What if I were to inform you that in 2005, the media and federal government had the junior senator from Illinois dead to rights, namely Barack Hussein Obama, on insider trading and misuse of public information, and like all Obama crimes nothing was done about it.
Yes, The Street, did an in depth piece on Obama's shady investments in satellite and biological warfare in companies which were on the cusp of breaking out into the billion dollar profit structure in mergers with conglomerates and tapping into the government insider money train in Skyterra Communications (SKYT) and AVI Biopharma (AVII).
Never heard of them have you? Well no one else did, unless you were in the US Senate looking into obscure companies to invest in for windfall profits.........you know like buying Apple or Microsoft early like Forrest Gump.
There were two reasons Obama was not arrested in 2006, one was the cartels needed a tan guy to replace pervert Jesse Jackson to herd the black vote and the second was Obama is in the cartel family by bloodlines, and they just can not have a US Senator Obama in the grey bar hotel like other Democrats, as the problem is Barry likes Vaseline and dropping soap in showers.
Hard to punish Obama when.............well the punishment is a reward in sodomite sex for the Chicago hostess.
The cartel was embarrassed about their boy for a third reason, in Obama in insider trading is perhaps the first person in history to LOOSE MONEY.
Yes that Obama magic touch with destroyed sure winner Big Brown in the Triple Crown and wiped out the Steelers along with all the NCAA picks in basketball in 2011, also rubs off on stocks Obama picks. Once sure deal companies tied into intelligence and then government contracts suddenly saw their stocks plunge in and go stagnant in the Bush glory years of expansion, just by that Obama touch.
It is all though the Obama pattern as Albert E. Hendershot has been tracking in the Obama's did not pay taxes on that Chicago Georgia Mansion purchased for them, and they hid their low interest loans, which all ties into the past charge here of that 1.6 million dollar mansion was an reported tax gift to the Obama's, which includes free rent, free land and free upkeep of the property.
Obama is the self made welfare millionaire literally in he never paid for a thing and kept getting foundation and government money dumped onto him like a crack whore.
For all of Obama's castigating corporations for "hording money" as cash. Obama has gone beyond his charges, in he floats in two checking accounts at JP Morgan anywhere from a quart to a half a million dollars.
Then there is the massive debt investment Obama has made in over 1 million dollars in T bills and notes.
........and do not fall for that charity donation of from the Nobel Prize and Obama "paying taxes" at over a million, because Obama in 2009 had almost 6 million dollars in INCOME it was stated from his book graft.
If one adds 6 million plus the 1 million, that is 7 million. At 40 percent IRS tax rate average, that is 2.8 million in taxes Obama should have paid.........Obama only paid 1.8 million.
OK I will do the math, on the 6 million he owed 2.4 million, but ended up with only 1.8 million being paid.............that is because his "charity donations" from the Nobel had to be deducted......so Obama MADE almost three quarters of a million dollars in that donation which would have gone to taxes. Obama gave away a million, but made $600,000 back out of your tax pockets.
Yes things are different in the real world when you are not in Rush Limbaugh's Literalville or Realville in the Obama estates.
Obama like Buffett dumps money into his "children's future" for education as he profits off of American debt..........yes you are paying to send the Obama kids to elite colleges in these 529 plans, as you know this is all geared as welfare for the rich in tax deductions.
Obama's checking account though is housed in his top investment stocks of his relative Rockefellers of JP Morgan Chase. One would think that would be a conflict of interest in all the money Geither is rewarding JP and Uncle David in the plundering of the Treasury for these Fortune 500 companies of New York, but........well it is just like that Obama magic in Daddy Obamabucks is in town and Little Orphan America is being chased by the crooks.
- JP Morgan Chase (JPM, Fortune 500)
- Apple (AAPL, Fortune 500)
- Google (GOOG, Fortune 500)
- Intel (INTC, Fortune 500)
- Qualcomm (QCOM, Fortune 500)
- McDonald's (MCD, Fortune 500)
- Bank of America (BAC, Fortune 500)
- Amgen (AMGN, Fortune 500)
- CVS Caremark (CVS, Fortune 500)
- Gilead (GILD, Fortune 500)
You know the one with bank account deposits from the Muslim Brotherhood for giving them Egypt, the one from Iran in bribing Obama to keep the Jews from striking their nuclear program, the one from Hitler al Bashir of Sudan for Obama keeping the butcher of Christians in power, the one with the Sudan oil profits John Kerry negotiated for the Europeans, the one from British Petroleum in Obama getting the the Libyan oil, the one from George Soros in his becoming the 3rd largest food controller in America, the one from Warren Buffett for Obama letting him take over the oil transportation and food transportation game in that railroad...... you know those secret bank accounts which make a few million look like chump change.
You really think that the Obama who looted over 13 trillion from the US Treasury for the 3rd world, the cartel in New York, the cartel in central Europe, did not get a cut out of that money game?
Why the hell not just let your public black book investments stagnate in T bills, when you have the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros and Buffetts investing your money with their multi trillions in the new world order.
Obama was guilty of insider trading in 2005. He should have been prosecuted and still should be prosecuted no matter the time which passes.
I want the forensic bookkeepers to find the money trail of the Obama's little black book he doesn't show the IRS, but rolls around on with Reggie Love as they plan their getaway back to Whore Island.
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