Saturday, August 13, 2011

George Clooney's Cum Deposit

America you really need a two by four over your whore's head to knock some sense into you.

I was trolling through Yahoo and am always fascinated by the "Trending Now" as this time it was Stacey Keibler, Jeff Conaway, some latino tarts and Ted Bundy. I always find it hilarious the stories which trend and who would not be most honored to be trending with Ted Bundy eh?

The Keibler story is the one which just is too much. For those who do not know this C grade "actress" she was on fake wrestling to give lesbian viewers something to diddle with at home with their rabbits.
This woman has no talent, was given Dancing with the Stars, because people who watch that wanted something pretty to win to give them the illusion that all was right in the world and now she is George Clooney's whore.

Yes George "I love Obama" Clooney............another manifestation of no talent ushered onto America, because he made gay men hard, just like Brad Pitt.
How any woman would want to be around a man whore is beyond my understanding, and yet here is this Hugh Hefner geezer in the making, who can not commit to a woman to marry her, has no ability to commit to raising children, hates America, loves traitors, and here comes another fling tart named Stacy Keibler living out her Ashton Krutcher dirty little boy and girl fantasy by nailing the adult slut in the room.

America, as Bernie Mac would say, "We got to talk."

I just do not understand why anyone would want to go to bed with old bag with knife marks hiding her sag. I don't care if she sucks and f*cks like a whore.......the woman is whorehouse ugly and has more rubber marks coming out of her than the Indy 500.

There are things called know hoo hoo cancers, which all these lapping and licking whores are carrying around on their tongues and vaginas just waiting to erupt into cancer. There are things like being so in need of attention that you play on a stage to get that attention and you are so emotionally nuts that no sane person would ever want a baby manufactured with you as by the next menstrual cycle they would be off banging the maid like Conan as Maria was watching Desperate Housewives.

These are animals pure and simple. They are the baboons of the asphalt jungle who breed, eat, sh*t and think no more about what tomorrow is, because they have a messiah in the White House who is going to make them all not the Planet of the Apes, but Muchelle Obama beautiful.

I don't know how these tramps can go to sleep at night knowing dozens of people have seen them naked, that they have body fluids from all these disgusting grubby people soaked into their beds and hides, and they treat every person like Peggy Noonan's blow up doll of Obama as just something to rub on long enough to make the nectar flow.

I see this non stop in the little tramps who have kids and then think they are doing some working dork a favor by dumping their little bastard on him to raise, in exchange for the honor of sex..........just like Stan Ann stuck that poor Lolo Soetoro with Barry whoever.
There is so much better in this world if you by God look for it, and not put up with this trash, refuse and garbage which Hollywood terms "sexy".

I would not let George Clooney anywhere near anything human in my family as he is corrupt. I would not allow this cum dump pissing post of Stacy Keibler anywhere near anything human, as they are disgusting reprobates who only bring trouble from demons, disease and just plain nutty auras.

This whore factory America has become is just beyond remedy. There is now the majority of population who have screwed each other in a mix of sodom and gomorrah, gerbils and dogs and raped children, because the degrees of separation are absolutely eroding from the 7 fold to the three.

All those sexy people don't appear so sexy when you realize all they have been to bed with, stunk up the sheets with and what kind of conversations have taken place beginning with, "I think Barack Obama is a bright guy............."

Yupper I sure want a son to bring home a woman who has her beaver rubbing on a ring rope grinning at it all.........and I sure want a daughter bringing home a man who could be her grandpa.

Stacey Keibler posted she was in that is hell.

Go back to Whore Island and leave the Americans in peace.
