Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Body Man

Love watches Obama's back -- and his waistline.

Diane Sawyer ABC anchorette Person of the Week

Something needs to be revisited about the Chicago hostess, Barack Hussein Obama, because people have missed the point.
The same Barry Obama who was being picked up in limo service, to service gay males in town like Lawrence Sinclair, in prostitution, in exchange for dope and drinks (Yes that is what this was all about is gay community organized prostitution in for a good time a limo ride, dope and booze are provided by major cities for homosexual clientele to keep everyone friendly and sodomites not being preyed on in bars, led out to a back alley and robbed.........which brings in the police, police reports and media.........and all the queer politicians, corporated studs and studettes and media perverts get upset as they don't want to end up tied naked to a bed, with a gerbil up their rectums found by the maid who snaps an iphone shot, before she calls the police and afterwards sells it to the press.

Do you get that point please? Barack Obama was turning tricks in DC when he wasn't turning tricks in Chicago when not occupied by Donald Young. He was one of the DC hostesses and when you are such a hostess you free willie on numerous folks in power there and they all know the dirty little secrets.

Obama is a basketball fan, for the baggy shorts and low tops which allow him to leer at young is his gay porn. Obama plays basketball so he can rub on men in foreplay.

After Charlie Gibson's gay interview with open shirt with Obama as was outed here, and Gibson afterward disappeared.........that photo was scrubbed from the internet. That interview with Obama's man boobs on the beach, was gay porn and sending the message, "Obama is one of you".
It was as it was outed by lesbians when Hillary Clinton was in the White House, "We finally have a woman in there we can f*ck", as was stated by their national spokeslez.

Doctor my Pharmacist asked me why I use so many tampons, and I said, "Well they keep falling out, so I strap four of them together in a Noonan, and that keeps them in, but I still use too many tampons, what should I do?"

Order a Coulter salad...........use a smaller cucumber.

One must pay attention to these things like Obama making a "joke" about Brian Williams and Obama in bed together normal males do that, and Obama mentioned that to not only out Brian Williams as a sodomite who plays, but Obama was making the point, if the reporters screwed with him in not towing the line..........he was going to out every Andersen Cooper one of them.....yes Cooper going nuts in giggles about "teabaggers" was reliving having his balls lapped as he is a sodomite.

Now that you have that reality of the giggles...........the reason Barack Obama was asked by a shocked Steve Kroft about his giggling, was Kroft honestly thought Obama was nuts. No Obama was not nuts, he was HORNY over Kroft and was giggling thinking about being stroked and sucked by the CBS 60 Minutes reporter.

You don't get this stuff, because you don't know what made Obama. The Indochinese have a trait, and when they especially get excited about things, they start getting high pitched and giggling. It might be violence. It might be sex, but it is always a reaction of Obama's Indonchinese exposure at a young age.
Obama puts on the black hood of cool and anger, but when he is playfully aroused he is all Pacific theater.

You don't think the gay reporter corp in biographer David Remnick, Thomas play me a round Friedman, Mark jilted love Halperin, don't know Obama is gay? That is the reason they were chosen by Obama and they gravitate to him.

Do you really think Jay Carney who can't talk as White House spokesboy and is the wife of that bruiser was picked by Obama for his talents?

Why do you think the GOP is so hard for Obama? It is that damned gay mafia which infests the Karl Rove GOP.........they love this sodomite. Jake Tapper in GQ outed them as "one gay in every office"............Ken Mehlmann, Steve Schmidt, Karl Rove...........the whole thing is Sodom and Obama.

Most people watch sports for talent. Barack Obama watches sports for gay sex contacts. Reggie Love was picked up from a Duke game, as Obama liked his moves.

Doctor, my husband Barack, says I'm not enough of a woman to satisfy him, What should I do?

Be Reggie Love.

What you have been watching world is an entire soap opera of the Gay and the Restless. If you think the Clintons and the Bushs were the valley of fire and brimstone for gays, you would be hard pressed to find any straight people in and around Obama.

Obama could be tapping Katie Johnson above. She certainly is auditioning with her legs spread, in showing she prefers the deluxe size of black dildos, so Obama in his small size would have no problems with screaming in fast entry as she is latex friendly.
Granted she has man hands, so you wouldn't want those mitts around your manhood as she would probably pull it out by the roots and those thick thighs wrapped around Obama would probably break his ribs...but when you got a stout little Katie Couric in your office offering it........why bother with the Asian and African who both got their hands in their pockets playing pocket pool thinking about your Obama.

None of it makes sense, as none of it is normal............well yeah Hillary Clinton is a more handsome guy than that girl Anthony Wiener for Huma, but why go for the Chicago slut when you can audition for the real batter.
Only these gays can figure that out as they are all birds of a feather flocking together.

It is the reason Obama flared in fury at Jimmy Kimmel making fun of the Body Man, Reggie Love, as Obama likes his illusions of he is a real man, and only uses gay males for oral stimulus. You have seen the pictures of Obama carrying his books like a girl and the way Obama strolls about, and you know Obama is in that closet fumbling around.

Obama likes his big boy.........liked his big boy Donald Young. He likes em big as it empowers him to make the big boys get on their knees and service him. Weak people get their rocks off in stuff like that.

I suddenly feel a bit more grimy after all of this and am going to wash this all off my mind. It is though what it is..........and this is the title of an Obama house party joke:

Ah, attention, would the straight person who left their lights on in the parking lot please go through the West Wing and turn them off.

........and out of 250 attendees no one left the room.........

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