Friday, August 5, 2011

The Sacrificial Whore

As a military intelligence agent from the Vietnam era asked the question a few years ago Did Camelot get away with Murder?, it is in this Age of Obama patterns that as the directive can not bring things up unless they are spoken of we are going to revisit the subjects here in Whore Island, and festively in the couples Cord and Mary Meyer with John and Carolyn Kennedy.

It was reported by Cord Meyer when asked who murdered his ex wife, who was Jack Kennedy's hostess when Carolyn was in and out of town, his reply was, "The same bastards who killed Kennedy!"

The Cyclops was one of the heads of the game and ran Mockingbird which is still being run in numerous forms to this day, even though Director George H. W. Bush stated it was closed down.

As this is going to be an exclusive of this blog again by God's Grace, we now will explain a few things in plain sight, so more than the dead and the whispering children of the living will know who murdered Mary Meyer with a 38 slug to the left ear and a follow up shot to make certain to the heart as she lay quivering.

Cord knew all of this and he knew very well who sanctioned his wife and it was not the folks who shot Jack Kennedy in Dallas, unless of course Bobby Kennedy was in on murdering his own brother.

Did you get that?

Let that soak in who murdered Mary Meyer.

Mary Meyer was making noise just like another Kennedy sacrificial whore of Camelot in Marilyn Monroe. With Monroe the Kennedy clean up crew was part of the directorate so it went smoothly and efficiently in shoving an overdose up her rectum.
With Mary Meyer though, it was different as Jack was dead and Bobby had to resort to less than the directorate's standards, and that is what everyone missed in this.

It was the same less than the directorate's standards who set Richard Nixon up in Watergate. These Marxists just do not get the job done as efficiently as they are outside the cover of the Management and are cleaning up whore problems which Management has only one purpose in and that is blackmail if necessary.

Mrs. Meyer was making sounds, and her sounds were to Ben Bradlee who would run the Watergate coup against Richard Nixon. Bradlee was a liar and a Kennedy clone in the intelligence community.
He put in the story about James Jesus Angleton, who was one of the best at covert operations, but with that goofy latino name and being on his own, he made a load of communist enemies and like the CIA proper he was a good scapegoat to hang everything on, including Angleton being at Meyer's home cleaning up things..........just like Bradlee, his brother who was married to Meyer's sister and the sister were there with claimed instructions to "burn everything if something happened to her".

Now that makes a great deal of sense now doesn't it? Why sure in Mary Meyer was telling her sister and the intel ops that if she was murdered, to just cover up the murder and protect dead John Kennedy in their affair as that was thee most important thing in her life.


Mary Meyer was a problem as she was ruining the legacy of not John Kennedy, but Robert Kennedy who was already coldly slipping into his brother's jammies if rumors have it that he nailed Jackie...hand nailed Marilyn Monroe and apparently liked Jack's sloppy seconds.

Watergate and Willy Kennedy Smith proved the lengths the Kennedy's would stoop to, as well as the murdered Marilyn Monroe........putting Conservatives into the nut house to silence them, murdering President Diem in Vietnam............this bunch is not a nice group and Cord Meyer knew all of this, and still was leading the trail away from the Kennedy's............supposedly in his claimed statement.

Everyone agrees that Mary Meyer was hit by a professional. The problem is there are different grades of professionals.
A professional hit on J. Edgar Hoover in poison up his nasal spray is a professional hit. A professional hit which is messy like John Kennedy's brains on Dallas pavement is intended to leave a message and get people looking away from the assassins.

A professional would have gone into Mary Meyer's home, left a suicide note and sent her into narcotic oblivion. It would have been done by someone she knew personally and trusted, to sit down and have a coffee or cocktail, so the individual could drug her for the final scene, as Marilyn Monroe was sanctioned.
That is professional.

Less than professional knows Mary Meyer's routine as he has inside family information and has marked her. They then wait, pop out as she recognizes them, and they then pull out a 38, to which Meyer recoils in shock and begins moving away, and screaming for help, to which the assassin quickly takes target to the left temple, and misses low by the ear as his object is moving and fires.
Brains splatter on the assassin, who is not used to this condition as they have not done this often enough, so he stands over the quivering corpse which is gasping in shock and hesitates.

At which point the only "sound witness" to the murder hears the insurance shot going into Mary Meyer's chest after the less than professional assassin recovers and fires.

A professional would never have allowed Mary Meyer to utter one word, no matter if she knew them or not. In addition, this less than professional did not have access to a silencer which is standard in professionals and they do not run around capping people with large calibers like 38's as even silencer noise is loud and the blowback of brains makes you messy so people notice brains on your person.
This is why it was standard when Bill Ruger came out with his Mark pistols later, the special operations units all ran silencer 22 pistols with solids to the head. It was efficient, quiet, easy to handle the firearm and it was not messy.

No one has ever addressed this reality as no one apparently in this has one foot in the door in knowing what directorate assassins carry out assignments with in protocols and what the rest of these Hollywood figures carry on about pretending they are the original bob.

Bobby Kennedy was assassinated by professionals, as it was his own security with Sirhan Sirhan as a cover in MKULTRA conditioning.
Somewhere in that assassination was the ghost of Mary Meyer as the cherry on top. Yes RFK of this Murder Inc. was not going to be allowed to have access to the assets again to turn them loose on those who did engineer the murder of his brother, but the satisfaction of those who knew what was done to Marilyn Monroe and especially Mary Meyer was what kept the story focused away from them.
Meyer being avenged was just a bonus.

The same holds true with Teddy Kennedy in his car being sabotaged with his prego assistant. Teddy knew damn well it was a hit, and in true Kennedy fashion swam for his life leaving the woman to drown, as he knew a professional hit had been installed against him.
Tedward assessed it was a win win, in the assassins got his problem knocked up mistress, and Teddy got smeared to which he kept his mouth shut, just like he kept his mouth shut on John John and his group being assassinated.

It all transferred by Ted then to Marxist Obama to carry on the vendetta, and Obama unleashed on the CIA early and made certain he murdered Osama bin Laden to shut him up in the ties bin Laden had to the European cartel, the Marxist Eurasians and key Americans.
That is why the Directorate and Panetta went nuts after this in begging someone to investigate this all, as they knew what Obama was up to in cutting out the real CIA.

So the answer is, "Hell yes Camelot got away with murder....sssss", but the continuing story which America is caught up with in Obama is Mary Meyer got her revenge on her assassins from what would become manufactured by Jackie as the Camelot legend which never existed.

There was a point to remember in this America, that when this blog stated it might come yet to Richard Nixon, J. Edgar Hoover, Sec. Forestall and Joseph McCarthy getting their revenge on this Marxist mob who took them down and are still in Mockingbird smearing them.

The revenge will come in the form of Mockingbird Birdy Obama being brought to criminal justice as Obama brings all of this down to Mary Meyer, John Kennedy to Gen. George Patton to Gen. George Custer.

Now you have another piece of the puzzle in which to play with.

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