I was looking for prison uniforms for B. Hussein as it is the duty of a fashion maven to look out for their beloved leader in planning ahead for when he is imprisoned in Vaseline City.
I happened to notice though this chic kept coming up and she was hot........well look and see what I mean.

In any murder, Darlene got nailed for a video of her fishing around in a pond the Texas Rangers found a gun which was the same caliber that ended up in the back of her husband's head.
I don't know why Darlene and here race horse Dallas attorney just didn't say she was in the pond testing the bottom to see if the contractor was lying to her about the need to fill it........but then that is why one pays the high prices for attorneys to get you convicted.
Where was I? Oh yes, I was saving beloved leader.
As I do not watch television that much, I noticed in the search that SNAPPED kept coming up, and had no idea what it was, but there is this show on for quite a long time which catalogues crazy bitches who have to much of life getting to them and the go bonkers and start chewing up people with chainsaws.
I kid you not, one gal cut up a body with a chainsaw. I have run chainsaws and you get wood shavings and oil spray all over you...............golly that must be one hell of a thing to have bone, blood, meat and............you know that has to get hot so you get a bbq smell off the human body.........be like being at an Obama Luo cannibal feast I suppose.
Here are a few of the murders...........
Wife strangles husband with help of illegal sleeping in the bedroom closet............
Drugs and shoots husband and cuts up body to dump in the bay..........
Laces beer with sleeping pills and then attacks husband with an axe.....
Wife seduces her online lover to shoot her husband...........
The majority of cases though have Col. Colt having made not all men equal, but women, as most of these convicted murdering women are lacing their not so better halves with lead poisoning.
What female species needs equal rights, when they are manly enough to shoot guns.........America has become a nation now that women are the Amazons.
The reason to bring this up with Barry is he gots all those women around him, Muchelle, Valdasherie and Reggie. Things have not been going good for Barry in his nuts have been handed back to him by Democrats, Bill Daley, the GOP, Khadaffi, the Taliban..........you know how girl that makes Obama look in manly women's eyes.
All that tension, frustration and aggravation in the White House just has to have Muchelle looking around thinking, "What the hell did I get into.........Barry get's his lily white butt in prison with all those yummy black men and he is going to be a wife in no time, and what will I get........no pension, no book deals, no movie deals................I'll just be this big butted, ugly black horse and have to go back to giving rides to the kids in the park!"
What about Valdasherie in all she did for Barry, and those forgeries she is in on.........she might just end up the wife of some real black man in prison named Eunice..........what must Val be thinking in how far she could fall?
What the wife, Reggie Love.........basketball star.........is he thinking he will get the Donald Young treatment as Obama tries to cover his tracks and flees the country with those fictional blondes he was screwing in Hawaii and New York?
Is the White House a coming episode of Snapped? All of us have grave concerns about Mr. Obama's safety............what if people start looking around for Barry and Muchelle is busy offering up meat pies she has just baked up?
What if Barry goes missing at Valdasherie's office and all the staff heard that day was Val flushing parts of Barry down the lou 400 times?
What if Barry goes missing and all that is recorded is Reggie carrying his basketball outside according to logs 78 times and Barry was in the ball?
Who knows what makes women snap...........maybe Barry at the piece of Muchelle's cherry pie, maybe Barry said Val's tits looked saggy in that jacket..........maybe Barry said Reggie's butt looked big in a thong...........we just don't know, but we have these television episode of women gone wild, and it was all not with the pressure cooker of Obama birth forgeries and Hillary Clinton trying to challenge Obama for the nomination............
Speaking of which..............woooo doggies, hold that one sister, what about Hillary going bonkers with Huma's titties getting all sore filling up with Wiener's deposit....which means no sex for Hillary from Huma.........thoughts of her being a father at her age............what about Hillary Clinton appearing on Snapped?
Obviously with all the crazy women around our girlfriend Barack, we must alert the world to his predicament and keep him from starring on Snapped. For that reason, this blog advocates thee immediate arrest and incarceration of B. Hussein Obama, to keep him from all the crazy women he has surrounding him.
Nancy Pelosi whose brain is jammed on botox? You have seen her batting her eyes........heard her odd rambling like a kook............if we do not protect Barry Soetoro, Nancy Pelosi could get off on being insane, hook up with John Hinkley in facility and the next thing you know some judge will be letting her out on dates as she is not a threat to society.
This blog pleads for the safety of Barack Hussein Obama, that federal law enforcement arrest him for his numerous crimes immediately to save him from all the kooks around him.
Hey, Joe Biden gets into Jill's menopause cream, starts wearing skirts, starts thinking Barry is going to replace him as VP................SNAPPED!!! Another female threat from Obama's inner vulva.
For Obama's sake.........or is that god's sake.........well if it is Newsweek it is both, please FBI arrest Mr. Obama for his safety before the women around him go nuts............as we all know Muchelle Obama is not going to pretty up like Waco Vixen Darlene Gentry.........and no one wants to see that mug shot please.