This blog, well in this case myself, chief blogger of the staff, has decided unanimously to almost conclusively to embark maybe upon a venture sure to stimulate the economy in composing a much sought after pin up calendar.
Now I have weighed this heavily like a mouse sneeze without dust, and for the very long time of a few seconds as I have no idea what I'm going to post here, but of course it will be good and exclusive as always........and always worth wasting your time in reading.
This pin up calendar should be special, as well you know how special this blog is. I have considered the rarity of this in my actually interacting with the public which is something I do not do.........and my first judgment on this calendar was that it was to feature all the beautiful, stunning, lovely, sexy, blonde women who Barack Obama has written about he dated and bedded in high school and college.
I realize out of this harem that I would have to limit myself to 26 in a 13 month calendar out of the thousands he was engaged in intercourse with, but then the reality it me in, with Obama's plunging poll numbers, his being a race baiter in riots, and his not being popular in Islamic circles any longer, would all these thousands, no tens of thousands of women Obama has been with, actually desire now to say, "Obama slept here" or at least put on little red panties with that sign sowed onto their.............well nether area of Obama's exploration?
I know not, and if these women who could have hung signs about their condo's in "OBAMA SLEPT HERE", like George Washington was a marketable fame in actually sleeping at places and not fornicating, these past years of Obama infamy........and think of the Playboy spreads that Hugh Hefner would have in putting out bonus additions weekly for all these blondes........why the economy would have been breathed to life from Obama strangling it...........but none of these blondes came forward for fame and fortune in good times, so they certainly would not in bad times.
That makes one wonder in Lawrence Sinclair says that Obama is.........well average below the equator, so it is not like these blondes would be.....well embarrassed about that as the penis is designed to function at levels it was designed for.
So why are none of these hotties coming forward?
Was sex that bad with Obama? Mr. Sinclair reported that Obama liked to lay around naked a great deal...........no gerbils, swinging from the rafters, no blindfold bondage, with Muchelle showing up in leather with a nasty whip lashing the gay men..........so if sex with Obama was not kinky, was it just boring...........but why would that stop women from cashing in? One could always just quote a Penthouse letter or some Harlequin seething bosom thing and no one would know the difference.
Could Obama gave them all VD? You do know from the expert source in Playboy that the 1980 era of Obama growing adult plumage that, that little disease from Vietnam came to America in herpes..........you know the one where the Saigon whores all got cold sores on their hot spots from French kissing American style, and wango bango, here comes cold sores on the "what's it's".
Deal is though, baby sis even concludes, it is not like The View is going to make women drop their slacks for herpes scab examination to prove Obama slept there.
As this became so complicated in trying to find the Obama blonde harem, I decided that I would forgo an Obama bimbo calendar, as there is just nothing in this..........as well promoting a calendar of women with sexual diseases just does not seem like the sort of wholesome thing one should be associated with.
Therefore I had to get complicated and get some guidelines in place..........like no greasy women. You know what I mean how Muchelle is greasy glow looking from all that corn oil she eats in cherry pies, and how all the Obama followers all have that Chris Matthews glow of grease.
I just do not like that look, so no greasy Obats will be permitted.........and I apologize in I will not allow Chastity Bono to be allowed to compete when she returns to being a woman, as it would be unfair to women who never had penises made for them and had their penises attached to a man they order about the place.
Now I have nothing against women who were born when fire was invented, I just am not going to have a Nancy Pelosi in that macabre botox thing going on or that Bob Barker spooky face lift looking stuff. This is a calendar to enjoy and not one in which 9 11 will have to be phoned to rescue people choking on their own vomit.
......and no I will not allow any Kardashian things, those too much exposed women suffering from jungle fever with ass lard taking up fabric which could cloth naked people in Africa.
Not going to have any of that Muslim stuff either. If I wanted to a calendar of towel photos, I would just cut out pictures from the Sears bath section.
This seems to be in an idea to celebrate Obama sort of, is instead shaping up to be something of, if you are someone who had sex with Obama, voted for Obama, helped Obama steal the 2008 election, ever thought about kneeling with Obama on a prayer mat, that you probably should refrain from sending in photos, as baby sister is going to put you in the delete file, and there is not going to be any website featuring the "almost made it women".
Oh and I don't want reformed Obama voters, posing in places like the Honolulu back alley where Stan Ann almost had an abortion, or posing on a 707 where Stan Ann tried a high altitude abortion, or posing in the Indian Ocean where Stan Ann induced labor at Mombasa hoping a great white and not a dingo would eat her baby...........none of this Obama working out his lust for being aborted.
I don't' want any pictures of women straddling Gulf oil gushers, drowning women in Obama Missouri River waters, no sucking on Predator missiles, no rolling around in a trillion dollars of Obama looted money, no women getting beat on by union husbands, no exploding underwear shots, no Fort Hood massacre shots, no Ground Zero shots at the Muslim mosque, no toxic garden shots at 1600 Penn, no forged birth abstracts tattooed on your tummy.
I don't want any Dr. Strangelove photos of a Chimom ICBM fired off the California coast, no terror wildfires in California or Texas, no Gunrunner photos..........no straddling exploding devices or things which will singe your pubic hair.
As this is to honor beloved leader, I will though allow Gabrielle Giffords Glock guns in the photos, as it seems liberals really are focused on that gun........but no brain scrambled democrats as they might be good for Obama in Congress, but I must have people who are legally competent to pose for a calendar.
Maybe what needs to be done in this is just leave Obama out of it, as no women who have ever been around him want to be known for it, and the gay guys are either dead, are in hiding or locked away in the second floor big screen tower room with Obama.
Perhaps I should have just said, to qualify you must be an American with documents, and like the cartoon character above, as we all know sergeants in the military all wear mini skirts and carry Lame Cherry designer handbags............
Say now there is an idea, the Cherry touch, the LC Designer handbag, suitable for carrying firearms, lipstick and your photo identification to vote for Sarah Palin for President in 2012.
That must be the rough rider part of the title..............oh yes I like Indian brain smoked tanned leather too and mad bomber fur hats.........have to give extra credit for that.
That all sounds like an American calendar with nothing to do with Obama....that must be the or other part.