I mentioned I was conducting a series of genetic tests on various heirloom crops and this year my focus was upon corn and beans of 100 years ago.
In a long process, I obtained various ear corn varieties from Polar, Minnesota 13 to Brown County Yellow Dent, and my testing has revealed something which stunned me.
It mirrors what a plant presevationist in Iowa, named Glenn Drowns, often writes about in his experiences, as I have the typical Monsanto poison crops growing within distance of my el ranchero, and yesterday when I visited an isolation test plot, I found the birds, voles, rats, mice and whatever else had eaten the crop.
I had noted earlier in a Nueta plot, which is the corn the Mandan Indians grew and Lewis & Clarke took back to Thomas Jefferson. I barely could retrieve my seed as the animals went wild over this old corn too.
What is most interesting in this, is I'm surrounded by corn, beans and other crops, and the wildlife will not touch those Monsanto genetic crops, which have genes now to kill corn bores etc.... It explains why in feeding my chickens how they hate the cracked corn I offer them, and instead gravitate like children to candy to crops like oats.
I recall as a child feeding corn to our poultry and almost being run over by the chickens and ducks as they loved it.........that is not the case any longer in this horrid stuff which is American agriculture any longer.
This is distressing as I'm starting to wonder how on earth anyone could go into production with these heirlooms, as the wildlife will absolutely not leave this stuff alone. I have never seen ears stripped like this in little birds tearing at the husks and these cobs standing out. Yes raccoons will pull down ears, and the birds would get at them, but what I'm witnessing this year is a ravenous response.
It is distressing though on other fronts in seeing corn types contaminated as my Polar had blue kernels in it and there is just not any continuity in the Brown County either, in testing one has to count kernels planted, germination, measure height etc... and the seed maturity, and frankly this variety appears to be running from 85 day corn to almost 130 day corn which is really horrid for short season areas.
It is going to require my careful selection of several years just to bring this corn back to where it should be.
This though has happened to my test numerous times, as varieties grown in the fertile regions of America soon transform into long season varieties and all this seed saving is quite sloppy.
That should be an alert to the experts dumping these heirlooms into their global repositories, as the varieties being saved are not products which will grow successfully in all climates or the climates they are supposed to.
As an example, Obama went to Seed Savers in Iowa and they bit on Obama hard. Seed Savers in Iowa is in a fertile location. If one tracks these seeds in areas to Montana for example, the seeds are absolutely horrid in production. As I often find out in my extreme locality, it will take at least three years before I actually start getting a crop which will produce.
Last year I attempted a planting of Mandan Bride as a corn, and I harvested 1 ear out of 5 produced in 30 seeds planted.
3 ears rotted due to rain, as the ears did not tip down, one half rotted and the last ear produced one ear which was dry. This is what I planted and hopefully it is not eaten, as one can see trying to grow things for subsistance living, one is going to starve in these conditions.
We have a huge problem here people, and no one is writing about it, or apparently are testing crops to ascertain viability in normal conditions. I still am in the stunned category on that corn, as if I had not seen this I would not have believed it. 200 yards from that plot was 80 acres of Monsanto corn, and the animals will not touch it. You can walk by that field and it is void of wildlife. Not so in the case of my little wilderness as every creature breathing apparently is converging on this property and I'm feeling occupied.
When the animals will not eat the lettuce, the cereal grains, the fruits of the field production, and converge on test plots of old varieties, this modern food is no longer recognized as food by the wild population.
The problem is, this is what vegetarians and meat eaters are ingesting, but humans apparently can not "taste" the difference. I know my body will immediately react to things, even if I can not taste the difference, which all points out what good is an America full of food which is not food?
My corn grew wonderfully this year. It was in many cases 9 to 12 feet tall, and I picked an ear of Bantam Improved Sweet Corn this week which was 14 inches long and they are not supposed to grow to that extreme, but my world was wet this year. The problem is man can not live by bread alone and woman can not live on one ear of corn a year.
This is America's national emergency, and this blog sounds the alert exclusively as I actually conduct tests on things and gain data, instead of leaving it to someone else paid to skew data.
What must be done is America through the USDA, must immediately initiate programs of production of crop for humans, and then those Monsanto products for biofuels and feeding farm salmon.......although those fish certainly deserve better than poison. In this, people will have a healthy food supply, but it will entail the old non Round Up farming methods, meaning farmers will have to cultivate corn and this will be regional as there can not be GM cross contamination of crops.
I wondered why the waterfowl I used to observe only feeding in corn, refuse now to feed in it, and actually are in wheat. There are signs all through nature that the things growing in fields are not food any longer.
There must be a return in government policy for human food consumption in old varieties of wheat like Scout, and these old varieties of corn, which indeed do produce 75 to 100 bushels of yield, because America can not afford the medical costs of these toxic poisons being fed to them or their animals.
No one has ever addressed the issue of these genetic modifications as all cereal grains are grass based, what kind of crossing there is taking place to if other crops are becoming GM modified too.
My data though speaks for itself and the wildlife can not be wrong. My cupboard is bare and the poison the farmers are planting are full in their fields untouched.
When insects, birds and mammals are not touching a crop, there is evidence a problem of red flag danger is waving about.
We have a huge problem here people, and no one is writing about it, or apparently are testing crops to ascertain viability in normal conditions. I still am in the stunned category on that corn, as if I had not seen this I would not have believed it. 200 yards from that plot was 80 acres of Monsanto corn, and the animals will not touch it. You can walk by that field and it is void of wildlife. Not so in the case of my little wilderness as every creature breathing apparently is converging on this property and I'm feeling occupied.
This is not working America and the food supply is broken. This is a national emergency and it is as large of threat as terrorism. It will cost nothing to fix, but simply requires sound leadership to grid the agriculture system to produce human food crops as it should.
Let Brazil grow poisons for the cheap Chinese markets. Let America grow a healthy food supply for human consumption at an affordable cost.
There is not going to be enough said in this as America's future depends on this being solved immediately.
Put it this way, what happens as in pharmeceuticals when babies start coming out with birth defects and it traces back to Monsanto corn?
There is a reason all those boys are girls now in the soy products force fed them as infants. People are what they eat, and this genetic poisoning of Americans must stop.
This is a food issue and all have a stake in that food supply being food that even a rat would eat and not run from.