Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies on your payroll. Rupert Murdoch
As this blog exclusively has reported in the tangled web of blackmail and quasi intelligence gathering by Newscorp with the full behest of the John Major and Newt Gingrich "wink and a nod" protocols, culminating in the Brain Room set up by Roger Ailes to spy on Americans, it is time to expand on this in how Barack Obama via the Rothschilds blackmailed Murdoch with this information to turn FOX into Obama all the Time propaganda.
Ask yourself in that southern boy who hacked into Sarah Palin's Yahoo account, if that just happened, or if in the circuit of Obama operatives it was 'a wink and a nod' that this is exactly what was being engaged in wholesale from Dick Tuck, Karl Rove and David Axelrod?
How do you think they got John Edwards?
Why do you think this blog was pointing out Steve Schmidt, Nicole What's her name all working for Karl Rove and the Max Sandlin liberal infusion? It was laying out the scenario how the entire McCain campaign was sabotaged from within and reporting directly to Obama, and then went on a rampage against Sarah Palin to destroy her.
The machine was so out of control by puffy lips Karl Rove that it was unleashed on Christine O'Donnell and other innocents, because the deal was cut that Rove wanted Jeb Bush in office in 2016 AFTER Obama served his two terms of rapine in gutting the US Treasury so all that money would flow to the global patricians.
This is not that difficult in what FOX was up to with Roger Ailes. Radioschack can set most novices up with enough things they should not have, and if you one visits a private investigation supplier they will have more things you should not have, and if you turn it all on and point it in the right direction, you can pick up just like the government does all the Wifi, blackberry, cellphone and cordless conversations out of the air.
It is just a hell of allot easier for Obama to have Murdoch employ Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee as using company grids they can do the criminal deeds more legal in their server sweeps.
Sarah Palin goes into work, goes through security, security has a digital sweep which grabs her cell phone signature, and from that moment on Mrs. Palin is tracked and that cell phone can be activated as a bug.
Every conversation she has will be heard, muffled at times, but there are filtering programs to clarify this in real time, just as there are digital programs to make mpeg live feeds of Muchelle's big ass look trim.
They can do this at book signings, they can do it in elevators in the wand looks just like a harmless tote to an ipad. The entire process is such that even switching out with different phones will eventually be caught as, yes you pay for it all with credit cards and with that, they have the carrier and they access you that way too.
The system of this is nothing new. Governments do it all the time in spying on others. Corporations sweep competitors in espionage as it is easier to light the board up electrically than to get some whore in bed doing pillow talk. The grid though now is so corrupt that what Murdoch and Ailes are engaged in for Obama is outright treason.
I'm not saying FOX is alone in this. I still sort of feel a bit sorrowful about getting Keith Olbermann fired in outing him as a closet conservative. Once that was out as Pat Sajack said Keeter was a nice guy..........well MSNBC is ........Microsoft which is Homeland which is GE which is Homeland which is all Obama, and everything Olbermann has been up to was grabbed and filtered through, so he gets his ass fired and is replaced by another conservative walleye guy in Ed Schultz who is sandwiched in between Limbaugh and Levin on their Flag stations.
Wouldn't you think that someone so powerful as Rush Limbaugh would tell the Fargo natives to pound sand for putting Schultz on the same air as Elton Blonde? Yet Limbaugh is fine with it, as is Mark Levin........gee too bad Hannity gets booted off the air in their buddy, but no united front there either.
Oh and don't sorrow too much for Hannity as he could have run this up the pole in his own syndicate but was just fine being a Murdoch player having his wings clipped.
Where was I?
Oh yes, Obama has been blackmailing Murdoch and Ailes with grey bar hotel time, and one of the measures the boys of NewsCorp have been engaged in has been sending every last detail they can on Sarah Palin to the regime.
The crime was the first onslaught in flushing Gov. Palin from Alaska in those terroristic Obama trolls filing complaints. Once that was done, she was offered FOX to keep tabs on her more easily. The cherry in the cocktail is just as Lawrence Sinclair discovered, you have so many friends in the media, and every damned one of them is feeding information back to Obama to keep tabs on you.
The Jerome Corsi set up by Sean Hannity was really dirty, and it revealed how by the nuts Obama has Murdoch, as Murdoch flushed Hannity out in burning him on the right, by dangling Jerome Corsi on a lead and the shut him down at the last moment.
I make these exclusive points time and again, and then assemble them here as evidence, so you can comprehend
It is all the in public manifestations of what has been secretly and criminally been taking place since Obama was given the go ahead. Obama has been spying on Hillary Clinton and John Edwards........and still is.
As I have stated how do you think Obama found out that Karl Rove had bugs in the White House? It is Homeland tapping phones and someone figured out by a Rove comment that Rove was just too well informed.
There used to be lines which were not crossed, but that has all gone out the window with this European mode Obama has ushered in. The best solution is for all of this to come out, the culprits flushed out and the regime going to prison, and then 2012 will be an open season in all of the real news being covered up starting with the Birther issue coming front stage.
That though will not take place as for every Roger Ailes, there is a Bill Gates and a Brian Williams with their dirty deeds and sex secrets Obama hints at in jokes, to keep everyone person's mouth shut.
It is not that the puppy press is loyal to Obama. Yes they installed this fraud, but what they have now is this monster who will destroy each of them as Obama has been tracking every signature they have made..........starting with the White House reporters in every last detail about them is known and will be used.
So Sarah Palin is being spied upon and there are little ipods floating about the White House with flashdrives so boy Obama can listen to all the gossip.
You have no idea yet what these perverts have done.
Well time to pop off and do some things as one can only stand so much perversion.
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