Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Trail of Crumbs

Blackmail is a dirty business. That is why it is not called white mail. Lame Cherry

Today we have a question in why is it that every time people's investments have a bust in price on Wall Street and you lose money, when some bank loses a few billion dollars, when Obama and Geithner lose a few billion in bail out..........why is it no one ever finds this money on the street blowing about?

For example in Obama's Kenya, the Charterhouse Bank in an international money laundering scheme lost billions of dollars in people named Khan running the operation, as in Khan from Obama's Pakistan..........lost this money.

Then there was that Hawaiian banking meltdown before all the other meltdowns in which investors lost billions from school retirement accounts in that Clinton Gore Chicom money laundering deal.

Then there was that short selling of US airline stocks on 9 10 for 9 11 which came from the Berliner boys, but in all that money lost in stocks no one was ever prosecuted and who did it, never was mentioned by name.

Then there was that BCCI bank with billions lost in it.........again with Pakistani connections.

Just look at the 2008 9 11 economic terror attack on Iceland, England and America, the Anglo Finance structure, in trillions were "lost" and one would assume with a block of cash that large which would be to the stratosphere that some fortunate soul would have stubbed their sole on this pile of cash and been quite happy taking it home to become rich............but no one ever finds this "lost" money.

Now the astute might say, "That is electronic losses in value and it is not like it was real money".

So when someone sells short, and that sale of money ends up in an electronic transfer that money does exist in some one else's account?

Er, ah yeah.

That means the money was not lost then, just like lost banking money is not lost, just like the trillions lost in stock prices transfer to trillions invested in other venues as sold stocks do indeed produce cash, and billions in government accounts lost and somehow said to not leave trials, really do in fact leave trails that software like PROMIS as it was designed registers all of these electronic monetary transfers, so no money is ever lost............but is only termed "lost" so the public does not realize that there is around in the past few years around a quart of a quadrillion dollars in some folks bank accounts.

This blog lays claim to this as exclusive in first addressing the monetary rapine subject in the QUADRILLION CATEGORY of assets.
So when you hear it, along with abyss and other words assessed correctly here first like Obama is a MARXIST, you know I have proprietary rights in Inspired use of them first.

If you did not realize it, all of the above mentioned "lost" moneys have a common denominator in Barack Hussein Obama has ties to all of these interesting misplaced funds.

I once again revisit this bit of information in...........

When George Soros buys wheat at a low price or buys up derivatives at a low price, and then shifts those purchases in they increase value due to his investing immense sums of cash driving the market, which then in staged herding of poor people's retirement investment funds start flowing into these arenas, and then those investments are dumped on poor people as Mr. Soros takes his billions in profit, exactly like Nation Rapist Warren Buffett, and prices deflate robbing poor people, and in the case of the Obama staged 2008 crash, this cartel then sticks the US taxpayer with bailouts and other assorted Geithner stock manipulations and piracies of Mr. Obama bailing out European banks........doing the same Soros money flipping in a double and triple dipping larceny scheme, then those LOSSES are really some cartel member's gains and directly inside their bank accounts, and as this blog exclusively pointed out in a Warren Buffet example of Mr. Buffet used those ill gotten gains to buy up the Pritzker holdings, the same Penny Pritzker who was Mr. Obama finance manager in 2008 and Mr. Buffett also used those looted funds to buy up railroads, which he had worked a deal with Oklahoma oil interests to ship that oil on his trains, making immense profits...........while Mr. Obama shut down the cheaper oil pipeline dispersion route.............that ALL OF THAT MONEY which was stolen from Americans is there, still left all the tracks, and can still be seized from the robbers.

Much has been made of the Madelyn Dunham and Stanley Ann Dunham banking connections of time and again their presence has set off like Barry Soebarkah Rothschild an implosion of assets which become deficeits which become losses but gains for the cartel..........and trying to lay this all on the CIA in their money transfer structure............which is nothing more than the cartels blaming the CIA which can not cry wolf, as their black operations are involved in narcotics, bribes, murder and things which are necessary in the real world, but get normal people uneasy of such criminal association, so the CIA shuts it's mouth while knowing the cartels are the one group in every one of these cases stealing the lion's share to their own accounts.

