Thursday, August 4, 2011

Bad to the last Drop

I'm going to explain something a bit more in depth which breaks protocol, but I believe it is important at this time to explain something about the sappers in the wire.

As I will in the coming days pay tribute to the Vietnam Heroes, I will utilize an analogy from them.

In warfare, one sets up perimeters and fields of fire. The perimeters are passive and lethal. One of the protocols in Vietnam early was to string wire with cans on them as gooners knocking about in the night would always rattle them and alert the sentries that sappers were in the wire.

I have mentioned how popular I have become starting in 2008 in the numbers of dates who have showed up in my life in surveillance, harassment and stalking.
The list is from these silly Obots who think this is a game to vent their failures onto hating others, Obama's Jewish contractors, the Kremlin mob, the Brown Recluse in the White House, NSA, foreign intelligence, Uncle David's mafia and Management, with a few assorted persons of interest.

My "cans" have been going off for years as this blog lights up the board. It became interesting enough that Management was interested to ascertain why this little girl was so adept at lighting up the big boys boards.
In relating that, numbers of the level threes and level twos starts bumping into each other in the wires and making note of the wandering Obama idiots who were being a nuisance. It became a great deal like the Coliseum in Rome in the Games in the little mongrels thought they were going to come in and bite the Gladiatress and found themselves running into the lions, bears and tigers, oh my.

I informed the Brown Recluse and others to be careful who they were dealing with, and the intelligent ones confirmed that the warning was legit and backed off. There are people in this who are quite dangerous and absolutely lethal.
Some in Uncle David's mafia did not appreciate the talk about the Indian Ring crime syndicate, but then appreciated this blog pointing out that Mr. Obama was about to replace them with the Chicoms. Some as this blog noted in the priests were speaking of a sanction operation to "clean things up" as a withdrawal was being enacted, but the lords knew better than to leave a trail for Management and others to follow.

See when the trip wires were all making a song, everyone was leaving sign and the careful one were being tripped up by the sloppy ones, and that meant everyone knew everyone was out there, and the level threes were displeased about the bots making a mess of things.

I noted this several weeks ago in passing that "things had changed". There was a definite pull back taking place in contractors and others not bumping about the wires. It picked up a great deal in those who report to Management when the Whore Island series was presented, but that too is bouncing less and even the spiders collecting data are going silent.

THIS MEANS SOMETHING and it's meaning is going to be played out on several facets as this is not a lone event.
It appears on one level that the contractors who pissed all over American for their designer negro have gotten wind of the deal to replace B. Hussein with a Republican or Democrat in 2012, and they are disappearing with their cash earned so as not to become a target in retaliation.

The Obama operatives of the Brown Recluse level also know how desperate their situation was, and why sanctions were being inquired about to avenge themselves on their problems, but the lords as stated know the tracks which have been laid all over this and in the new tenure being constructed this is a world of "I know where the skeletons are buried" and there is nothing worse than waking up to being Karl Rove's bitch in 2013.

Something though tells me that the VC have pulled bak from the wire, because there are other operations being engaged in, and that includes the Berliner boys on an international stage and the Napolitano stooges on a national stage.
From all the signals that "something" is being instigated, this looks as a last use for rag doll Obama before they shake the last cum from this one eyed monster they have been felating.

Specifically, a neutralization of Iran for the Roman Empire which Mr. Obama has been constructing for the Berliner boys and a final revenge of Stanley Ann Dunham on America in a series of 9 11 attacks which will make America bleed.

It is a feeling and sometimes in the wire that is all you get as you survive there by instinct, but something is out there and it is not in my wire, but my wire is picking up the hum of other wires which are in the target matrix.
When there is this kind of pull back, it means CYA, it means a warning off and it means "they" are busy with something else.

That is the something which one must be alert about. Long ago this blog catalogued the evening of September 10th in which my wires at the time picked up something I did not quite know what to make of, as entire grids of the internet were being shut down, message systems being wiped and restarted............the next morning I knew what was the reason in Jamie Gorelick had lost her terrorists and they were sweeping the grids trying to find their lost operatives.

There is something being initiated and the celebration should not be focused upon in the signs log that Mr. Britisher is on his way out, but what must be focused upon in the last bit of the 10cc they are going to squeeze out of this Sinclair moment in their bad to the last drop.

nuff said.

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