Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Demon Machine

Crap, looking at things and saw there were two stories missing for today............

Oh well, time for another exclusive of dimensional proportions.

I call this a demon machine and baby sister concurs............someday I will have to explain about baby sister as she is the most blessed of things. Odd how she has been there from the womb, and I didn't know it was her.

Meanwhile for more things most people will not comprehend..........

OK, so we know Obama has those charms in his pants that he wishes and rubs on.........cast spells for good luck and things in earth elements and negative light. If you don't, then go turn on a Limbaugh thing and divert your time on things like him explaining incorrectly what moderates are and his listeners explain themselves in not caring but caring.

It is all like Ghostbusters really, but without that nuclear reactor stuff in bagging ghosts and demons.
Let me explain, see you have in thunderstorms electrical charged particles, ions, and bumpy things creating fields, which in turn enhance ghosts or spirits, so you see them more readily as it is like an adrenalin shot to the human body for energy.
The same fields must enhance demons, due to effects one finds in the Bible in principalities demons exist in, meaning territories and they possess things............and Gabriel was resisted by the principality of the empire demon to which Michael assisted him.

So this brings us to the science. If one examines this patent applied for, the whiz is explaining such things for dampening an electrical field using charge plates.

It gets even more neato in Harvard, the place which birthed lawyer Obama, was using electrical fields they produced to blow out in fighting fires with electrical fields which would disrupt the flow of the entering a room.
Same stuff of demons entering fields, and is proof that if one resists the devil it will flee.......will power is an light energy field of force, so creating such a resonant field, as that is what the electrical dampening patent was initiating, one could literally wick the energy out of a demon charge and make the field limp as a .............well what things go limp.

Yes of course, one could in fasting, prayer and being with Christ, and perhaps a group of Christians of Spiritual power would be able to throw up a field of interference, but that is the easy way, and it is much more interesting to build a Tesla like device...........guess this would be a Cherry like device would be surprised how many people do not believe my name is Lame Cherry. How hard is it to speak Asian or Irish.

In any charged particle, one can set up iron bars in ley lines to deflect magnetic flux, but the same deflection could take place with an amplified field..............sure, sure, you want me to solve this now for you too in making this easy.
So you get yourself a plate, wire it, and reverse the electrical flow.......not alternating, not direct, but reverse current.
Hey you know what would be really neat would be to put the collecting rod in it's normal coil Tesla coil but instead wire it large coil wires inside and small outside, so the field would collapse baby sis is saying we should put the rod not as a rod, but as an outer band so the field would draw current in and expand it dampening device...and I now, not being wasteful, but even green on demon energy would hook this up to a big battery pack as no sense in letting that wad fly back into the matrix.

Aim that at hanuman's energy matrix flow, and those nasty cig addiction, lying, sex, gluttony and ugly demons around B. Hussein and Muchelle feeding them, and voila the power source behind this regime would wink out.

The cartels and the illuminated one would not appreciate this.....well they can care less about Mr. Obama as he has served his purpose for them, but this same process could really short circuit the anti Christ......but we don't want to do that, as Jesus has things to work out there.

You know.......well maybe you do not know, the demon oracles in Europe where the anti Christ will come from and where Obama gave the Berliner speech which gave him his luck wave surge and stimulus, which seems only to appeal now to media types and homosexuals...........were asked what was up in they shut up after centuries, and the reply was in the Delphi sect that when Jesus was the Lord of those peoples converting, the demons retreated.

Sure America could just mass repent, do some mass public mourning before God in remorse, and put Jesus back into the White House, but Americans are too far gone for that in mass, and most have no idea of these things as they tool around with satan thinking themselves bright in playing Lady MacBeth.

The Newtonian method though would absolve all of this in dampening the demon something if everyone woke up moral tomorrow and shocked at being a bunch of sex perverts and foul mouthed dainties.

Battery pack would do this, use a coil to amplify to megavolt, charge the plate, collapse the field and the field then in current sucks the demonic dark flame inward as the energy flow is captured into a battery grid.

Yes that will to go as I just do not have enough time for all of this. Yes I thought about running time backwards to make time, but I have had it with the past, and would instead run it faster to the appointed time.

nuff said.

Oh I bet Ann Coulter would like that Paula Zahn or Paula is too skunk and cheese in the face, Debbie Norville is more like it, if she had not voted for Obama.

Talking about the gal in the photo above.

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