People have wondered and speculated about the magic act of Barack Obama in Pakistan. Too many people though have afforded too much CIA position to the Dunham women and Obama as what they were, was infiltrators by the cartel into CIA run operations.
Barry Soetoro was not some finance paper writer after getting a diploma given to him in New York and he certainly was no CIA operative in the CIA muhajadeen war in Afghanistan.

You have seen the photos of the effeminate Obama with the impish grin and dazed look in his eyes..........this is no person William Casey or the CIA would have trusted to paint Jane Fonda's nails let alone be around strategic operations.

What Obama was doing........exclusive here, and I sort of happened to post it on a site in comments, in Pakistan, was he was a courier using the Ford Foundation as a cover as his womb donor was working the fringe of these operations as an infiltrator.

I will explain this as you nice children have probably never been to places where Muslims have sex with goats, women shoot ping pong balls out of their vaginas and little boys are sold to gay men to rape.

The real world rotates on raped children, narcotics, gems, weapons and the manufacturing of cash in dry cleaning or laundering, because the cartels need this inflow into "the system" to make up for all the looting they do in the white markets.
That is why his blog alone pointed out that the European banks which survived the 2008 Obama staged economic terrorism did so, because half their cash reserves were from contraband trade.

Little brown Indonesian boys and little white Slavic girls sold for rape to the global citizen is what kept the banking institutions solvent, along with all the bribes, extortion, blood gems, narco terror trade and weapons sales.

There are trade routes in this as while one can transfer money electronically, little boys do not fax to perverts.

Pakistans is one of the transshipping points.........if you pay attention in this, the transshipping points are always in the news, because the various factions are trying to murder their way to control those points for a greater profit margin and to extort higher commissions from competitors, so one controls their contraband too.

Shhh.........that is why the Shah was removed in Iran, as the turban heads of Islamic communism were part of a better trade route deal the Shah was hindering.

Click off every Obama headline and the places he visits and you are really seeing thee important cartel old land routes for the things which normal people judge perverted and evil.

Barack Hussein Obama was no great CIA asset on mission in Pakistan, but instead was "the trophy boy" messenger, a courier that one sends in to show the criminals on ground that they are honored, because someone with cartel blood in their veins and a future chosen leader has graced their nation.
Why in hell do you think Bill Clinton was parading around behind the Iron Curtain in he had his own handler? They knew this was a Rockefeller bloodline project and Bill was on tour showing them what a rapist President would look like.

Obama back in the 80's was showing the Pakistani's and Indians who were the merchants of Africa, that their trade would be safe with him a President of Kenya, and to show how well mummy was going to be having hands on money dry cleaning like Gram was in Hawaii, so all that dope, guns, gems and rape money was going to be in transactions handled smoothly.

There are "travel lists" on every flight. That is how the terrorists blew American jets from inside as they had the "do not check cargo" and the "don not check passenger names" lists. Barry Soetoro was on those lists, and I have yet to see one of these couriers not come back with a kilo of coke from South America or a kilo of opium from Indochina "as a gift", the same way Roger Clinton was picking up coke for huffer Bill and the Bush boys of George and Jeb are said to be on a DEA tape in Florida handling the goods.
You can make a hell of allot of money being on lists, accepting presents from source and hauling them back to your associates who reward you monetarily.

Now you know for the first time exclusively what Barry Obama was up to in Pakistan for the window dressing.

The experts have just got to stop feeding into the propaganda that everyone is some kind of James Bond or some Godfather movie........when in reality they are grubby little self serving perverts all caught on video of the day.

That will be enough in this installment to comprehend as you are not putting the past exclusives together in where this trail of crumbs is going.

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