Junior Reagan filling in for Chris Matthews recently termed that former Vice President Dick Cheney was a war criminal as he tortured people at Gitmo. This was correct according to Kennedy assessments of the communist order of Europe which then on Barack Obama's unctions, started issuing inter cartel edicts that Donald Rumsfeld, George Bush 43 and of course Mr. Cheney were war crimimals and could be arrested if they set foot in Europe, and this was funded as this blog exclusively exposed by Obama Soros leftist legal terror groups.
In that, this blog issues a new Lame Cherry Doctrine with the addition of the Reagan Article, named after President Ronald Reagan, as President Reagan as an America would not stand for this type of terrorism, as he sent the US Fleet into Libya when Col. Khadaffi attempted to close that international gulf down to shipping traffic.
It came to the point of hostile actions being engaged, and it is the basis for this Lame Cherry Doctrine, which urges the Palin Presidency to embrace publically.
Be it known, that These United States under Constitutional law hereby reject and deem it an act of war for any world judiciary court or parliamentarian body, to enact or indict any law, warrant or judgment, against any sitting or former member of these United States Government in their act of serving the Citizens of the These United States.
Furthermore, These United States, judges any infringement upon the rights of Americans at home and abroad as acts of terrorism and war against this Sovereign Nation. This includes any indictments, writs, warrents or legal means to infringe upon the free travel of any American Citizen while at home or abroad.
Judging so in this mandate of this Sovereign Government, this Government will mandate such acts of terrorism and war by such world bodies as the Hague, as declarations of war by said hosting nations, and will meet with the full force and power of these United States to rescue any detained official or former official, with full might to apprehend the instigators of these international crimes against Americans, with full mode to execute said instigators as criminals againt humanity during such operations, or, when found at large by these United States.
Furthermore, cost of such operations will be levied upon said nations and bodies, with these United States seizing, said gold, monetary and physical reserves to pay the costs for these upholding of the American Laws of Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness by any official or former official seving These American Citizens.
Under these penalties of assest confiscation and death of said terrorists, such host nations will then be served a lesson in American Independence.
Be it known, if said host nation retaliates on said American Nation or Citizenry, these United States will retaliate with nuclear weapons, and if necessary to end operations, scorch said terror state to oblivion, for daring to enslave American Citizens by degrading them as criminals when their right is in defense of These United States.
So help us God. Amen.
nuff said.