Saturday, August 6, 2011

Is God on America's Side?

This is a hard way to be proven right in the military now going on record that murdering Sheik bin Laden was always the mission, along with slaughtering the male terrorists in the bin Laden home, and not what Obama lied about from the first moment in this was a "capture" mission.

Perhaps though on the day when the Obama SEALS were all killed, it is the time to slap people like Mark Levin upside the head in cheering the murder of Sheik bin Laden and others, to start asking the question in an event like the 26 Americans dead if God is on America's side or what was really being worked out here.

I will remind each of you of something in Gulf War I which only I at the time was pointing out. You will recall how Saddam Hussein was launching Scuds constantly and the special forces were having an impossible time locating them.
The Patriot batteries came in and did a wonderful job in stopping the Scuds, but if you recall, America at that point started celebrating in thee most cocky manner and taking credit for stopping the the end of the war, one of those Scuds got through and killed a pile of Americans.
It sickened the nation and the cheering stopped immediately. War was not such an all powerful American thing at that moment in America could not perfectly stop Scuds.

I believe the Bible is the 100% Word of God, and when it states that Jesus is Lord of the battle, I believe every victory for America was given by Jesus and the heavenly host.

I love the American military, but it sickens me when I see Bill Clinton in Kosovo with Wes Clarke blowing up people he had no business blowing up. It was repulsive watching NATO defraud Christian Serbia of it's land and given to Muslims.
It is deplorable to me as unAmerican to have Obama turn the US military into Murder Inc. It is hard being the only Conservative or American voice expressing these warnings as people like Mark Levin cheer murder.

The death of Sheik bin Laden should have been a victory, but Barack Obama deliberately disgraced it from a healing event robbing America of justice and turned it into a slobbering jeering mob of the Mark Levin type "who didn't care" as the ends justified the means.

Americans do not go in as Soldiers and slaughter unarmed people. That is the venue of civilian operatives such as in the CIA in sanction assassinations. There must be rules in this of honor and conduct or otherwise you are doing things which bring no justice nor honor to the event.
A CIA team with orders to neutralize all terrorists in a house whether armed or unarmed, is legitimate considering they are terrorists, as the act is one of stealth and quick contact, two tap to the brain death.
It is not a Soldier shooting a wife, tackling the wives and another Soldier shooting an unarmed terrorist in the chest and capping him one in the head as all stand around horrified.

A Sniper should have killed the unarmed Sheik bin Laden and if the body was so necessary then use stun grenades and give everyone concussions. There must be the illusion of something honorable and not shooting unarmed people by Soldiers.
Soldiers have a military code of honor. Civilians have license to turn murder into assassination.

Here am I not God, but I always warn people that God takes great notice when you start pasting His Name on things. God did not appreciate King David whoring and murdering a man as that was putting God's Name on sin.

You can look through the Bible at the Prophet Elisha being hunted by Arabs and how he had God blind the armies eyes and led them to Samaria where the King was exclaiming to the Prophet for permission to slaughter this enemy in mass.
Elisha sternly warned the King that one does not slaughter people in your clutches and instead fed them and sent them home.

The question which is Spiritual must be asked why these Obama SEALS who murdered Sheik bin Laden and others, in America's name and the Name of God in that Book called the Bible which the political leaders swear oaths on, just was this a reckoning by God in He is not going to have His people, His nation and His Name given carte blanch to murder?

Little again about the SEAL team story is adding up, as they were doing "support" for another mission under heavy fire? One does not send in expensive SEALS when one has artillery and Blackhawks to slaughter enemies cheaply.

What is the reality is the Obama SEALS who murdered terrorists are now all dead in what looks like a reckoning as certain as the Scuds were a reminder, and how Bush43 asked God for help in winning Gulf War II and then everyone was taking credit for the victory God gave........and voila it all blew up.

No one is going to ask these questions, except this blog as usual. Unless the answers are found, there will be more reckoning..........

Because on one hand you have a devout Muslim who is denying Christ, but fighting for his people who have been plundered by the Muslim governments in league with western exploiters and murders unarmed people on 9 11.

On the other had you have SEALS who were following orders by a false messiah who calls hisself god, who orders them to murder unarmed people.

I witness a number of broken Commandments in both of these leaders and followers. When the Angel of the Lord informed Joshua that He (as Jesus) was on God's side and not on Israel's or any man's side..........that is how this should all be witnessed.

Two groups with false messiahs both murdering unarmed people. Why would not God even things out to inform His Americans that they are acting no different than the Muslims they are responsible for bring Salvation to.

This Obama abyss is not just financial. It is a moral issue.

A scratch shot at a Chinook and it kills all the people on board who murdered Sheik bin Laden.

The bin Laden family would see that as being avenged by a higher power...........what do Americans see in this message or are they just going to continue to believe with B. Hussein Obama that they are above the laws laid down for all?

I do testify that America under a flawed man like George W. Bush was given two victories in war it requested with few casualties in under 30 days when Christ was running things. Under a false christ in Obama, America now has a question of why the Obama SEALS were all dead in less than a few months after a national celebration of murder.

Some would call that Biblical as there are no coincidences.

You can not have it both ways America in slapping God's Name on things as it has rectifying consequences and your messiah Obama is not going to save you, nor raise Team Six from the dead.

God is always on His side. Which side are you on America?

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