This blog exclusively exposed how the globalists in order to destroy American industry overseas, which brings in good American jobs at home with "making bribery a crime" has finally received the welcome push from businesses in the form of Michael Mukasey in moving to revamp this stupid law.
When one sees Obama's Berliner Heckler & Koch as part of Gunrunner in arming Obama's original paramilitary terrorists in Mexico and thwarting European laws to get firearm's contracts...........ah gee the Navy SEALS do not shoot American weapons but German, there is something immensely wrong and something which is hurting the American worker in not bribing foreign governments for contracts.
Would it not be so much easier to BRIBE KHADAFFI a few hundred million and a photo op with his son Obama, than to spend a billion stealing Libyan oil from Russia and China?
How about something novel like bribing the the Muslim militants, getting them fat, sexed out with whatever they sex and corrupt them, instead of blowing trillions on this war which only makes the cartel rich?
How about bribing emerging markets so Americans make the computers and other gadgets than Chinaman knockoffs?
This is what opened Japan to America and it is what fueled the Yankee Traders in their ships in far off ports. As long as America gives a better cut to the locals than the competition, Americans control the resources and markets, which has always proven so good for the locals that some communist ass always rises up as he is so well fed, well educated and well bribed by the KGB like Chavez and Castro to steal everything.
Mr. Mukasey does not go far enough. This entire law must be repealed and the US Government must instead do everything it can to assist US corporations to bribe their way to international contracts to put Americans back to work.
This blog could not be more pleased that real US companies are finally pushing back against the globalist traitors who initiated all of this, for the simple reason it kept the big GE and European type Bayers with the Chicoms free of competition by their bribery or keep their stranglehold on their slave states overseas.
For liberation of the peoples of this world, America must bribe and bribe often. It keeps the locals happy and it keeps them on board, as they work harder to protect their golden goose than silly things like Jimmy Carter humanitarian ideals.
This bribery is how Obama has been conducting his worldwide terrorism from Mexico using stimulus money illegally and using illegal bailout money in Europe which flowed into Muslim states. If American business had been doing this, Americans would have been employed in good jobs, and Muslims and Mexicans would be peacefully working at better jobs in the real equalizer of bank accounts to provide them liberty, instead of a Super Depression in America and his endless wars.
Ask yourself, how many more damn wars is it going to take before Obama has a world war on his hands, as right now the sun only sets on Obama's Wars over the Pacific Ocean for a few hours.......the rest of the time zones are engulfed in Obama flames.
Obama's Marxist bribery breeds wars and poverty. American bribery in that grand tradition promotes peace and prosperity.
The world needs American peace and prosperity and not Obama's faux Nobel Peace and real destitution and death.