Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sugarland.........the Plantation Years of Whore Island

This blog prefaces this with no one here at Lame Cherry has ever had sex with nor impregnated or become pregnant by any penis or ovary belonging to the Dunham's or the Obama's........

Unfortunately for the type setters at he Encyclopedia Britanica, neither has Madelyn Dunham, Stanley Armour or Stanley Ann Dunham and Michelle Robinson Obama.

I'm going to take you back to the Arkansas example of a then Governor named Rockefeller who happened to impregnate a whore by the name of Virginia Kelly..........yes Bill Clinton's father is rumored to have been Gov. Rockefeller of that globalist dynasty.
This is why Bill went to Berlin to get the Rothschild's blessing, got away with as much crime as Obama in being installed and why this psychotic rapist was let anywhere near the power structure.

I have a quote to start this new exclusive with on what has been only covered here on Whore will probably get your ignorant attention to those who can't figure out the drama here.

Rolla Payne, the father of Madelyn Lee (Payne) Dunham, had worked for John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company and managed leases/drilling operations in Oklahoma and internationally. This fact was discovered by tracing Payne's social security number, which had been issued in Oklahoma, not in Kansas.

The hidden Oklahoma period of the Dunhams is as nefarious as the California Berkeley period in no one cares to examine the roots of all of this and once again in this paternalistic American centric society..........all the women are road kill and it is never viewed that maybe it was the women in Barry Rockefeller's life which were the role makers and not the men who ended up on the birth certificates.

As stated, I have never had sex with John D. Rockefeller nor Uncle David........don't much care for that cousin from West Virginia either........just the point in it does make one wonder if somewhere in the Rockefeller mentality which produced Bill Clinton in how many bastards old JD did father around America as Standard Oil.

The reason this matters is it builds to the child Madelyn Payne who married as a child this Stanley Armour, and once again according to the time line, it appears Madelyn got pregnant by immaculate conception or had a 10 month old baby in Stanley Ann, as the linear calendar had Stanley Armour not within sperm deposit range at Stan Ann's conception in being in Europe.

We now then have John D. Rockefeller of globalist incorporated tied to the Payne women. A Payne woman then gets a very cushy job at a Kansas Boeing plant..........and gets pregnant.
Once again the rumor has it that someone was stealing bomber plans for the Nazi's and the fingers point to Stanley Armour and Madelyn prosecutions, as the tale is likely no robber baron wanted to be linked to the guy who knocked up Madelyn Rockefeller who just happened to be spying for Hitler.

Once gain the nefarious trail becomes more clear in this as we reach Barack Hussein Rockefeller in it appears Barack Sr. was screwing anything in Hawaii and the mainland which was on two white legs, and none of these women turned up pregnant, save the whore from Lederer's Bar in Stanley Ann..........who mysteriously again is rumored to be in a photo not looking quite pregnant in 1961.
That part will not be opened here, as Stan Ann is listed as womb provider, but with Barack Srs kids in Africa and American NOT LOOKING ONE ALIKE, NOR LIKE HIM, it seems he was pumping dust and had allot of semen deposit assistance from other black males.

So could Frank Marshall Davis a mulatto or a Paul Robeson another mulatto or some unknown mulatto who seems to have that Tiger Woods oriental hue to him, actually be one of the elite like John Rockefeller sampling the dark candy.........and for incest or worse Barack Obama is sort of like............well Barack Rockefeller Rockefeller Rockefeller in for three generations the elite seem to have been banging these Payne women at least with miracle babies and sticking other guys names on the birth certificates.

For those who do not realize, the Bible by God was a breeding program of exact Spiritual lines in literal half brothers and sisters, and cousins founding the Israelite nation. One can do that like the Basques when your genes are pure.........if they are flawed you get all kinds of mental retardation to medical conditions killing the offspring.

There are parallels in this in the anti Christ is the opposite of Christ in God's is it possible in the selecting breeding programs of the elite.......who only marry their own, that these odd pregnancies were these Ashkenaz elite literally going about fathering a race of themselves like the royals of old getting first knock up on all the poor peasant girls on their wedding night?

Barack sr. running away and not claiming this kid Barry and being assassinated to keep his mouth shut in Kenya..........Madelyns' 10 month baby.........this all starts to look like something running like a duck and is a duck by looks.

Barack Obama is tied to the power elite and it would only be logical to conclude in all the pampering this dope headed malcontent received was that he has something more in his blood than Dunham and Obama's.
As the women are nothing of exception in bloodlines, that would leave the surrogate fathers for what might be three generations. It certainly paid out well for Bill Clinton, and it would fit that Sugarland's breeder program for a Kenyan dictator would be much more loyal if he were not just a Marxist comrade, but a literal Ashkenaz Rockefeller as emperor running Africa for the European elite.

Does this not make a great deal more sense in why the power elite like Zbigniew Brzezinski and Bill Ayers were tutoring this boy who absolutely was abandoned by his own Stan Ann twice as he was such a buffoon?
The interdiction on Obama which changed his dope head into a community organizer brain would fit the absolute lengths the elite would go for someone carrying their blood.

Obama having all of these leaders fawning over him in Europe, but in a different caste he bows to the Saudi King and the Japanese Emperor........shows Obama will not bow to Israelite peoples, but honors the rejected Semite and Japheth peoples.

You have no idea of caste if you have not been feudalized by Eurasian upbringing. Station means everything and it is the calling card which is whispered within families, even those of bastards as it opens doors in the pecking order.

There is no reason a Barry Obama has any doors opened to more than Madelyn Dunham gets away with her criminal enterprise for the elite and no more than Stan Ann is a dirt digger and immediately ends up playing with all the Indonesian money in banking.

That is connection which is beyond Marxism, as Trotsky was Marxist and bit the bullet, but when one is of the bloodlines of the elite, then you may be humiliated like the Clintons, but you get to rule for another day.

The Rothschilds have made a deliberate point from their Mayer beginnings of Ashkenazim in Germany to marry into every ruling family in Europe. Could Baron Rothschild while on safari in Kenya have banged more than the buffalo?
It could be as whores were a few shillings and as Baron surveyed his coming holdings to plunder stolen from the British, Belgians, French, Germans and Italians, maybe he thought like Solomon, he could get his own Sheba to form a ruling family line.

No one has ever explored this and as stated I do not to Rothschild or Rockefeller sex.........but there is a reason beyond humiliating the Clintons in why Barack Obama is higher in the elite's pecking order than William Jefferson Rockefeller.
Great Grandfather might have been JD himself for Obama........might have been the Boeing plant whore his kid knocked up in Madelyn or it might have been dual stud ship, but it was a very fast rise for Madelyn Payne, meaning someone was watching out for her before she was pregnant.

Then the matter of B. Hussein going off the charts in who is shepherding him, over the Rockefeller's own Bill and Hillary Clinton.......once again that points to the higher ups in the Berliner boys in the Rothschilds.

Could Barack Obama really be Lord Baron Hussein Rockefeller Rothschild and it would be a family thing in why he is so loyal to offshore interests and having Geithner play for the Rockefellers, yes this fits.

Once again an exclusive children now from the Whore Island Plantation further back than Lederer's Bar in Hawaii.

..........just remember the stuff you are wide eyed calling kook today, are the things being quoted two years from now by others, in having been proven correct in time.

If you can't handle this information, then go crawl under your Facebook page and wait for the concentration camps, as things are at work here and you should be listening as children as the adults go about their business in private conversations.

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