Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Stop Read This

On August 9th, I heard Mark Levin when nattering on about Ben Bernanke, that interest rates being low were a good thing...............which is absolutely wrong, but the Levin was comparing the British rioters to Barack Obama in who was worse.

Quote me on that.

This blog though is going to explain something that Mark Levin, which I know he can not comprehend this like ethanol, because he has not read it first somewhere like Dinesh D'Souza, that high interest rates in the passbook 5% bracket and up to 15% in long term certified deposits are a good thing for America.
Levin should know this as Ronald Reagan had such policy in which the poor, the retirees and the savers of America were rewarded immensely for saving money LOCALLY.

See when Reagan had brought down the horrid 23% interest rates by Jimmy Carter, leveled them off at half that and in that environment the economy expanded and boomed. See Reaganomics was trickle down, but what Levin and the dolts do not know in their cities is Reagonomics was breathed to life as this blog proved by millions of dollars flowing into the economy from trappers and hunters in the fur trade which brought in money from Asia.

This rural infusion from the poor is what started all of this, as poor people spend their money.

Once the economy started growing at 18 months, then the poor people and retirees had money IN THEIR LOCAL BANKS, where it was absolutely safe, and there were no Dotcom busts ruining them.
These people were buying those special items like guns, microwaves and splurging on snow bird trips to Florida and Arizona all on the interest from the money they saved WORKING IN THEIR HOME CITIES.

See Mark Levin and his lot are all Bi Con big coastal Bill Buckley money. It is all Wall Street and that is where they think the money should be in your retirement accounts. When that happens your local banks loose and you loose as he money is not there being interest generating from the successful producers building dairy barns to new homes in loans, which then are paid in interest to the poor people who loan them that money from their local bank.

This is economic regeneration, and is something that even Milton Friedman did not address, so it is why Mark Levin and his types can not figure this out, even if Ronald Reagan was doing just this.

It was Bush41 and Allan Greenspan who started that damned debt and tax spending, and dropping interest rates so people pulled their money out of banks and put it into stocks which Greenspan busted.
That was the start of it, and now Levin thinks it is great that rich people get money for 0% interest to profit off of, and the American poor get nothing.

I desire you to get that point, in Mark Levin has no loyalty to Americans nor his Rovian type, as he is either a complete moron on economics or he is an enemy of the rural poor as he keeps harping abut in ethanol which enriches Americans.

Low interest rates are the fuel which fires the feudal state. This is a Lame Cherry exclusive in Lame Cherry Economics Doctrine. Sure you will someday read it somewhere else and these twittering birds of Mockingbird of Levin will then suddenly "get it", but all of these things here are beyond Milton Friedman who I greatly admire, but are the percolator economics of Ronald Reagan as has only been explained here.

I have no idea why God Inspired me to be an economics genius, as I hate the subject, but I thrive in it, and it stuns me in all of these "economists" I read of who couldn't find a decimal point from their butt holes, in they know absolutely nothing about how money works from the ground up in Franklin Economics........Benjamin Franklin that is.
I wonder if there are any women out there who would volunteer to take a bath while playing chess with me, as that is what Franklin did in just might make the game more distracting with all those bubbles, but I digress.

Franklin always did have a unique diplomatic and educational method.

I wonder if Michelle Malkin plays chess as I'm quite certain she would look good in bubbles. Most women do look good in bubbles, it is the economics of the thing.......little bath soap, allot of hard working sultry water and a dividend of depository bubbles.
Nothing more economic capitalism than a bubble bath.

I did not digress as I worked economics into the scenario this chess match of the feudal lords getting Mark Levin to sacrifice all you pawns for Queen Obama as Miki Malkin and I play chess, her covered with capitalistic bubbles assisting the economy of conversation with me clothed in my chivalristic doctrines of trying to make you all rich again.

Think that is about it, as all people will remember any how is Michelle Malkin in a bubble bath, unless I state, High interest rates are like bubbles covering naked Miki Malkin in they are pleasing to the bath of your overflowing bank accounts.

nuff said.

PS: Next time Mark Levin goes on another week long Obama vacation, he should just have my blog fill in...............I will get some sexy voiced James Earl Jones to read it and people will actually learn something instead of the regurgitated Obama ghetto green economic no interest puke.
