For the first time, I have some intrepedation, no not in concern about my safety or life, but because Barack Obama is such a programmed nit and because liberals are such savage sharks, that this straw man has no idea what a group of sharks he is operating with.
When you have James Carville calling liberals idiots, because they are manipulated easiest, and you have the Congressional Black Caucus taking on Barack Obama, you have the palace coup which this blog has been speaking of, and you have exactly as was predicted here, that when Barack Obama's times comes, it will be Democrats who take him out, and not the GOP.
So you understand this, when the CBC takes on Obama not for graft, but takes from Obama his black covering, Mr. Obama IS WHITE, and he is naked from all protection.
As Ulsterman has tracked this with Deep Tutu's information, the coup is engaging, but I have concerns about this, as liberals are thee most savage creatures on the planet and in a feeding frenzy they are like sharks in they will eat themselves along with their intended victim.
Barack Obama has a sheer veil of protection and that is it. This can be ripped through in a second if these bruisers decide to unleash and their salvos are just started and it his becomes sport, Barack Obama is not going to last.
The best friend Dr. Jerome Corsi will have in this is the same friend feeding Matt Drudge his insider headlines in the Obama coup conspiring. What do I mean?
Take a guess what will happen when the snide Letterman cocktail crowd starts questioning Obama on the forgeries to soften him up? Letterman as Dr. Corsi posted on, actually fired a shot across the bow with this a month ago in his Top 10. Letterman let the regime know what was coming if he did not start bowing correctly, and now there is a process started when Jerome Corsi's work is going to be championed by the Clintons and the uber liberals against the Obama NeoProgs.
This will be most entertaining if this gets unleashed, but if it gets progressed out too fast in a frenzy, Obama could gain sympathy, but at the same time Obama could be forced out of office.
Do you want Joe Biden as President?
Do you want Hillary as President?
Do you want John Boehner as President?
That is your choice and it would be a disaster in Biden, Hillary would be a maelstrom and Boehner would be Jerry Ford sluggish in the frenzy.
A liberal literally could in this environment win the nomination, instead of just crippling Obama, as that is how fast this could project out, as Obama only has gay cover. He is absolutely naked as the Clinton people want this a revenge lynching and so does Jesse Jackson. Obama has screwed more legacies over including the Kennedy's than anyone in history.
There is real danger in this, in Obama to save hisself will ignite a premature war in the Middle East, no not these Khadaffi oil theft wars, but with his pushing PLO statehood and all hell breaking loose in the United Nations, the cartels want a conflagration to erupt with WMD's for their position on the Temple Mount.
Mr. Obama would indeed value such a war as wiping out several million Jewish voters for Sarah Palin and hanging it on Muslims in a regional warfare all to distract from a liberal challenge to Mr. Obama..........you can start seeing that Obama might look like the beach boy treading water with sharks, but his Rothschild daddy has his own chum in the water and it is Jews.
All of these events are intertwined in how I exclusively informed all that when Jimmy Hoffa was threatening Americans, that was the unions being bought off from "other forces" to sabotage Mr. Obama. I will reveal part of the pay off in a few weeks in what I'm working on now, but this is a volatile situation in which Obama has promised the world to many and few to inherit it, and it is in his interests if numbers of voters turning against him are not around to vote.
"Come into my pool", said the shark to the fool,
And the fool said true, "My how are these waters are so blue".
Then shark said, "I prefer them colored red"
"Come into my pool", said the shark to the fool..........
agtG 283Y