I had four vultures stalking me today. Mind you I like vultures. The first one I saw long ago was perched on a fence post after having dined on a dead doe. I looked at that thing and said, "That's a vulture!"
As if God and the vulture did not know.
I have had vultures about me a great deal as of late and it troubles me for omens. I had thought perhaps it had to do with a pet which was lingering all summer, but as I walked my drive today, these four had great interest in me, and started following along.
I turned around and spoke to them, but they did not obey..............so I laid down in the grass to observe them.......offer me up as a meal they were so intent on.
They actually got quite low and the sun hindered my observations of them, but after a few minutes I arose from the dead and they continued about riding the thermals.
Vultures and patricians are a great deal alike in one can never trust them. You might have a guido fawking about the place, but in the end it is a cat woman who notices something that proves you just can not trust Cassius about the place as he just has to have some puffy lips drama.
Cat Woman informs me that Minnesota fiction is quite New York Times good read, especially when Vince Flynn writes Term Limits which can be read here, but it isn't the reading really, it is the patricians who forced down Marine One sending messages who thought it would be cute to Lee Harvey Oswald this all in dumping it back onto the Tea Party.
Yes old Flynn is a cuddle buddy to that Glenn Beck, so this all wraps up sweet in the same Murdochian blackmailed FOX money who hosed Beck onto the Tea Party with his "racist" spew in the start of his Mormon career...........and it all wraps up in Obama blackmail, Mockingbird and the rival forces in a kitty cat scratch fight, and trying to be smart in pinning this by association on the Tea Party.
This is a criss cross of the operation this blog warned of in Obama smearing the Tea Party in 2009. What you did not know is Rove and Hillary have apparently been involved with Obama in carrying all this out. Yes it is obvious in Krauthammer and Matthews as stooges, but what they could not Hutatree pull off in Barney Frank spitting, has now gone on a Gorelick compartmentalized throw down in the very mirror of what was done to George Allen, Christine O'Donnell, Trent Lott and is processing in Sarah Palin.
It all connects to the network in what was initiated as the premature call signature on Gabrielle Giffords.
"They" want not just a lone wolf, but lone pack to focus on in this with it Tea Party connected and hammering the Special Ops. They are spreading this around, turning this back on an Obama Gunrunner type operation back on him.
This diverting of Marine One was just the tip of this and if Mr. Obama was not so focused on what he was doing to the Bush and Clinton people, he would realize fully they tied a can to his tail.
This isn't just destroy the Tea Party, this is use Obama's own operation to take both out, the same way Obama tried to take the Bush folks out in their smearing Sarah Palin in the Gabrielle Giffords incident.
Cat Woman quote:
"In one bloody night, three of Washington's most powerful politicians are executed with surgical presciion. Their assassins then deliver a shocking ultimatum to the American government: set aside partisan politics and restore power to the people. No one, they warn, is out of their reach - not even the President. A joint FBI-CIA task force reveals the killers are eilite military commandos, but no one know exactly who they are or when they will strike again. Only Michael O'Rourke, a former US Marine and a freshman congressman, holds a clue to the violence: a haunting incideint in his own past with explosive implications for his country's future." O'Rourke knew the assassin previously and suspects it's him and his unit doing the killings. O'Rourke eventually teams up with them.
You already know this is the Bush and Clinton people acting intelligent, and by reading Term Limits there are scenarios of SEALS and that lovely message of Marine One. Of course it was chosen in something in print, something of the right wing, and all wrapped up into 3rd party Glenn Beck posing with Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin.
That just will not do, as we believe the girls should be.............well not like Meredith Baxter being forced to do a bed scene with Ed Asner, who is so hairily ape like that it no doubt turned her into a lesbian, if not being married to David Birney was not enough of a lesbian creating experience.
Things so Asner should not be exposed to women, and that is why we will not allow this Flynn thing to be acted out, as he has some very nasty things in his serial of pulp fiction, and it is about time that Karl puffy lips Rove start getting full credit for bugging the White House and his cliques part with Hillary in forcing down Marine One.
Cat Woman speaks:
The whole story starts because the assassin's unit was ambushed in Libya. So that's why he kills the alcoholic Senator. And then it develops into more of an overall theme of government corruption, overspending of the Treasury, politcal gridlock, etc.
Are they not clever children in even lobbing in Libya.
Meanwhile lets divert to Hillary.........
I saw Hillary recently, and she needs some attention...........her neck is so saggy it looks like collar bone breasts now and her hair is unwashed, no doubt from all that milk Huma is producing lactating for their Wiener child.
Yes we must perk Hillary up in giving her the drama she is creating with Bill, and the Bush tribe in repeating history in JFK and doing it this time with a book that is trying to make the Tea Party into Lee Harvey Oswald.
If this does not stop, who knows, it will be Mark Levin's Liberty and Tyranny being made into the next attempt on B. Hussein's presence in this world..........now I have no idea about this all, but Levin must have some heaving breasts or the eating of meat in his book to make it appealing as the title is a drag.
Say did you hear the one about the Obama's not riding in the same planes...........you don't think like this blog noted long ago in FU the BBC Masterpiece drama that she is trying to knock of Barry too now as desperate housewife?
What was that mall appearance by Michelle all about really?
That comes later as we have fingered the story out here thanks to Cat Woman.
Tune in next time, same bat time, same bat channel, same bat station..........
You know Grandfather was right about the beau et intelligent part if not the moon.
*That is secret code talk............you know like on Hogan's Heroes in "the birds fly south before the first snow".
You pin this on the Tea Party and it gets pinned on you.
agtG 286Y