Tôi không biết nếu bạn đã sẵn sàng cho điều này ......
Sorry about that as I sometime break into Vietnamese, but this is the story of lúa gạo ở đồng chí mông and con trai của tôi, Barack Obama, bị mất ở mỹ.
Translated, the rice in the ass comrade and, my son, Barack Obama lost in America.
This blog has spoken of 'political officers', those 5th column Marxists like Kevin Costner in that movie where he was porking Sean Young in the back of limo.........No Way Out. Wes Clarke. that McChrystal and the stooge of this story John Kerry were political officers created by the fellow travelers to take over the Democratic party for the Berliner, Kremliner and Peking girl boys.
Yes Al Gore entered Vietnam as a political officer to get the "hero" on his resume to get installed into the White House, the same way comrade Bill Clinton Rockefeller stooged his way as an anti hero to get that hippie vote from the 1960's to "Don't stop dreamin' about Tomorrow".
You really think Bill Clinton being of the feudal lords really believed that Marxist crap he was hanging around with? Marxists are the help employed to control the mob. Bill Clinton slummed with the Soviet bloc, but baby sister knows he was upstairs and the Marxists are downstairs.
I implore you children to stop thinking American centric as you are missing all the good parts of this show.
Al Gore got the deep six from the competing interests of the Bush family, which in turn led the events to that Manchurian candidate of John Kerry.......well he isn't brainwashed as Kerry is rather of the protein group upstairs, but he is a nasty little bit of bob there, as he took the Kennedy route in laying a socialite, but that did not work out so John Heinze had to be assassinated so his foundation money would be turned over to liberals, led by his widow, who was prepared to spread the wealth eagle like in becoming Mrs. John Kerry.
I jumped ahead, but Kerry in Vietnam was a resume joke. Where Al Gore could not hide under a typewriter far enough, Kerry could not bathe hisself in glory shallow enough in the stream of sewage which was the excrement of his Colin Powell bravery.
As I stated in Vietnamese at the beginning, I do not know if you are ready for this, but you are going to find out reality here.........and the reality is about rice in his ass comrade Kerry, who got a Purple Heart for fragging a pile of rice which lodged in his ass..............that was about the only genuine Purple Heart this stooge got.
Kerry was a resume plant, a 5th column hero to be made.
Do you really think it was by accident this ass was in Paris negotiating with comunist VC terrorists? Do you really think he is a miracle in he comes home and leads protests against America? Do your really think John Kerry just happened to find his way to be Teddy Kennedy's second and blunder his way toward the White House? Do you really think John Kerry who was not prosecuted for treason.........never received an Honorable Discharge and had that all hidden........that all of that was just the luck of John Kerry?
John Kerry is a 5th column plant.
Goodness why do you think Kerry is all over Obama like a shadow? Kerry is thee American Marxist version of the British Marxist version of Barack Obama. Conspirators one and all.
Kerry was all over Afghanistan. It was not just Holbrooke beating the hell out President Karzai, British MI6 staging dope coups for Obama against Karzai and the last assassination of Karzai's brother..............hell I told you children that Richard Holbrooke suffered a TORN AORTA which one only receives from a car crash impact, and somehow he got his sitting in a chair talking to Hillary Clinton.
Strange he didn't end up in Fort Marcy park later having died of natural causes like Vince Foster.
Kerry's big hoof prints were all over Afghanistan blowing up and the next thing one knows is John Kerry is in Sudan making an oil deal where the Hitler Isalmist there who made genocide for a decade buys his freedom from the cartel for that oil.........and John Kerry quietly worked that deal.
Hillary Clinton is the Peking girl in this drama you see in the red light window..............John Kerry is the whore under the table fingering your dick while you are watching the show.
Yes Bill Clinton is family ownership......a bastard, but still of the blood. Al Gore and John Kerry are 5th column hirelings...........the help, and they were helping like that stooge Marxist Teddy Kennedy that bastard Barack Hussein Obama who is by all accounts has Rockefeller and Rothschild blood in his veins he way the Clinton Rockefellers give him a wide berth and the way John Kerry has become the biggest national assassin of Muslims and Blacks since............B. Hussein Obama, his political twin.
America you are so focused about this stooge Obama, that you have not reasoned out you have had nothing but 5th column stooges as Democrats for the past thirty years...........Dukakis was kind of this is your mind rotten fish stew as Bush required someone to swat down, but the point is you are learning something and now looking at this from a historical perspective which you did not piece together previously.
That is about all I desire to say about this in english.
đủ nói
agtG 237
I can't go to school
cuz I ain't got a gun
I ain't got a gun
cuz I ain't got a job
I ain't got a job
cuz I can't go to school
So I'm looking for a girl with a gun and a job
Don't you know where you are
Lost in America