It is really delightful to have journalists like the blogger Ulsterman producing his wares in this ocean of mundane, because the Irishman's Norman Rockwell naivety of communicating on an American level is interesting in his shadow fare, and it is quite risque, when he flashes some garter grenades in his Deep Tutu, White House Insider interviews to show the naughty to normal America.
Something though in his part 3 with Deep Tutu made me furious, not in what the Irish lad was doing, but the audacity of Rahm Emanuel, imploring Americans, that now that we pissed in the pot with Obama in not giving damn about America, and he has sh*t in it, you Americans must now join us to save America.
Well hells bells Rahm, and call me Charlie Chan Man, let me reply to that with a big FU!
There were and have been real Americans, Reagan Americans, from all political sides, who have been voting since Ronald retired for American politicians to try and save America, and these Tea Party Americans have been betrayed, and were made out to be terrorists on Napolitano and Reno watch lists.......for believing Jesus is going to come back.
This blog is personally loathsome over Jeff Rense stabbing Sarah Palin in the back in being wrong about how adept she is, and has proven it. Furious at Gridlock Limbaugh for causing this destruction America has. Has utter contempt for that political rapist Karl Rove who destroyed the American politician from George Allen to Christine O'Donnell. Judges Mark Levin the half wit of Limbaugh's non thinking brain in his covering for Obama. Convicts George Nouri on Coast to Coast for getting Obama awards and never exposing Obama's crimes..........and will never forget Joseph Farah fractured all of this in his "None of the Above" which started all of this Obama abyss.
Every single one of the above is a person who is wealthy. They do not work in sweat. They feed off of the Obama system they protect and their whore's payments derive from Mockingbird funds directly or filtered from Soros. They are all the self centered reason America is in this death watch now over it's presence in this world..............and EVERY American knew this from the Ron Paul to the Sarah Palin voters, and they were fed up with the cute Clinton rape and lies that Emanuel thought was a joke, as it was all politics to him, but every American knew blessed well this was not a game, this was criminal and treasonous the things the above mentioned were up to.
Those above could not do what they do without listeners and voters from unions, Jews, blacks, communists, anarchists, who all vote their own rapine and filter out to the internet to post thee most un Americans of propaganda.
Sure there are complete morons in this like that unibomber looker in Steve Quayle in Montana who shows up on Nouri's program..........the same Quayle who believed that Soros Capital Hill Blue that the entire Bush group was going to be arrested or who was not bright enough to turn on televisions or radio to figure out that Valerie Plame was PLAME and not PluhMAY as he was calling her forever.
Quayle is that idiot problem coupled with that fraud of FOX which Obama watches non stop. No wonder Fox radio is so pro Obama in stories they do in making excuses for him as Roger Ahles who shut down Sean Hannity's support for the Tea Party doesn't want to loose the guy who sits in a Howard Hughes stink pen office watching the boob tube all day.
So when I hear all these people who it doesn't matter that Obama has raised the electric, the phone, taxes, the gas, the food prices, because they have the extra thousands to pay for all of this Obama rapine, not getting it in 1990, 2000 or in 2011, I just am filled with righteous indignation.
I know that Ulsterman has not thought this one out yet, as he is still in a surprise mode of "obama can't send out riots", when he fails to equate that Obama has already been staging those riots in America and around the world. The flash mob comes from Obama's flash drive, and they have been twittering and texting themselves into riots from Cairo to Chicago.
People need to realize this in Obama now has the Muslims raiding from Pakistan into Xianxang in China. Mr. Obama is setting off atomic matrix waves non stop, and whether one knows this or not, all of this is creating a tidal wave surge out from America..........and it is all going to wash back like water on America in a deluge, as it is Newton's energy transfer or opposite and equal reactions.
This isn't something "Americans can fix" as Deep Tutu has planned out. This is something only Jesus the Christ can lessen and rectify....Goodness you dolts, on a national scale you just in 2008 put in a false messiah, slapping thee Son of God in the face, booting Jesus off the American Throne He created in 1776 in promises to Abraham and Blessings to Joseph fulfilled.
This is Biblical stuff which has been raped, robbed, violated and slaughtered. YOU GOT RID OF JESUS THE CHRIST, YOUR OWN PROTECTION IN THIS WORLD.
That is sin, major sin, the same kind of sodomite child butcher sin which got Israel and Judah wiped out the first time.
All of this Obama darkness is coming back in spades, and it is going to wash in a tidal wave, go back out and come in and flood again. Only this blog exclusively stated that Sarah Palin was only going to have pieces of America in 2013 to deal with. That is obvious now to the Levin types and what no one has figured out yet, is weakness as Barack Obama has brought America to, in this festering cauldron he keeps stirring, is going to bring death to this world in forms never before seen.
America is going to burn. American is going to bleed. America is going to be destroyed in a cleansing of this Deep Tutu ilk, because THEY ARE GOING TO GET THEIR OBAMA WISHES as that is what Obama was all about.
When this blog stated from the beginning the words given it in Inspiration of UTTER RUIN, connected to Barack Obama, if you think this is bad, you have witnessed nothing yet in this completion. Utter Ruin is coming and she rides a pale horse.
Could America be saved from this judgment she in majority brought on herself? No.
Is the situation hopeless? No it is not, because this judgment which is necessary in balancing what Obama and his voters unleashed must be carried out as God is a Just God.
You people did a very dastardly blasphemous thing in destroying the Promise of God for the dream of Obama. You will face your actions and be repaid for it in a reckoning.
A national repentance would lessen this, and that means arresting Obama and his ilk from Karl Rove to George Soros, the removing of all sodomy, child murder, false religions and you know very well all the other things which should be making you blush, which are rebellion against God's Law.
That done, God would lessen the blows coming. That will not happen though, as this is approaching the end, and God's children will have only their life as a prey to escape with........no gold, no nice cars, no united families.........just the faithful getting out of this with their lives, as God is going to purge these without remedy from the Nation He loves.
I realize that Ulsterman is a good hearted person as an American. As an American, he can not fathom evil and judgment at the depths which he is facing, as that type of sadism is not in the Ulsterman type. It is though in the type of the Deep Tutu and every one of those blind perverts who voted for Barack Hussein Obama. They did not get it, because their god is in their mirror and not in their hearts.
It will all come to be now, as God as the Angels were sent out to mark, and a massive culling will take place in God's time. So this fight is not for America, as she is gone except in the hearts of real Americans. This fight is for bits and pieces of America. This fight is a proof to God that you will remain faithful to Him and America, even if all is lost. This fight is over already as it is a fight that Christ will take up for His Name and His Namesakes.
Americans have not faced real genocide in their psyche since the Ohio Valley world war against them, and in parts of Texas and the Great Plains in the Indian terrorism then. This is old in their memories across Europe, Asia and the Middle East where they sojourned from.
The sooner this reality sets in for what is coming, the more readily one can in Christ, deal with it and embrace God's cleansing.
Ulsterman records the American Dream. Deep Tutu espouses the American Nightmare. The Faithful adhere to Promise.
nuff said
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