When this blog exclusively exposed that what was behind the English hacking scandal was insiders punishing Rupert Murdoch for his backing of B. Hussein Obama in 2008, and then followed up with the exclusive that Eric Holder with Obama were blackmailing Rupert Murdoch aka FOX News to silence them on what those frauds knew about Obama...........
We now follow up with the nail in the coffin exclusive which tracks directly back into why FOX and Roger Ailes went on the leash for Barack Hussein Obama.
You must understand the connections FOX had when Newt Gingrich created it as a Mockingbird asset of the right to offset the avalanche of leftist main stream media. Roger Ailes was right out of Ronald Reagan's and Bill Casey of CIA's war room. The entire operations like Casey's ABC changeling which promoted Limbaugh and now Mark Levin, are backed by the black operations money flow which filters from the corporate complex directly back into the media propaganda complex.
Ed Schultz, Chris Matthews, The View are all the same left media whores..........same funding just different source for the control over the masses to keep them from burning America down in revolution.
Ailes was the perfect nightmare to liberals, but he built with Dan Cooper who helped build FOX, (Cooper was fired in 1996) an electronic surveillance station of all Americans, called the BRAIN ROOM.
This was a high tech plugged in intelligence gathering operation, and if you will recall this blog exclusively mentioning how the Limbaugh scripted program works in every caller there is data mined while on hold........you are starting to comprehend that Rush Limbaugh is not that bright in spotting frauds, because it is easy to spot a fraud whose number traces back to a Barack Obama donor.
The Brain Room story was funded by George Soros in 2008 for the Rothschilds to put FOX and Murdoch on a leash. The writer for Media Matters was David Brock.........you now start to see the Marxist counter intelligence operation against Murdoch and why the old man suddenly became enamoured with Obama and set up the infamous bitch slap meeting, between Ailes and Obama, where Obama told Ailes off and Roger went on the leash.
You can see this blackmail yet in the misogyny of Chris Wallace to the girly hysteria Shep Smith drools about in the Birther issue.
Ann Coulter is dirty as hell for her dripping over Obama and now going whole Crispy Cream for the New Jersey Governor who looks like Jimmy Hoffa.
What is "different" is Murdoch in the British hacking, has had MI6 spin it, that it was Murdoch hiring cops to tap phone lines...............I can tell you that police do not tap Prince Charles phones lines. What Murdoch had in London was MI6 configured intelligence just like Ailes was running at FOX in the Brain Room. That is how they got their news, how they leveraged people to do stories and is who FOX kept tabs on the naughty and nice crowd.
You need to be reminded of when Obama "remodeled the White House" in early 2009, that this blog broke the story that Karl Rove had bugged the White House. Someone squealed on Rove from the inside or Obama had Rove's puffy lips tapped, and Rove not keeping his mouth shut let Obama know he was being listened to.
So Obama pulled out the bugs, but not before big mouth Rush Limbaugh parroted Rove's insider information on Obama setting up the Birther issue to smear the GOP.
When Axelrod, Plouffe, Jarrett and Obama heard that, they knew where in the hell the leak came from, was inside the White House walls, because they were the only one's in the meeting about this criminal fraud in the Hawaiian birth abstract.
You really want to know why the Limbaugh leaners are so kiss ass on Obama? They all are fed from the same system in part by the spy network, and that is the cut Obama and Holder have over all of these people.
When I make mention of things World Net Daily knows and how Obama knew them before Joseph Farah hung up the Lawrence Sinclair phone..........it is the same Obama spying network in his own Brain Room, which has been operational with the Brown Recluse from the start of this.
Geez Louise children, put this together............same companies which make spyware are the same people who work for the spooks, who have political affiliations and all these select few have to do is set up their own Brain Room, and tap the typical public information "as their cover" and piggyback directly into the NSA superstructure in shadow doors left open, exactly as I exclusively told you the Brown Recluse was up to in the White House.
I have told you previously that blackmail only works of the secret stays secret. It is more valuable on both sides of the Atlantic for Murdoch to be blackmailed into silence and FOX on the left side of the Atlantic is on the Obama leash doing Obama propaganda.
Sure Obama could take down FOX, but all that would do is gut the Ailes bunch and a new real right wing who were not dirty would be free to nail Obama to the wall on his being a fraud.
Now you know why this bunch blackballed Jerome Corsi.........the orders came directly from Barack Obama.
Why in the hell do you think Obama sits in his second floor tower room watching FOX?
Hell no the Insider Deep Tutu hasn't got this figured out yet. He thinks it is vanity and Ulsterman never comprehended it has to do with Obama sitting their enjoying every second in knowing FOX is working for him AS HIS CABLE NETWORK.
Obama is a sociopath and a narcissist. He gets off on torture and that is why he focuses on it. Why he does what he does to bin Laden and Khadaffi in front of the kids. Why he watches FOX, because he knows he is torturing those bastards and making them twist in the wind........and Obama is in control, and Birdy loves being in control.
Now you know the score in this in Barack Obama is proven to be blackmailing FOX, Murdoch, Ailes and all your favorite Limbaugh leaners. I have hinted at this enough, but an astute gal named Jen Dunnbar got me thinking on this a few hours ago and now you are thinking about it all.
This corporate spying goes on all over. Problem is Murdoch let the Rothschilds in London into this business and in their network caught Murdoch already in 2007 and by 2008, they had Murdoch on the leash with Obama pissing on Ailes marking territory.
It should all add up for you children now, in one of thee most explosive stories beyond Watergate in what Obama has been up to, how his Europeans used this to keep Ailes and FOX mouth's shut and how this all became one more big media wing directly under control of the New World Order in Europe.
Hell it got so bad that Ailes was threatening Sarah Palin to keep her mouth shut in that BLOOD LIBEL statement Sarah was spot on about.
The reason FOX hired Sarah Palin, is they are spying on her for Barack Hussein Obama.
Governor Palin you had better get this figured out that your smear leakers are not just creepy liberal writers, Karl puffy lips Rove, but FOX is just like Obama tracking your cell phone and all your other electronic communications.
That is how they set up the Giffords smear.
That was probably too much to reveal, but then I'm only the typist here.
agtG 294YY
“I made the connections. Ailes knew I had given Brock the interview. Certainly Brock didn’t tell him. Of course. Fox News had gotten Brock’s telephone records from the phone company, and my phone number was on the list. Deep in the bowels of 1211 Avenue of the Americas, News Corporation’s New York headquarters, was what Roger called the Brain Room. Most people thought it was simply the research department of Fox News. But unlike virtually everybody else, because I had to design and build the Brain Room, I knew it also housed a counterintelligence and black ops office. So accessing phone records was easy pie.”
Dan Cooper
Fired FOX News founder