
You better believe it baby sister they all get their rocks off destroying people as they feed off of it. They are employed for the work and human children are their payment as the mob at the top protects them and engages in their own child rape.
Every last damned thing that murdered Corey Haim, that ripped apart Corey Feldman, that created Barack Hussein Obama, and the carnage he is engaged is, is all about from the elite about raping children.
Yes it is about the illuminated ruling of the world by satan being sacrificed to on Temple Mount, but the familiar grease which threads it all is about raping children. It is why the gay movement was initiated, it was why the American family was broken up, it is why God's moral code was removed, it was why the dope culture was initiated.........it is all down to the brass tacks about Ma and Pa Sodomite getting a supply of innocents to rape and mould to predator form.
Barry Soetoro is the poster boy of it all acting out as these children and children in adult's body's have screamed to be delivered and no one came to rescue them.
If they don't know who did the deed, they all damn well know who the rapist was as they are signing their paychecks.
.........in a stolen prayer.
agtG 256
I walk the streets alone
On feeble bones I ride
My sins are etched in stone
I got no place to hide
Well, I was unshakable
In what I did believe
I feel so breakable
But have I been deceived
You showed me your paradise
And your carnival of souls
But my heart keeps telling me
That ain't the place to go
Well, I'm not invincible
So I want you to leave
Well, I'm so convincible
But have I been deceived
I take your words and try them on
Yeah, it's a perfect fit, boy
You tell me one size fits us all
Yeah, like an old straightjacket
Well, tell me why I'm so afraid
All my words are spoken
All my words are spoken
All my words are spoken
In a stolen prayer.....