I was curious in why does Michelle Robinson look more like Barack Hussein Obama sr. than anyone on the planet?

........but then Stevie Wonder without the shades looks a great deal like Donald Young. Maybe that is why Barry has him around the White House so much............and Mama Muchelle too.

Good thing they look like Muchelle..........well until you start trading them for marriage cows, as if you don't have coffee to hoe, water jugs to tow and fire embers to blow, them big ole bones, big flat heads and big ole mouths just don't have much of a use in civilized society.........unless of course you are a gay male dating the guy in the White House.
ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION CHILDREN OR READING FAST LIKE YOU KNOW EVERYTHING AGAIN? Barack sr. had three assassination attempts before success was struck to hide what he knew, and, his children look nothing like him either. Donald Young who looks like Stevie Wonder had one successful assassination attempt to hide what he knew, but, do his children look like Stevie Wonder too?
But then maybe looking like the Supremes is the only way a wife can arouse her lesbian better half.

That just does not add up now does it, especially if one thinks of white bread Kansas, and all that racism these blacks all espouse was so bad in this American world.
I was looking at another Obama founding father in Paul Robeson, who made a big deal about his being a slave child or some such other Marxist thing.
In checking Uncle Paul, I found that his Mum was a hottie by the name of Maria Louisa Bustill of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, of the Pennsylvania Bustills, a very howdy doo black or well that tan Jack n Jill crowd, that Val-erie Jarrett prances around with.
Yes Mum was 25% Lenape Indian, 50% English and maybe 25% black. She was part of the established black bourgeoisie of the Quaker faith like Richard Nixon's Mum, and attended Lincoln University where she met her soon to be husband William Drew Robeson.
Will was the son of Benjamin Robeson of the Robeson Plantation and a really cool named black wench named Sabra.............you can call black chics wenches as that is what the Obama elite liked to call them back in the day.
So that makes William 50% white and 50% black, which would make the great communist benefactor of Obama and Uncle Frank, at around 60% white, 35% black and 15% Lenape Indian.
About like Obama being half white, 38% Arab and 12% black, depending on the golf sun tan he is showing for the Irish visiting that day.
Are there really any real black folks in this world? Honestly, it seems like the Rothschilds had some kind of zebra plantation in Africa which mirrored the Rockefeller breeder farms in America for the Obama mongrels.
There was bug collector Walter Rothschild who never had a legitimate child it was said, but had at least two mistresses who were white in England.........how many black ones did he breed in Africa like all the other power elite?

At two bob for a back straightening, how many of them blacks in Odinga land are really the power elite despots in waiting, sent out and cared for, groomed, and mysteriously popping up in American university to be educated?
We know from the Rothschilds there were breeder programs............heck old Mayer was self breeding his kids to family members, and set them out to breed with the European and American elite to get in the blood and the gold.
How is it that Barack Hussein Obama gets away with calling hisself a messiah any more than he gets away with calling hisself black. It is no different than these secular Ashkenaz backers of Mr. Obama being touted as Jews, when they are not in any Jewish religion in the least, and not even Judahite.
All of these leading Obama benefactors and mentors were all half white. I have no idea of the exact lineage of Uncle Frank as he has no parents, but in simply examining his photos, he is obviously a mulatto as most "black" people are in America.
It is the exact same thing in Mexico in these "Mexicans" are all lumped together, but it is only the light ones who get the money and end up in Parliament there ruling. The rest of the peons who are dark, just like in India, where the Dinesh D'Souza nigger as that is what he would be termed in India, would never be let near the power structure as only the light skinned Ghandi types get to rule.
So in this world breeding program where the Castro's get to rule by being light skinned, just what is really the case in the parentage and bloodlines of Barack Hussein Obama and his offspring?
Children who have absolutely no resemblance to their parents, and are miracle 10 month babies when daddy was away from ejaculation distance all exposes that someone is rooting about and these daddies are quite dandy with the European method of allowing the elite to mount your females as that caste system gets you a better deal in having a bastard elite about the house.
If this is what it looks like, one would hope that the "Obama daughters" never need a kidney or liver transplant as going to Obama might not be DNA viable..........but then again I did read that Donald Young did have a number of grieving family members over his murder.
Are you paying attention.
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