Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Dante's Inferno

This blog exclusively revealed that the reason the Islamic proxies had not yet detonated the "new round" of nuclear weapons inside America was the simple reason all their material was traceable to source, meaning Iran, and those select Russian stores which were marketed to Iran to checkmate American interests in the Middle East during the Clinton years.

Radioactive material is signature unique in region and processing labs which it is created, so it is not just a matter of detonating a nuclear weapon, it is a matter of not having it traced back.

The stockpile was now known during the Bush43 years to specific regions and who had that stockpile, so the cover of "bin Laden did it" was no longer viable, but this has once again been transformed in his historical age of Barack Obama.

I will cut to the chase in this, in the Dick Lugar report "leaked" concerning a New York Times story from June 29, 2011, in which Moldovan nationals led by a Russian were offering up about half the nuclear material needed for a real bomb, including having some plutonium.

The offer was to the Libyans, who like Khadaffi have a thing for white women, and the Libyan fled and the ringleader or Putin's asset was hiding out in a little break away state........which is about as break away as DC is from America, in this is a smuggling corridore as Kosovo is, an outlaw areas where all this cartel business is done off the books.
The line I apprecaited best was "no aircraft could be tracked there"...........ah yeah, with all NATO and Putin have, there just can not be any aircraft tracked is the Valhallah of nuclear firing places then huh? Well should be if nothing can be tracked there.

This entire story is BS, and the only reason the story broke is Obama screwed Khadaffi and Khadaffi already in June was trying to buy half of the supply of nuclear material he needs to make a bomb.

You really think Khadaffi doesn't have nuclear material as he has been about this for decades picking things up, and the only reason he stopped is Bush43 scared him, but now Khadaffi is pissed.

Yes but do not blame Khadaffi as this blog exposed that Obama needed a new boogerman after murdering bin Laden, and now we see a Lugar planted story for Obama about "missing" nuclear material from Russia in about the 25 pound category.
Ok I know that there are several hundred pounds "missing" might as well say that the entire Russian arsenal is missing as it is all designed for attacks on America and will disappear as much as is necessary for 5th column attacks in America.

It is not that difficult in shaving goes on, and lead gets mixed in, and the weapon's grade walks out the door........or more it is lugged out as heavy metal is heavy like lead, and you earn the money, as a small ball of it the size of a tennis ball will make you feel like your joints are pulling loosing. Size is deceptive.

What is the measure in this now is Dante's Inferno in what is taking place. Like the Witch's Brew of anarchists, this is a blend............oh yes you are getting this now I see, but I will continue on for those who are not up on the game yet.

See, you are a strawman like Khadaffi being pushed around, so the cartel press makes you out to be naughty. Stories are planted about "north african" nuclear buyers, and it all sets the cosmic stage.
You simply mix in some Niger uranium, some French uranium, some Russian cute in shaving some uranium from Turkish American stockpiles to salt the signature, and when that uranium sun detonates in America, you have those naughty Moldovan's doing something, but can not be bombed.
You have naughty Putin doing something, but can not be bombed.
You have naughty, Turkey .........maybe Pakistan doing something, but can not be bombed.
You have that mysterious French flavor from Saddam Hussein's missing high grade stockpile doing something, but you can't bomb the French or the dead Saddam...........

But you do have a radioactive crater in New York, so Obama looks tough and turns southern Libya into some pretty glass seas, and everyone buys Geiger Counters and iodine tablets.........and the playoffs are on, so let's just go on with life as it is all settled.

"They"are building a multi source uranium device, so no source can be vaporized, except the sands where no one resides.

Yes Obama touched this off in hammering Khadaffi, but it was intended to make him someone Obama could thump around and look good in politics. The rest of this Dante's Inferno though is coming from the same sources as 9 11 using the smuggling routes and the same militant Islam which Brzezinski and the Rothschilds created for these purposes.

That should be about enough exclusive information to digest so you can see the story not being reported in the reporting.

Dante's Inferno, Obama's witch's brew of nuclear terrorism.

nuff said.

agtG 233

Dicky and his rub

My obamadom for a boogerman

Fiery festoonery at it's finest