Have some hitler in your water
Some stalin in you tea
What's all these crazy questions
People askin' me.........
Mama told me don't go.......
I was doing some research in trying to ascertain just who on earth thought up the idea of Barack Obama entertaining hisself and German youth at Hitler's favorite monument, and the closest thing which was an answer was in der spiegel.
The German magazine now being revisited here in hindsight reveals some very strange things which were taking place.
First quote:
Obama's advisors must be finding the debate playing out in Berlin a bit "odd," too. After all, the campaign has been the only thing his strategists have had in mind as he has made public appearances over the last 18 months.
We know from this, it was the Obama team, meaning the David Axelrod, who is a secular Ashkenaz Jew, David Plouffe and Val-erie Jarrett who were the hands behind this Brandenberg speech in directly choosing Berlin and the Hitler association.
Interestingly, Mary Mosert, wrote an in depth piece in November 2008 which was eerily comparing Obama's and Hitler's speeches in content for both these now proven National Socialists.
That of course must be most interesting to Mark Levin, in a Conservative Mosert was doing exactly what Levin yells at his fans over in their comparing Obama and Hitler, and yet both victory speeches were the same in scope.
This blog has always been mystified at Axelrod posting, dressing and mimicking Hitler to that little moustache, but as more evidence points to this Hitler Worship of the Obama clique, the reality starts compounding in just who is Barack Obama jr's real sperm donor?
There are American associations with the Rockefellers by his great grandparents, and we know that Madelyn Dunham was a 10 month baby in Stanley Armour was not in town when she was conceived......and then this mystery of Obama sr. who was trying to knock up American girls to stay in America and marry then, after Barack jr. could not get the job done.
That all as this blog has exclusively covered points to the Dunham and Payne women were being impregnated by other high executive males.
Was Barack Obama going to Berlin due to the reality that Hitler and Obama are blood relations?
Examine the history of Adolf Hitler, he too was a miracle baby in his mother was impregnated by the Baron Rothschild Askhenaz Asian sect which rules Europe, controls America by proxy, and had the Rockefeller funding program install Hitler in Germany.
I have always maintained that one has to be a devout Torah and Tanakh Jew to be called a Jew, and not these holiday Jews which permeate America, so I would never term Hitler a Jew, even if he is Ashkenaz.
The way the entire Clinton entourage parted like the Red Sea for Barack Obama points to these Rockefeller kindred of Obama are of a lower caste, and the only persons higher would be the Rothschilds.
Someone therefore was slumming with blacks in the potential fathers of Obama in Paul Robeson the communist, Frank Davis the communist or the mysterious Navy sailors on the dock with Stanley Armour Dunham and Barack Obama sr. who were black too, could be some type of Rothchild lines of the real parentage of Obama.
In that, it is not Dick Cheney and Obama who are blood relations, but Barack Obama and Adolf Hitler by Ashkenaz lines for impregnating the help.
The second quote is most interesting too, as it involves the deep involvement of this by the Bush Administration as they were very aware of this Berlin speech from the start:
The respected Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper reported this week that a member of the Bush delegation approached Merkel's foreign policy advisor, Christoph Heusgen, at the G-8 summit in Japan to discuss misgivings about Obama's planned speech. The government is also acting out of respect for Republican presidential candidate John McCain, who has long enjoyed strong ties to Germany and good personal relationships with a number of high-level government officials in Berlin.
Some have stated that Prescott Bush and the Bush family are of Ashkenaz Germanic lines, but of a lower order and in what appears in the New World Order of Bush 41, a literal competing and warlike order.
Of all the situations from Israel, the Middle East, Obama's folks making deals with terrorists and South American narco terrorists, the one situation which the Bush family were meddling in was Obama making a Hitler speech in Berlin.
This was so intense that Bush 43 had an adviser as it was proven above at the Japanese G8 Summit muscling the Germans to negate this.
Now consider this, in how if this had gone on as planned how Obama could have been crucified by John McCain in the Hitler association. It would have wiped Obama out, but instead the Bush people almost seem to be protecting Obama........as in sabotaging the McCain campaign as has been revealed by numerous examples from Sarah Palin and in this blog in the workings of Karl Rove.
Note in quote 3 the revelations the Germans have:
The government is also acting out of respect for Republican presidential candidate John McCain, who has long enjoyed strong ties to Germany and good personal relationships with a number of high-level government officials in Berlin. And it is in no way a given that McCain will lose the election.
August 10th in 2008, still had the Germans thinking Obama had blown it with this Hitler stuff, even if der spiegel blurted out what it has been told that Obama would win this election, but now they think that with this McCain is no way given he will lose the election.
That is the international cartel press in Berlin blundering out a fix was in, and that John McCain still might pull this out by this odd Hitler worship Obama was engaging in.
Quote four:
Chancellor Angela Merkel has said she finds Barack Obama's plan to give a speech at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin a bit "odd."
The Germans could not figure out why this designer negro was appearing magically at Hitler's monument. That explains that Ms. Merkel had no idea who Obama's lineage was and she was not privy to what was really taking place.
The Obama "advisers" had though alerted der spiegel that Obama viewed Germany as his tool for his upcoming policies and France as a second, which has played out exactly, as the advisers had discounted London as playing a major role, and was strengthened in how Obama humiliated Gordon Brown and felt up the royals.
The lynch pin in everything Obama is Berlin based and it all points to this bizarre secular Ashkenaz globalists who are treating Obama as one of their own, and the only way one becomes that kind of property is being fathered by one.
To take this kind of idiotic gamble politically mystified the Germans, but the only reason anyone would take such actions was that they had received the anointing of the full backing of the Rothschilds which rock the cradle of the world.
Obama has paid his benefactors of benefathers off munificently.
There is the oil of Libya.
There is the dividing of eastern Europe for Putin rule and Rothschild exploitation under Bolsehvism.
There is the new Sudan oil fields for Europe.
There is the multiple trillions in illegal bailouts and outright graft to the cartel banks, which Obama has created as super banks now with the infusion of funds.
There is the Philistine state to exploit those resources once the land is wrested from the Jews as George Soros own the mineral contracts there.
There is the removal of Egypt as a competitor to the installation of the new Roman Empire.
There is the bailout purchase of central and western Europe starting with Greece.
There is the promise of the destruction of Syria and Iran so the Roman order will stretch to the old borders of the Indus.
This tan Rothschild prince, kindred of another 1000 year reich advocate, has actually been succeeding in what Hitler failed in regional domination of Eurasia and Africa.
This blog has exclusively noted that Mr. Obama is a precursor to the anti Christ, and perhaps now one can easily see that he is building an empire for a fellow brother, his superior to inherit, just as the Bible predicts the anti Christ will come out of Europe.
Those simple quotations from the Germans in 2008 where they were puzzling over this, now in hindsight reveal Bush meddling in the campaign to install Obama as Rove was positioning and the reality of Obama was in Berlin to bow to this masters and provide them a pirate in the American Treasury.......but perhaps as he did not bow, he was instead paying homage to his fathers in the Rothschilds.
They of course could not have the ebony tan in to the parlor, but would allow him to stand in the shadow of his and their kindred, Adolf Hitler for all the National Socialism and recreation of the 3rd reich from the Atlantic to the Indus, to the Arctic to the Kenyan frontier.
Is this the second damning secret this foreign Obama is hiding........that like the Rothschilds of Europe he is kindred bloodlines to Adolf Hitler as his cousin?
Stick around children as the revelations are not done...........
agtG 238Y