Keep your friends close, your enemies closer and those you betray closest to the grave. Lame Cherry
That bit of sage Wisdom appears to be practiced by secular Islamist Barack Hussein Obama, as the Kenyan with absolutely no friends, hosts of those on his enemies lists, and the pile of bodies of those "friends" Mr. Obama stepped on to enter the White House, are now caged Mubarak, rat hole Khadaffi or dead Donald Young.
Let's have a poem.
Poor little Rupert Sitting in a tree K I S S I N G First comes betrayal The comes blackmail Then comes Rupert trying to save his tail.
You know when you are the darling of the right intelligence after Newtie and Majors paved the way for him, and allowed Mr. Murdoch to tap and hack into so many interesting conversations, that it just ballooned into the stratosphere............all of a sudden a Gordon Brown and Barack Hussein Obama started wondering just what it is old man Murdoch has phishing around in his files as he was spying on all the wrong people.
With Murdoch like Khadaffi in handing over the White House to Obama in all the loving praise they offered B. Hussein, it seems odd, except in an Obama central European cartel world, why Obama has betrayed Khadaffi...........until you know it is for the Neo Roman Empire and Libyan oil.
The same is the case for Obama and Murdoch in this has nothing to do with FOX as they do more Obama talking points in propping him up than Jay Carney daily. FOX is nothing but Obama's safe haven.........no the key to Obama sending out the Holder Justice Department after NewsCorp is the same reason the plumbers were looking for what the Kennedy's knew about Richard Nixon.
Ah yes, this NewsCorp business is Obama's Watergate break in. Those astute assets being paid by Murdoch were garnering all sorts of juicy secrets on that number one secret, Barack Hussein Obama.
There is something in the pike which Obama has been warned of.....or rather Holder, as Eric Holder is the magician who made Bill Clinton sign that pardon for the big cartel money handler of Marc Rich............Holder knows the intelligence as he has garnered it illegally through the grid. In the wind, it is the worry that what Murdoch had on the Royals, Brown and intelligence assessments of operations in 9 11's real scenario, has the absolute certainty that Murdoch with his American assets feeding him intel, that like data streamed into his office concerning Mr. Obama's status.
In the criminal world it is called corporate espionage. In the intelligence world it is managed information for Mockingbird. In Murdoch's world it is contracts with the Chicoms and Saudi's. In Obama's world it is the string of stories which picked up from Obama' blackberry, Axelrod's texts and the sordid things about Charlie Gibson and that lovely birth abstract of B. Hussein.
The regime is data mining to intimidate Rupert Murdoch so his blackmail information will not surface and bring down everything Obama from Geithner's looting for the liberal Wall Street clique, his Gulf Gusher sabotage..........yes to those intimate Obama moments.
When Ron Brown would not talk on any communication systems like Sheik bin Laden as he was being tapped, that same system catches residual data in which even a nit can place the pieces together in Barack Obama's crimes.
Mr. Murdoch, when you have a traitor like Shep Smith in your midst, do you not consider he is feeding the same blow to Obama on you?
This gallows humor is so much fun.....................I wonder though in if this is an exclusive if all the elites know it already and it is just the public now finding out the game before their eyes.
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