Saturday, September 17, 2011

Dump Ugly Dump Muchelle

Always searching for ways to assist beloved leader Barack, this blog now has the rallying cry to save Mr. Obama in 2012, and it is joined by a chorus of the tan chics club..........the good looking ho factory........yes it is vital for Barack Obama to be re elected that he get rid of that 200 pound racist tapeworm, in Michelle Robinson Obama.

This blog urges Bill Daley to walk in, without knocking, escorted by 7 Secret Service Agents and as White House Chief of Staff, put the plastic cuffs on that sexy Reggie Love who is distracting B. Hussein and throw him off the 1600 Penn property forever.
Bill Daley must then look sternly at Val-erie Jarrett and tell her to shut up or ship out, as a new vixen is in town.

With that Mr. Daley will then scoop up all the Obama magazines cluttering the second floor office Obama is holed up in and and hand Mr. Obama a SEARS catalogue...........tell him that is the stuff dreams are made of.......that he is going to order hisself up a new wife..........and to stay out of the men's underwear section, as that is what got him into trouble from the start.

Michelle Obama has been the 200 pound burden for Barack all these years. She forced him into being a Chicago hostess when all he wanted to do was have some fun, take off his shoes, smoke a few packs of cigs, sit in his recliner and watch basketball.

Then there is Muchelle's racism. Then there is Jeremiah Wright. Then there is this slapping the 9 11 Memorial by going on a black liberal fundraiser in Ohio........then there is Muchelle with that poison garden, her attacking fat kids...her attacking her own fat is just Muchelle of too much Michelle all of the time, with her storming through the White House being rude to Bill Daley and screaming about things..........

It is Muchelle Obama according to the White House Insider who has deprive again Barack Hussein Obama, his oasis, his castle, his throne, in she rules the private quarters and has poor beloved leader cooped up in a little office with a big screen tv bigger than the office with two saggy boobed mansexuals in Jarrett and Love.
No wonder Obama is nuts, disconnected, without direction and bored is all Muchelle's fault.

Muchelle from the start should have gotten a tit job, gotten lip on her big ass, got her teeth fixed, got her hair dyed blonde, lost 90 pounds, been there with a snack for Barry at 10 am, given him a foot massage at noon, given him a back rub at 4 pm, and sprang for a full massage at 8 pm in zebra skin robe, followed by some milk and cookies at 10 pm as she stood there by his nice Lazy Boy leather recliner changing channels for Barry, so that he could relax after a hard day of golf.

Muchelle has been a horrid ball and chain ball buster wife. All she does is take, demand Barry go on first dates, demand more money, demand her own jet, demand her own vacations, demand her own policies to run...........hell she is worse than the Muslim Brotherhood in always up to something demanding of B. Hussein.

For that reason, Bill Daley must give Barack a Sears catalogue and announce to the world the following a little personal ad at the Washington Post:

Be it Known, that effectively Bearick Harrison Bounel Obama is no longer called BAH ROCK, as Muchelle changed his name, and he is going by his Muslim name of Bearick, which is far more sexy and fitting for a modern secular Muslim.
Furhtermore Muchelle is out, she is in the dungeon of the courts, as I, Barry or Berry, officially am on the market for a new wife to rub my back, my feet and my johnson like a good wife should.
No more damn bondage belts, no more attacking fat kids, no more poison peas!
I'm going shopping at SEARS for a new wife and a new lease on Obama 2012.

Yes Muchelle Obama has been the big ugly that Bearick has had to invest immense amounts of time on in propaganda pretty.

She must according to revised history be behind the Obama forgeries, Obama not being born in America.......hell I will bet that Muchelle is the one feeding FOX all that dirt, and she hid Barry's real birth certificate from Spokane, Washington just so she would get her vegetable garden dug in, as Barack wanted a miniature golf course to play with the girls on.

So the Democrats must demand that Muchelle must be dumped. She is obviously thee entire problem with Reggie Love being necessary. Has Jarrett in there remember she forced out that sexy Rahm Emanuel........she has been the doom of Obama from the first time she latched onto him.
You know that Lawrence Sinclair would be first male now in the White House, if Muchelle had not kept these two lovers apart and Larry is quite American Reagan Democrat.......the kind of Democrat the Clintons would be if they were not cartel bloodlines.
How lovely America would be in recovery now if these two were there together, and now it has all been ruined by Muchelle Obama's inept childish self serving destruction of hope and change.

It is time for B. Hussein to change Muchelle out for a hot tan chic in the SEARS catalogue. A lovely step mother for the girls who will negotiate a better 12 cow deal than Muchelle could ever get.

Bearick Obama, show your gonads, Dump Ugly! Dump Muchelle!
