As each day passes with the Obama regime, I know I should not be surprised at the depravity of this group of saboteurs and traitors, but............I honest to God still come across things which just stun me in thoughts of, "These people really can not believe they are going to get away with things like this can they?"
The focus of the drama which will be swallowed up in Obama imploding the United States economically is the Sudan. Yes the Sudan as exclusively exposed here in the cast of characters of Hitler, Stalin and Neville Chamberlain repeating history in the roles of Omar al Bashir as Hitler, Barack Hussein Obama as Stalin and John Kerry as Neville Chamberlain.
I realize that Obama has been supplanted from the Hitler role, but baby sister in what Obama has initiated he is going to be in the Stalin league of 40 million dead Ukrainians and Hitler is small potatoes compared to Olde Joe.
To repeat a bit of this, Obama had Kerry in Sudan muddling things up in which the Europeans threatened to do to Bashir what was threatened to Mugabe and he signed things over, and was threatened to Khadaffi all with American firepower....and Khadaffi instead fought it out.
In Bashir's case, he is an Islamic mass murderer of Christians and Africans. In Darfur, Bashir was using Saddam Hussein's pilots to use chemical weapons on the people there. So Kerry threatens him with invasion and being executed in exchange for Bashir signing over half of Sudan in which the oil was located to save his neck.
The deal though that Kerry and Obama worked out though has now come to light as Bashir is making war on South Sudan and shut off the oil supply.
Bashir was promised to get a cut out of the South's oil...........and now you know one reason Obama has kept oil prices high, in Bashir was promised 32 dollars a barrel in export fees. Goodness that even at 100 bucks a barrel is one third of the price of oil.
Just so you get this, John Kerry and Barack Obama, literally bribed a mass murderer by promising him one third of the oil profits OF ANOTHER COUNTRY'S OIL.
You betcha that is illegal, as illegal as Kerry and Obama signing off on this Hitler of Islam getting off with mass murder for blood oil.......or corpse oil depending on which pile of bodies you examine.
There is no secret in that atrocities which Obama has swept under the rug as even the BBC is chirping about the infamous White House torture dungeon this Muslim was utilizing in butchering his own people.
A million and a half people dead, and Obama just chalks it up to one more oil field confiscated for his Berliner boys.
This is worse than Bill Clinton stopping the CIA coup on Saddam Hussein in that horrendous food for oil thing, which Saddam built palaces, slaughtered his people and bribed every socialist with millions of dollars from Bill Clinton to the French.
That is what Valerie Plame was up to in hiding the bribe and that African yellow cake which Clinton signed off on.
Just do the math on this in there are 600,000 barrels now held by Hitler, that is over 18 million dollars in this shipment cycle.
Ask yourself how much of that money will end up in Obama 2012 in illegal contributions or is it flowing into some Swiss bank under the retirement account of Barry Soebarkah.
You know blessed well that Afghanistan is about opium cut, as Obama's coke pipeline out of South America is about that cut and Sudan is damned sickening about a cut in that oil traffic. That is why these deals are set up and why John Kerry was flitting about Sudan as he was making this extortion deal which absolutely can not work.
South Sudan is a nation now.........war ravaged nation and it needs money to rebuild. That oil is not coming out of the ground for free in whoever is pumping it, and they are screwing these Christians over too..............I'm staring to wonder if in the contract on this if the Christians are losing money on each barrel and the feudal lords are indebting them faster in each barrel which is piped.
1800 people dead and a quarter million displaced in just the few months of the masterful Obama and Kerry peace solution. That sounds a great deal like genocidal warfare, but I reckon that the Nobel Norwegians will have to award B. Hussein another prize as that last one has worked out so well in Obama now has wars all over the Middle East where before there were none and Iraq and Afghanistan were both stabilized in 2009 when Obama took over.
This is beyond disgusting. This is beyond Idi Amin Dada, in Barack Hussein "Who is my Da Da", has surpassed thee worst tyrant ever produced in Africa and is now focusing on grabbing the title from Stalin.
The Killing Fields of Sudan, brought to you by Barack Hussein Obama, because he apparently loves oil, loves Islamic genocidal terrorists and loves murdering Christians.
Well at least with Obama walling in Jews to be slaughtered in the Israeli state and now having Christians in Sudan walled in by the White Nile for slaughter, he is consistent.
Every last thing that Soros' smear crew accused George W. Bush, every last things Oliver Stone accused Americans now come to fruition in this British sociopath Barack Hussein Obama, and no one exposing these heinous Obama crimes in detail save this blog.
US Senator John Kerry, who has visited Sudan several times, describes the country as "ominously close to the precipice of war".
This is the Obamite who negotiated this "peace".
Another Obama miracle!